
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

litrpgfanfic · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
308 Chs


Haruto stood across from Takeshi Hyuga, the sun casting long shadows across the arena as the two stared each other down. Takeshi's pale eyes, glowing with the power of the Byakugan, scanned Haruto for any sign of weakness. To him, this match seemed simple: get in close, use Gentle Fist, and shut down Haruto's chakra network.

On the other side, Haruto's posture was relaxed, arms hanging loosely at his sides. Hyuga, he thought, stifling a yawn. Same strategy every time. They always rely too much on their eyes.

Takeshi wasn't wasting any time. The instant the referee signaled the start of the match, Takeshi rushed forward, confident in his speed and technique. His steps were calculated, his Byakugan picking up every detail, ready to exploit any opening.

Haruto, however, was already in motion. Just as Takeshi closed in, Haruto reached into his pouch and flicked a small, rectangular tag between them. A directional explosive tag, specifically aimed at Takeshi's path. As the Hyuga closed in, the tag detonated with a loud boom, the shockwave pushing both fighters apart.

Takeshi staggered back, momentarily stunned. An explosion? That close? He hadn't expected Haruto to set off an explosion right in front of them both. His Byakugan had picked up the movement, but the force of the blast had still caught him off guard.

Haruto, meanwhile, rolled backward to his feet, unharmed by the controlled blast. He smirked slightly, knowing the directional nature of his tags kept him safe while throwing his opponent off balance.

Takeshi recovered quickly and charged again, this time more wary of Haruto's tricks. But once more, Haruto tossed another directional explosive tag, and with another boom, Takeshi was forced to leap back, barely avoiding the brunt of the explosion.

He's spamming these things! Takeshi thought, frustration creeping into his mind as the next tag landed dangerously close, forcing him to dodge. Each explosion rang out in quick succession, sending shockwaves through the ground and air, battering Takeshi's senses. It was clear now that Haruto had no intention of letting him get close.

Another tag exploded just to his left, and Takeshi gritted his teeth. He could feel the bruises starting to form from the repeated shockwaves. His breathing became ragged as he dodged again, the constant barrage leaving him no room to counterattack.

What kind of strategy is this?! He's just throwing them everywhere! Takeshi thought, his mind racing to find an opening. But every time he thought he saw one, Haruto would flick another tag, the explosion forcing him to retreat again. Wait… these tags… they only explode in one direction. They blow up my way! The realization hit Takeshi like a ton of bricks.

Haruto continued to close the distance, never giving Takeshi time to regroup. The Hyuga boy was quick, managing to avoid the explosions by sheer instinct and speed, but the pressure was building. Every time Takeshi tried to push forward, another explosion forced him back. He couldn't find a single moment to get within range for his Gentle Fist techniques.

The audience watched with growing excitement, their eyes locked on the chaotic display of explosions and quick footwork. A few shinobi in the crowd, particularly those skilled in ranged combat or genjutsu, leaned forward with interest, ways to keep a taijutsu specialist off them. Taijutsu specialists were thinking of ways to incorporate it into their styles. Genma Shiranui, watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but think how useful these directional tags would be in his own fights.

Takeshi's frustration boiled over as he leaped back from yet another explosion. His body was bruised, battered, and bloodied, and yet Haruto showed no signs of slowing down. In fact, he was barely even exerting himself. He's toying with me… Takeshi thought bitterly.

Haruto's expression was unreadable as he flicked another tag toward Takeshi. This is almost too easy.

But Takeshi wasn't done yet. He leaped forward again, this time faster than before, determined to close the gap. But just as he lunged, Haruto threw another tag, and with a well-timed jump, Takeshi found himself caught in the edge of the blast. He was thrown backward, landing hard against the ground. Blood trickled down his forehead, and his breathing was heavy, ragged.

POV: Takeshi

How do I get in? How do I even land a single blow? Takeshi's mind raced. He was at a complete loss. Every step, every movement was countered by another explosion. If I don't find an opening, he'll beat me without even trying.

Takeshi wiped the blood from his brow, his vision blurring slightly as he pushed himself back to his feet. He's using those tags to control my movement, to keep me off balance. But… if I can anticipate the next one…

Takeshi's Byakugan flared, the veins around his eyes pulsing as he focused on Haruto's chakra. He saw the next tag before Haruto even threw it. There!

But before Takeshi could close the gap, Haruto flicked another tag, and this time, Takeshi wasn't fast enough. The tag exploded right at his feet, and the shockwave sent him tumbling backward, crashing to the ground in a cloud of dust.

Bloodied and disoriented, Takeshi tried to push himself back up, but his limbs felt heavy. His vision swam as he struggled to stay conscious. Damn it… how does he keep doing this…?

POV: Haruto

Haruto watched as Takeshi struggled to rise, his movements sluggish and clumsy. He's done, Haruto thought. Time to end it.

In one fluid motion, Haruto formed a quick series of hand seals. Lightning crackled in his palms as he summoned his signature Lightning Ball Jutsu. Takeshi barely had time to react before the ball of electricity struck him square in the chest, sending him crashing to the ground once more, the electricity surging through his body.

Takeshi's body twitched as he lay on the ground, defeated and drained. Haruto calmly walked over to him, kunai in hand, and pressed the blade lightly against Takeshi's throat.

"Yield," Haruto said quietly, his voice carrying no malice, only certainty.

Takeshi's breathing was shallow, his eyes flickering as he tried to focus. Slowly, reluctantly, he let his head fall back in submission.

"Winner—Haruto of the Hidden Leaf!" the referee's voice rang out, and the crowd erupted in cheers.

POV: Hyuga Clan Head

Up in the stands, the Hyuga Clan Head's face twisted in anger, his eyes locked on Haruto. This is an embarrassment, he thought. A Hyuga, reduced to this—defeated by some boy playing with explosives?

He stormed toward the Hokage's booth, his frustration boiling over. "Lord Hokage, this cannot stand. That boy's tactics are a disgrace to the honor of this exam. The Hyuga do not fall to such—tricks."

The Hokage, ever calm, turned to the Hyuga Clan Head with a neutral expression. "I understand your concern, but Haruto's tactics were far from dishonorable. What he displayed was a skilled use of fuinjutsu, a creation I've never seen before, it is my understsndi f he is quite skilled."

The Hyuga Head's mouth opened, but the Hokage raised a hand. "In fact, I find Haruto's innovation quite valuable. His use of these directional explosive tags shows a level of strategic thinking that should be encouraged."

The Hyuga Clan Head bit his tongue, his frustration barely contained, but there was nothing more he could say.

POV: Haruto

Haruto, meanwhile, barely heard the cheers as he left the arena. This fight was over the moment I threw the first tag. With a smirk, he pocketed the remaining tags, already thinking ahead to his next challenge and the Ryo he was about to make.