
9. The announcement

Anne looked at Johnny in amazement as she watched him managed to talk to a random frog. She could tell he seemed nervous, but still managed to talk comfortably. She also recalled adjusting much faster than he is and a part of her can't help, but wonder why she did. Especially, with all the hostility from the town at first.

"Come on Annie. Don't space out again," Johnny told her before sighing in frustration.

Anne blinked before giving him an apologetic look, "Sorry. Something on my mind," Anne then gave him a questioning look, "Wait, Annie?"

"What? You don't want me to call you that?"

Anne shook her head, "No, it's just surprising."

"Yeah, guess I am more comfortable here, but I still have quite a bit to go."

"So, you trust me now?" Anne questioned.

"Do you trust me?"

Anne pouted, "Hey! Don't turn the question back on me."

Johnny gave her a smirk, annoying Anne to the point of wanting to wipe it off his face, "Like I said trust is a two way street."

Before Anne could respond, Hop Pop appeared with Sprig and Polly following him.

"Have you kids made some sales?"

"Yes, Pops we had a few."

"Has Anne blanked out again?" Hop Pop asked concerned.

Anne was a little irritated, but Hop Pop's concerned tone of voiced managed to convince her not to say anything.

"No, Pops," Johnny answered before giving Anne a smirk, causing her to give him a questioning look, "But we should get a bucket of water just in case."

Anne gave him a glare, causing the boy to chuckle. Hop Pop sighed and shook his head before muttering to himself. Polly managed to hold back a laugh, while Sprig give Anne a concerned look.

"Are you ok Anne? I can get the bucket if you need it," Sprig told her.

"Relax boy she will be fine," Hop Pop told him with a sigh.

Anne gave Sprig a smile, that managed to assure him that she was fine, before turning towards Johnny, "Did you really have to say that?"

"Sorry. I was just making a joke."

Anne scoffed and said nothing in response.

A few hours later Johnny and Anne finished selling the produce and were about to help the others pack up, when Wally appeared.

"Hey kid."

"Wally. What's up?" Johnny asked with a small smile.

"I was wondering if we could spend some time together, but I see you are busy."

"Yeah," Johnny answered before rubbing the back of his head, "Maybe later."

Wally nodded before leaving. Johnny watched him leave with a smile for a few moments before turning to find Anne giving him a strange look.

"What's wrong with you?"

"So, you are going to spend time with him?" Anne asked.

"Yeah. What's the big deal?" Johnny asked with a small frown, "It will help me get used to this world."

"Nothing. Just surprised is all."

Johnny simply mumbled in disbelief before smirking, "No need to be jealous."

"I am not jealous. Why would I be?"

"No worries Anne I enjoyed our time together. Even the more embarrassing ones," Johnny assured her.

Anne only blushed in embarrassment before nodding.

"What are you two talking about?" Sprig asked.

Anne nervously rubbed the back of her head, "You... Uh... Sprig we just..."

Hop Pop chuckled, "Are you referring to the two of you sleeping together on the couch."

Anne started to spluttered uncontrollably as all 3 plantars gave her and Johnny amused looks. Johnny chuckled in embarrassment while rubbing the back of his head.

"You spotted us Pops?"

"Yeah," Hop Pop nodded, "It was strange considering the two of you made a big deal out of sharing rooms."

"It was just a one time thing."

"I don't really care what it is. You humans are too confusing sometimes."

Later that night Johnny and Anne were watching shows on Johnny's phone. Anne to her surprise found she was enjoying the old shows he had downloaded.

"Well, Anne ready to admit the old shows are better than the new?" Johnny teased.

Anne stuck her tongue out at him, "They are better than I thought they would be, but they aren't better."

"Yeah, keep lying to yourself."

"Why are you being so annoying today?" Anne asked him.

"It's fun."

Anne groaned, "It's like you woke up and decided to just annoy the heck out of me."

Johnny chuckled, "Trust me I had other things on my mind this morning."

"What are you..."

"When you wake up with a cute girl hugging you like a stuffed animal, it's all you think about," Johnny answered.

"Cute?" Anne asked blushing in embarrassment, "Yeah I guess it would."

"What's with you?"

"Nothing. Well, I think I am going to bed," Anne blurted out before rushing off.

Johnny watched her leave, confused before shrugging it off.

"That was weird. Well, at least we won't repeat the mistake of sleeping together," Johnny mumbled to himself.

The next day the kids were ready to leave the house, when they heard a knock on the door. Anne opened it and frowned when she saw it was mayor Toadstool.

"Greetings Anne. It's an honor to meet with the town's heroine," Toadstool greeted giving the girl the most charming smile he could.

"What do you want?" Anne asked.

"I have a special announcement to make. May I come in?"

Before Anne could answer Hop Pop appeared, "Who's at the door?"

"It's Toadstool," Anne answered before getting out of the way.

Hop Pop walked up to Toadstool and gave him an annoyed look, "What do you want. It better not be about everything I caused after running against you."

"Of course not. It involves Anne and her saving us all," Toadstool answered.

"What could you possibly want with her?" Johnny asked, "Besides taking advantage of her like a selfish politician, trying to win support."

Toadstool faked a small smile, despite getting angry from Johnny's comment, "Ah. The new human. Nice to see Hop Pop has taken you in. You don't know much about me, so you shouldn't make statements like that."

Johnny scoffed, "I know enough from what Anne has told me. I may be 13, but in my world there are politicians like you everywhere. Making false promises and never keeping them. Working the system to your own advantage."

Toadstool decided to ignore the teen and instead focus on why he was here.

"Look. I just have an announcement to make and I will be on my way." Toadstool told them.

"What is it?" Hop Pop asked harshly, "I swear if you are trying to take advantage of Anne, I will... Well, I shouldn't say in front of the children."

Toadstool sighed, "I have decided to throw a party here in town to celebrate Anne for her actions and the town agrees. It will be in one week. Plenty of time for you to get ready."

Anne gave Toadstool a small smile, "A party huh? I guess it's not too bad if everyone else is ok with it."

Hop Pop gave Toadstool a glare, "There better not be an ulterior motive to this. If anything happens to Anne..."

"Relax. Nothing bad is going to happen to her. I promise you." Toadstool told him before leaving.

"That was interesting," Sprig commented.

Hop Pop sighed, "Why do I fear there is more to this,"

"You aren't alone Pops. This is too suspicious to be completely innocent."

"What do you think Anne?" Sprig asked.

"If the town is ok with it. it shouldn't be too bad. Besides, I am sure we can handle whatever Toadstool is planning."

"Either way we have a week to prepare," Hop Pop said with a sigh.

It's good to be back. I had issues getting ideas to flow and figuring out where to take the plot and decided to take an extended break to relax a bit. My hope now things will be easier to develop. I kinda want Johnny to meet Sasha as soon as possible, but I also want to pace myself.