
8. Johnny annoys the girls

Anne was looking through her backpack, double checking for items to try and help keep her hair clean. Unfortunately, she didn't have any shampoo or conditioner and the only things she could find are nail polish and scrunches. Anne sighed before pondering why she had a sudden interest to tidy herself up a bit more than usual. A part of her had to admit Johnny hit the nail on the head, but another side was in denial about it. Anne placed her nail polish and scrunches back into the backpack and decided to go back upstairs.


Anne turned and saw Polly rushing towards her, without her bow. Before she could ask what happened to it Polly spoke again.

"I was talking with Johnny and guess what happened?"

"What? He took your bow from you?" Anne asked.

Polly gave her a confused look, "No, I asked him to try and sneak something from me, but he chickened out."

Anne held back a chuckle, "Polly, your bow is missing."

Polly touched the top of her head and gasped in shocked, "What? What happened?"

"I think he did take something from you," Anne said with a chuckle.

"I will be right back," Polly responded annoyed.

Sasha was for the first time in a while, interested in working with Grime, as he had told her about another human appearing in Wartwood. The idea of another human appearing here is actually welcome. The more help they have the better the chances they will be able to find a way home. Grime plans to be more sneaky, in trying to recruit him and Sasha had to admit it was he has a clever plan. Plan carefully and make their move when their enemies least expect it. if she was still willing to work with him, she would be much more excited.

Johnny chuckled as he watched Polly tried to give him a piece of her mind. He never understood girls sometimes. She challenged him to try and sneak something from her and when he did, she gets annoyed with him. Be careful what you wish for.

"Are you even listening to me?" Polly asked.

"Why should I? It's all the same really. Nag nag bow. Nag nag rude," Johnny answered with a chuckle before walking away.

Polly groaned in anger before following him, "We aren't done! Come back."

Johnny shook his head, "No, we are."

"What's going on here?" Anne asked entering the living room.

"Oh nothing. Just having some fun," Johnny answered while shrugging his shoulders.

"I was giving him a piece of my mind, but he doesn't care about that," Polly snapped.

"Why should I when you told me to take something from you," Johnny simply said.

Polly only groaned in anger before leaving the humans alone.

"Did you really have to piss her off?" Anne asked.

"Hey, she asked for it. Be careful what you wish for," Johnny answered with a chuckle, "Why? Are you jealous?"

Anne scoffed, "Jealous? Why would I be jealous?"

Johnny gave her a light pat on the head, "No worries. I will annoy you too,"

Anne groaned, "You already are."

Before Johnny could respond and annoy the female some more, Hop Pop appeared.

"Get ready kids. we are going to be handling the stand today."

Mayor Toadstool grinned as he read Grime's latest letter.


You have managed to make yourself useful once again. The news of another human is shocking, but could be helpful for the Toads. Let's just hope this one will be more willing to Join me than Anne. Now is your chance to help redeem yourself by helping me get the new human. Here is what I need...

Before Toadstool could finish reading the letter he was interrupted by Toadie.

"Sorry to interrupt you sir, but your first guest is here."

Toadstool sighed before putting the letter away to finish reading later. The downside of being in charge is being interrupted with meetings of many important figures. He usually never have any time for himself.

"Send them in Toadie."

It's moments like this that makes him wonder if being in charge was worth it. The townspeople make their scorn known towards him for his actions. Despite what they think he does work hard to make this town function. Sure, he takes advantage of his position at times, but most will do the same thing in his shoes. Toadstool sighed before deciding to focus on his meeting.

Johnny and Anne were standing next to each other in front of the Plantar stand. Johnny kept tapping his foot on the ground, trying to keep himself from getting too bored. He usually finds it difficult to stick around in one place for long, without something to constantly keep his attention.

"What's wrong with you?" Anne asked him.

"It's a pain to stay in one place without something to keep me busy," Johnny answered.

"Well, there should be customers soon," Anne answered, "Just try to put up with it until then."

Johnny smirked before patting her on the head, "Yeah, I can just keep annoying you until customers show up."

Anne groaned, "You are more annoying today than usual."

"And you are fun to mess with," Johnny responded before moving his hand towards her.

Anne gently smacked it away, "Knock it off."

Johnny chuckled and before he could continue, Hop Pop appeared with crops.

"Alright kids ready for a busy day of selling crops?"

"Hey Pops. Speaking of selling, what's your gimmick?"

"Gimmick?" Hop Pop asked confused.

"Yeah, how do you usually sell them? Do you use Anne's cuteness to sell them?" Johnny asked pointing at the stunned girl, "Do you beg and act desperate?"

Hop Pop shook his head, "No, we don't do any of that. We are just honest and tell them exactly what we are selling."

Johnny smiled, "So, you have integrity? Good to know."

"Is that a rare thing from your world?" Hop Pop asked.

Johnny placed a hand under his chin, "I am hesitant to say most don't, as there are still plenty that do, but there are still many that don't."

Hop Pop simply nodded. Anne wasn't playing attention to the conversation between the old frog and the human teenager, as she was still stunned that Johnny thought she was cute. Sasha and Marcy both were the ones that attracted boys in their little group and boy did they have many. Anne was annoyed that they would send her to break up for them. If you are going to break up with someone the least you can do is to do it yourself, but she did it anyway because that is what friends are for. She was also admittedly jealous that the two were able to attracted so many boys, when she haven't attracted one. Then again knowing Sasha, she would have most likely gotten between her and him and cause complications. Anyway, back to the point. Being casually called attractive by a member of the opposite gender wasn't something that happened to her before and she was still stunned by it.

"Anne? Are you ok?" Hop Pop asked.

Anne shook her head as she noticed Hop Pop and Johnny giving her concerned looks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just have a few things on my mind," Anne answered sheepishly.

"Well, try and stay focused for the customers."

"No worries Pops. I will be here in case she doesn't," Johnny assured the frog.

Hop Pop nodded, "I better go help Sprig get the rest of the produce. Remember just be honest and Johnny stop calling me Pops."

Johnny turned towards Anne, "So, what was on your mind?"

"Nothing you should be concern about," Anne answered.

"Yeah, you possibly spacing out when we should be selling crops isn't my concern," Johnny responded sarcastically, "I also shouldn't be concerned about a friend. How dare I."

Anne sighed, "Let's just focus on selling."

"As long as I am not doing it on my own."

"Well, it will help you get used to talking to other animals," Anne answered with a smirk.

"Yeah, and a bucket of water will help you when you space out again." Johnny told her.

Anne gave him and dirty look and decided to ignore him. Johnny was getting on her nerves. His antics are so annoying and yet so alluring as well. Whenever she is around him, she usually have many feelings swirling around her head. Anne sighed before deciding to focus on selling the produce. There will be time to try and figure things out later.

Toadstool pulled out the letter and opened it.

...you to do. Have the town throw a big celebration party for her actions at Toad tower and when they least expect it we capture him and convert him. With him on my side we will eliminate the rebellion and the toads will remain in power, as they should be. Don't screw this up, or you know what!


Toadstool nervously rubbed his hands before sighing. The plan sounds simple and easy enough, but in his experience things always seem to screw up his goals. Hopefully, things will work out for this time.

Sorry for the wait. It was a bit difficult to get everything written down. I am also working on a fic for Ok Ko so that also has my attention. No worries I will things out. It may take a while, but I will get updates out as best as I can. Hope you enjoyed this.