
16. camping trip with Wally

Johnny followed Wally back to his house.

"Just have to get my bags and we can get going," Wally told the teen.

Both human and frog entered the house and Johnny looked around.

"Nice place you have here."

Wally grabbed a couple canvas bags and gave the teen a questioning look, "You really think so? It's not much."

"You don't need something big or fancy," The teen responded, "As long as it's comfy it's fine."

Wally chuckled, "Couldn't agree more kid. Figured you wouldn't think much of it."

"You shouldn't assume things.

Johnny and Wally entered the wild, while carrying a canvas bag.

"So, what do you usually do on these trips?"

"You mean apart from hunting down legendary creatures?" Wally asked, "I usually just relax and play my accordion, or maybe fish."

"Sounds fun. I mean I am not really into fishing myself, but to each their own."

Wally chuckled, "Perhaps, this trip will change that. Now, why don't we find a perfect spot to set up camp?"

Johnny nodded before following Wally.

"So, about you and Anne?"

"What about her?" Johnny asked.

"Are you two an item?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Wally gave him a confused look, causing the teen to sigh.

"I mean we are taking it kind of slow, to make sure we are... How should I say it? Suited for one another."

"You know what I think kid?"


Wally smiled, "You should stop hesitating and just go all in."

"Are you sure? What if things don't work out and we ruin our friendship."

"I doubt that would happen."

"What makes you think so?"

"Just the fact she freaked out when you were leaving?" Wally answered.

Anne was sitting on her bed, staring at Johnny's shoe. She didn't notice Sprig enter the basement, giving her a concerned look.


"Yes, Sprig?" Anne asked.

"Are you ok?

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well," Sprig began awkwardly, "It's just that since Johnny left, you have been here staring at his... What's the word? Shoe?"

"So? What's wrong with that?" Anne asked bitterly.

"Nothing," Sprig answered sheepishly, "Well, you needed another shoe."

Anne blinked, "Yeah, I did," Anne awkwardly put Johnny's shoe on, "It's a little big, but it should be fine."

Johnny and Wally finished setting up Wally's small tent.

"Sorry if it's too small," Wally apologized, "It was all I could afford."

Johnny opened the tent and looked inside, "No worries. There seems to be enough space."


"Yeah, we are going to be packed like sardines," Johnny answered, "But we should fit."

"Good. I would have offered to sleep outside."

"I have been thinking about what you told me earlier," Johnny said sheepishly.

"Oh? You mean about you and Anne?"

"Yeah, are you really sure we should go for it?"

"Do you care about her kid?"

"Yeah, of course I do."

"There's your answer."

Johnny grunted and nodded.

"Now, how about we start hiking and maybe we will encounter something," Wally suggested.

Johnny smiled before pulling out his axe from his backpack, "Oh I'm ready."

Johnny and Wally were walking through the woods.

"So, how do these hunts go?"

"I usually just walk around and hope for the best," Wally answered, "If I don't encounter something, I just have fun doing other activities."

"So you take it too seriously?" Johnny asked, "I can respect that."

Before Wally could respond a blue butterfly appeared, causing the one-eyed frog to gasp. Johnny watched the butterfly fly around for a few seconds with a raised eyebrow.

"I have never seen butterflies like this."

"Kid looks like we are in luck today,"

"What do you mean?"

Before Wally could answered Johnny saw a strange humanoid creature that appeared to be covered in moss.

"What's that?"

"Anne didn't tell you?"

Johnny shook his head, "About this? No."

"I guess she was afraid you wouldn't believe her,"

"That's completely not true. After getting sent to another world, I am more willing to believe that. Especially, since this world has creatures I haven't seen before a couple weeks ago." Johnny responded with a small frown.

"Are you ok kid?"

"Yeah, I am just a little hurt she didn't think I would believe her"

Johnny noticed the creature was gone without a trace.

"So what happened?"

"It's quite a story."

Anne nearly tripped as she entered the living room and took a seat on the couch.

"Geez, Anne try to be careful," Hop Pop scolded.

"Sorry H.P. Johnny's shoe is just too big for me."

"Why do you have his shoe?"

"He gave it to me so I will have something to remind myself, that he is real," Anne answered like it was the simplest thing in the world.

Hop Pop chuckled with a smug smile, "So, I was right."

"About what?"

"You really are clingy."

Anne narrowed her eyes, "I am not clingy. He is the only one of my kind I can interact with."

"I understand that, but you are still clingy."

"Am not!"

Johnny and Wally were sitting on a log in front of a camp fire they started. Wally was playing a catchy tune on his according.

"So, to this day the only ones that know the moss man exists are you, Anne, and I?"

"Yes, like I said Anne wanted proof, but she ultimately gave it up to save me."

"Do you think we will run into it again?"

"We could? Why do you ask?"

"I want to get proof so everyone will know she was telling the truth."

Wally smiled, "That's nice of you."

"I know there is no guarantees, but I would like to try anyway."

"Would you like to start hunting it down now, kid?"

"Yeah, if it isn't too much trouble."

"Not at all. In fact I am glad to have run into it again earlier," Wally responded before putting out the campfire.

Johnny touched his phone, as he and Wally walked through the wild, trying to find signs of the moss man.

"You and Anne have managed to find them a few times, right?"

"Yeah, usually when we least expect it?"

"Don't you have any ideas, where we might be able to find them?"

Wally pondered for a few seconds, "The only thing is getting high up."

"Mountain climbing?" Johnny asked with a small smile, "That might be exciting."

Johnny and Wally stumbled upon a decent size cliff.

"This might be a good place to look," Wally told the teen.

Johnny simply nodded before he and Wally started climbing up. After a while they reached the top and was greeted to the sight of a beautiful meadow.

"This looks amazing," The human teen said before taking his phone and taking a picture.

"No sign of the moss man though."

The human teen sighed, "Oh well. We still have the rest of the day," The teen managed to smile, "Might as well enjoy the sight."

"We got lucky once. Maybe it will happen again."

Johnny simply nodded, "Come on. Let's take one last picture here together."

Anne was sitting on her bed with an irritated look on her face. Sprig entered the basement and gave her a concerned look.

"Is something wrong Anne?"

"Hop Pop thinks I am clingy," Anne explained bitterly, "He thinks I can't stay away from Johnny for long."

"Well, Polly told me she saw you were..."

"Were what?" Anne asked bitterly, but was actually freaking out on the inside.

If Polly saw her reaction to Johnny going on his camping trip, than it's all over for her.

"That you had quite a reaction to him leaving with Wally."

Anne sighed before covering her face with her hands. Sprig walked up to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Can you blame me?" Anne asked, "I mean for 3 months I thought I was the only human in this world. When I learned my friends were here and was reunited with Sasha, it was a dream come true!"

Sprig simply grunted in agreement before giving her a comforting back rub.

"Then the dream turned into a complete nightmare, as I ended up having the fight her for the lives of Hop Pop and everyone else. I was once again the sole human in town until he showed up. Once again it was a dream come true."

"I know Anne," Sprig simply said.

"Despite all the times he has annoyed me, I am glad to have met him. He is helping me through this dark time in my life."

"Don't you think you should take things to the next level?" Sprig asked trying to find the right words.

"What do you mean?"

"You know speed things up a bit."

"I don't know. I guess I could talk with him about it."

"Well, I think if you do, you won't take it so hard when he leaves temporary."

"I doubt that Sprig, but ok," Anne responded with a chuckled before taking off Johnny's shoe, "Well for now I have this?" Anne sniffed the shoe before cringing a bit, "That was gross, but it's his scent."

Sprig was weirded out by the smile on Anne's face after she sniffed his shoe. He shook his head as he watched Anne hug the shoe.

"This is worse than I thought. I don't envy Johnny for having to deal with this." Sprig mumbled.

"Did you say something Sprig?"

"Just that Johnny is lucky to have you."

"Dang right he is!"

It was sunset and Johnny and Wally were relaxing in front of the campfire.

"Kid sorry about not finding the moss man."

"No need to apologize. I knew it was a slim chance," The teen responded with a smile, "Besides, I am glad to have seen it once. I am sure telling Anne I saw it too will be enough."

Wally nodded with a smile, "A nice way to look at it. There is still plenty of time to kill. Want to go fishing?"

"To be honest I have never liked fishing that much. It's too slow for me, but I guess I can tolerate it."

Out by the lake Wally handed Johnny his fishing rod. The teen attached the bait and managed to expertly toss the hook into the lake.

"Nice you are a natural."

"The only issue I have is being patient long enough to catch anything."

"Well, you have some company."

"I guess so."

Suddenly, Johnny felt something pulling on the hook. The teen smiled and began to reel in the rod.

"Glad it didn't take too long," The teen mumbled before a medium size fish with large teeth appeared.

"Sorry kid, but you got a dangerous 1."

"Reach into my backpack and get me my axe."

"Kid are you…"

"Just get it. This could make fishing more fun for me."

Wally reached into the backpack and handed Johnny the axe. Johnny continued to fight against the fish trying to escape before it let go of the hook.

"Oh no you don't," The teen mumbled before rushing into the water.

Wally picked up the fishing rod and inspected it for damage and upon finding none, watched Johnny fight the fish with his axe. Johnny panted as he delivered a killing blow to the fish, before leaving the water, revealing a huge tear in his shirt.

"Thanks Wally!" The teen exclaimed, "I now see how awesome fishing is."

"That's great kid. Just try not to get yourself into too much danger."

The teen chuckled before taking out his phone, from his backpack.

"Here just press the red button to take a picture of me with the fish."


"I have a feeling Anne is really going to like this picture."

Before Wally could respond, blue butterflies appeared. Johnny and Wally looked at each other before smiling and nodding. Looks like they have lucked out twice today.

Anne lied on top of her bed, while watching something on her phone. Next to her was Johnny's shoe.

"This isn't so bad," Anne mumbled, "I can last 1 night without him. Especially when I have this."

Anne gently hugged the shoe. Unknown to Anne she was being watched by the Plantars.

"Told you she has gone crazy," Polly told the group.

"Calm down it's probably some human thing."

"I don't know Hop Pop even at her weirdest, she has never been like that before."

"I guess we should just wait for Johnny to come back." Hop Pop decided before staring at Anne, concerned.

Johnny smiled as he recorded him and Wally stumbling upon the moss man. He even turned the camera towards him, as proof that it wasn't one of his shows. Johnny ended the video when the moss man disappeared.

"Well kid looks like we lucked out."

"Cheers Wally."

"Normally, these camping trips don't accomplish much, but I still have fun. It's nice to actually find a rare creature and it's even better to get proof."

"I can't wait to see the looks on everyone's face."

Later that night Johnny was a little cramped in the tent, but managed to get cozy enough. Wally was already asleep and the teen decided to read a few stories he downloaded, until he got tired. Johnny looked around and a part of him was waiting for Anne to show up and keep him up later than normal. He shrugged that off, as he remembered that won't happen tonight. Johnny sighed as he realized he misses that, but he should last 1 night without it.

Back at the farm Hop Pop quietly entered the basement, to check on Anne. He sighed in relief when he saw Anne sleeping peacefully, but it turned to confusion, when he noticed her hugging Johnny's shoe like a stuff animal.

"Dang, she has it bad," Hop Pop mumbled before quietly leaving the basement.

The next day Johnny and Wally entered the farm.

"Thanks again for the trip Wally."

"The pleasure is mine kid." Wally responded with a smile, "You will show the proof around town, right?"

"Of course. I want to show Anne and the rest first."

Wally nodded before leaving with a smile. Johnny smiled as he watched the frog leave, before knocking on the door. After a few seconds Hop Pop answered and smiled when he saw the teen.

"Thank god you are back."

Johnny chuckled, "Pops, I figured you would enjoy some time away from me annoying you."

"Oh I have. It's just that Anne has been acting a little crazy since you left."

Johnny nodded, "Yeah, leave it to me."

Johnny entered the basement and noticed his shoe sitting on Anne's bed. Curious, he walked up to it and put it back on.

"Hey! No touching his shoe."

"I am not allowed to touch my own shoe," Johnny teased, looking at a stunned Anne with a smirk, "Fine. I will just use yours."

After a few seconds Anne rushed at Johnny, tackling him onto the bed in a hug.

"You're back," Anne cried, "I took good care of it for you."

"I can see that. Thank you," The teen responded patting her on the back, "Come on. I have a couple things to tell and show you."

"Do I have to let go of you?" Anne asked frowning.

Johnny shook his head, "No, and you better not,"

Johnny and Anne got up from the bed, with her still holding onto him, "Come on. For 1 of them, the others needs to see it too."

"What is it?"

"I rather not ruin the surprise. Just know you will like both of them."

Johnny and Anne entered the living room and saw the other Plantars sitting on the couch.

"Johnny you are back?" Sprig asked.

"Yes, little buddy and I have something to show to all of you."

"I am just glad you are here," Polly responded, "Anne has been acting unusual."

Anne's eye twitched, but Johnny managed to calm her down.

"So, what did you do?" Hop Pop asked, "Just wasted time walking around the wild."

"Yep," Johnny began stunning the frog, "We managed to find something unbelievable."

"What? Something that isn't a waste of time."

"No, Pops. You are terrible at these," Johnny answered with a smirk, "We found the legendary moss man."

Johnny heard Anne gasped before the Plantars started laughing.

"Not you too Johnny. There is no such thing," Hop Pop managed to say between laughs.

Johnny simply took out his phone and played the video. The Plantars' eyes widened before it turned to looks of disbelief.

"How do we know it isn't 1 of your shows?" Hop Pop asked.

Johnny simply smirked and after a few moments, the Plantars got their answer.

"Oh and if you think this is just 1 of my shows, it isn't. Now I think you owe someone an apology," Johnny in the video said with a serious look on his face.

Johnny and the Plantars turned to look at a stunned Anne that was smiling.

"Come on," Johnny insisted as the video ended, "Get to it."

The Plantars got over their shock and apologized at the same time. Anne chuckled before tightening her grip on Johnny.

"That was 1 of the best things, anyone has done for me. I don't know what to say."

"You're welcome." Johnny told her with a smile, "Come on. I can't wait to show you the other surprise."

"I doubt it will be as good as this."

"Most likely not, but I am sure you will like it too."

"Do you think Bluetooth will work here?" Anne asked as she stared at the image of Johnny holding up the fish.

Johnny chuckled, "I don't see why it wouldn't. I knew you would like it."

"So, what do you want to do today?" Anne asked.

"I did promise Wally I will show the video around town, but other than that I just want to stay home and relax," Johnny answered before whispering in her ear, "You know with you."

Anne blushed and smiled, "I do too. Just know I am not letting go of you."

"You better not."

It's good to be back. Sorry for the long wait, but it being holidays and feeling a little burned out made me take an extended break. After this we will get back to the main plot for now.