
15. Getting supplies and helping around town

Johnny was walking through the town with a small smile on his face. He pulled out a sheet of paper with a list of things to get.

"Seriously, Pops?" Johnny mumbled to himself, "You call this punishment. I have put up with much worst."

Johnny and Anne were sitting on the couch, watching something on Johnny's phone, while sharing her earbuds.

"So, you had earbuds this whole time," Johnny noted.

"Yeah, I try not to use them too much. I want to make them last."

"I'm not sure that is how it works, but ok."

They were interrupted by Hop Pop rushing into the living room.

"What are you 2 doing? There are chores to do."

"Geez Pops. Do you always have the worst timing?" Johnny asked.

"Oh he does," Anne answered with a smirk, "Did I tell you about the time, I faked an illness to get out of work?"

Hop Pop rolled his eyes, "Yeah, and I remember you getting all emotional when you thought the kids and I were dying."

Anne sheepishly rubbed the back of her head.

"Wow, you have been through a lot these past 3 months."

"Anyway, let's get to it."

Johnny and Anne each took out a bud and put away their items.

"Ok H.P. What do you want us to do?"

"You mean together?" Hop Pop asked.

"Of course," Anne answered simply, "In case you have forgotten, we are kinda together."

"Don't you think you are being too clingy?" The old frog asked.

Johnny chuckled, "Are you telling me, you wouldn't be the same way with Sylvia?"

Hop Pop flushed and nervously looked at the floor, "Point taken, but you 2 need to learn to be independent from each other."

"Oh and you are?" Johnny teased.

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you able to live without time with Sylvia?"

"Yeah, I am doing it right now."

"So, you don't visit her often," The teen responded, "If that's true, than how do you maintain a relationship with her?"

"I visit her almost everyday," The old frog explained with an annoyed look.

"So, you can't last long without her."

Hop Pop gritted his teeth in anger.

"Johnny, don't you think you went too far?" Anne asked.

"Not really," He answered while shrugging his shoulders, "I have pissed off adults much more than this."

Anne playfully rolled her eyes before smirking, "Oh. I believe that."

"Come on," Hop Pop began bitterly, "It isn't fair. It's wrong if I visit her often and if I don't. I can't win."

"Pops, if's fine if you visit her often, " The teen answered, "I was just making sure you were practicing what you preach."


"I was exposing your hypocrisy."

Hop Pop groaned before he pulled out a list, "Well, I am tired of your disrespectful behavior."

"Well, from what I heard, you didn't mind when I did it to toadstool."

"He deserves it," the old frog explained.

Johnny nodded, "I will give you that 1."

"You are going to go out and get every supply on this list," Hop Pop told the teen before handing him the list, "Alone."

Anne looked disappointed and was about to speak, but Hop Pop gave her a pointed look, silencing her.

"Maybe, after this you will have more respect for me."

"Don't count on it."

Johnny kept smiling as he looked through the list. The first few items were various herbs to make tea and apparently Hop Pop was able to work out a deal with Felicia for supplies, when Sprig and Ivy started dating. Johnny touched his other pocket, containing the copper, Hop Pop gave him. Hopefully, there will be enough to also get more of those dung beetle scones.

Johnny entered the tea shop and was greeted by the sight of an exhausted Felicia. He looked around and saw the place was packed.

"Another customer?" Felicia groaned lightly.

"Actually I am just here for Hop Pop's supplies."

"You are going have to wait. We are very busy."

"Would you like some help?"


"I know I don't work here, but you look like you could use it," The teen explained, "Together we will serve all the customers quicker and the sooner I can be on my way."

"Well, I could use the help."

Johnny nodded with a smile.

"Do you have experience serving?"

"I had a few jobs like it."

Anne wiped sweat off her forehead and took a quick breath. It had been a while since Johnny had left and she missed the other human. Hopefully, he will be back soon.

Anne watched Hop Pop hand Johnny a handful of copper.

"This should be more than enough," Hop Pop explained to the teen, "I want whatever is left back."

Johnny mumbled something before taking the copper and putting it in his pocket.

"Try not to take too long," Hop Pop said before leaving.

"So, "Anne began, "Are you going to leave now?"

Johnny nodded, "Yeah, don't want to keep Pops waiting."

"Let's go."

"Huh?" Johnny asked confused, "He said I should do it alone."

"Well, we can still go together," Anne insisted.

Johnny smirked, "Pops was right you are clingy."

Anne stuttered, "No.. I... Just..."

Johnny lightly rubbed her hair, "No worries. I like it."

"Yeah," She said awkwardly.

"Still, I don't want to make Pops more angry today," The teen explained, "So, I will go alone."

Anne sighed as she watched him leave.

Anne shook her head before returning focus on working on the farm. Thankfully, nobody seemed to have noticed her daydreaming.

Johnny smiled as he placed a tray of tea and scones on his last table. It hasn't been too challenging serving all the customers. He left the table and returned to Felicia, who greeted him with a smile and held out a bag of supplies.

"How much do I owe you?" Johnny asked before taking the supplies.

"Don't worry about it."


"My payment for helping out," Felicia clarified before handing him another bag, "Here some more of those scones you like so much."

Johnny nodded before leaving with a huge smile on his face. Sometimes, good deeds are so worth it.

Johnny looked at the next item on the list, glue and wood supplies. Looks like Pops is into arts and crafts. Johnny entered the shop and was greeted by a blue creature he hasn't seen before.

"I haven't seen a creature like you before." The teen greeted.

"How rude. I'm definitely," The creature paused, "not pleased."

"I think Anne told me about you, but I can't recall."

"May I help you?"

"I am just here for supplies for Hop Pop," The teen answered, "Could you get them quickly. I am kinda behind schedule."

"Absolutely... not."

Johnny raised an eyebrow, "Oh why not?"

"You can't get the glue I usually... give him, because I need to make more of it."

"Can I help?" The teen asked, "To make it go faster."

"Absolutely... yes you may. It happens even when I'm not going to say not."

Johnny nodded before following Loggle to the back room. Poor guy.

Johnny watched with complete interest as he watched Loggle create the powerful glue. Perhaps, with his knowledge of how glue is made he could have some fun. Of course he wouldn't make glue as strong as this, but maybe weaker glue will help with pranks. He did have a free pass to mess with Polly.

"Make sure not to touch it. Learned that one the hard way."

"Thanks fish man."

"Lucky guess. I am an Axolotl."

"What's that?"

Loggle sighed, "Never mind. Just hand me a container, so you can go."

Anne sat on the couch, having finished all the chores and Johnny still hasn't come back. What was taking him so long? She hopes he is ok and not goofing off without her. Hop Pop entered the room.

"He still hasn't come back?"

Anne looked up and simply nodded. Hop Pop sighed before shaking his head.

"He better be back soon."

Johnny walked through the town and looked at the last items on the list, groceries. Finally, something simple that won't lead to him having to help someone else. After a while Johnny reached the store and went inside. Johnny went through the store, as quickly as he can to finish shopping. Johnny smiled when he finally reached the last item, mushrooms, but he frowned when he learned the store was all out. Johnny sighed before deciding to just pay for his things and go back home. It's not that big of a deal. Johnny lightly groaned when he noticed the line at the register was pretty long, but perked up when he noticed Wally was at the end. He got into into line and was greeted by the one eyed frog.

"Hey kid. What a surprise."

"Hey Wally."

"What are you up to?"

"Just running errands for Hop Pop."

"Ah his usual I see."

"Yeah, apparently he wants me to respect him more. Anyway, what are you doing?"

"Oh. Just preparing for a camping trip, to try and hunt down special creatures."

"Sounds fun and exciting."

Wally chuckled, "Would you like to join kid?"

Johnny's face lit up,"Really? Sure, just I will asked Hop Pop after I am done here."

Wally nodded, "I will stop by and pick you up."

After finally paying for his things, Johnny left the store and was greeted by the sight of Mrs. Croaker standing by a bunch of bags and her snail. Johnny walked right up to her.

"Need some help ma'am?" Johnny asked.

"How polite. Thank you."

Johnny helped her put all her groceries away unto her snail.

"Are you doing Hopadiah's shopping?" Mrs Croaker asked

"Yeah, I managed to get everything except for mushrooms."

Mrs. Croaker pulled out some mushrooms form one of her bags and handed it to the teen, "Here. Hopadiah prefers not leaving a list incomplete."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Just my way of paying you and Hopadiah back for everything."

Johnny entered the farm house and was greeted by an annoyed Anne.

"Where have you been?" Anne demanded.

Johnny held up his hands, "Sorry, Anne. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't resist this girl I met."

Anne sighed before shaking her head, "If we weren't the only humans in town, I would be more angry."

Johnny chuckled, "That makes it funnier."

"Seriously, where were you?"

"Almost every time I went to get the supplies there were delays, so I ended up helping them."

"Sounds like it wasn't your lucky day."

"Yeah, I am going to give these to Hop Pop. See you."

Hop Pop gave Johnny a pointed look when the teen entered the kitchen. After the teen opened his backpack and took out all of the supplies, he looked through them and was pleased to see they were all there and in one piece.

"What took you?"

"There were delays and I had to help out."

"Oh. In what way?"

"Felicia's tea shop was packed and I decided to help out. Loggle had to make your special glue. The supermarket had a long line as well."

"Well, I would appreciate it, if you were quicker."

"If it makes you feel better I didn't have to pay Felicia, since I helped her out," Johnny responded before taking out all the copper from his pocket.

"It does," Hop Pop answered before taking the money.

"Oh and Pops I was wondering if it's ok, if I go camping with Wally."

"You want to go out camping with Wally?"

"Yeah, camping sounds fun."

The old frog shook his head, stunned Johnny wanted to spend time with the town loon, "Ok. As long as it's not that long."

"Thanks Pops."

"Anyway, I hope this has taught you to respect me more."

Johnny shook his head, "Oh Pops I can't respect you more than I already do. I mean you have things figured out."

Before Hop Pop could respond and ask what he meant, Johnny left. Hop Pop pondered the parting words of the teen and tried to figure out what they could mean.

Johnny looked through his backpack, making sure all his camping supplies, clothes, and axe were inside. Wally should be picking him up at any time now and the teen was excited. When he heard a knock on the door he quickly answered it.

"Hey kid. Ready?" Wally greeted with a smile.

"You know it."

"Where are you going?"

Johnny turned around and saw a stunned Anne. Johnny mentally face palmed, when he realized he forgot to tell Anne.

"I am going camping with Wally. Sorry for not telling you sooner."

"You're leaving?" Anne asked bitterly.

"Yeah. wh..." Johnny gasped when he recalled how Anne was when he first showed up, "Anne."

"I'm sorry," Anne began, "I don't want to stand in your way, but I just don't know if I can handle it if you leave."

Johnny and Wally rushed to Anne.

"Are you alright love?" Wally asked.

"I don't know. After what happened with Sasha, I don't know if I can handle being separated from another human."

"I guess I will stay then." Johnny simply said.

"Sorry. Maybe if there was something to remind me that you exist, than I can handle it."

Johnny tried to think of something to remind Anne of him. After looking at Anne's shoe and at his own, it hit him. Johnny took 1 of his shoes off and handed it to Anne.

"This may sound like a stupid idea, but this might work a sign."

Anne stared at the shoe for a few seconds, making Johnny think she wouldn't accept it, before she nodded.

"It will do," She said before holding it close, "I will take good care of it."

"Thanks," Johnny responded before mumbling, "It's just a dang shoe."

Wally and Johnny left the house, happy that they were able to go after all.

"You know kid. Anne could just come with us."

"She says she hates it out there and I won't torture her. Let's go before she realizes it and insist on coming with."

Wally chuckled, "No worries kid. The trip is only for 1 night."

"Good. She should be fine."

"Now to find all the legendary creatures," Wally told the teen with a smile.

Johnny smiled back. Legendary creatures or not, at least camping out sounds like a fun time. Though, he is going to miss Anne, but 1 night should be fine.

This chapter was a bit of a struggle to get through, but it was important to set up the next 1, which should be more fun to write.

update- The next chapter won't be up today and I have decided to have the updates be bi-weekly. Hope you all have a happy new year.