
13. Polly's revenge

I have decided to try and have weekly updates for this fic.

Johnny groaned as he rubbed his stomach. He looked around and spotted Anne sleeping on the floor. He smiled as he remembered ever since the competition, she had slept in the living room with him. He carefully got up and gently lifted her onto the couch. He covered her in his blanket before quietly leaving. He entered the kitchen, as he tried to sooth his aching stomach, and went to get some milk. His sense of taste has returned and he had mixed feelings about it. He was glad to be able to taste his favorite food again, but he was starting to enjoy being able to eat gross things, without any issues. Before he could pour the glass of milk, he heard a gasp. Hoping, he didn't wake Anne, Johnny turned around and to his relief saw it was only Hop Pop.

"Johnny, what are you doing up so late?"

"Late? Pops i'm early."

Hop Pop groaned, "First of all that was terrible and second of all answer my question."

"Just getting some milk."


"Just thirsty is all."

Hop Pop didn't looked convinced, but was about to drop it until he saw Johnny had 1 of his hands on his stomach.

"Why are you touching your stomach?"


"You are going to tell me what is really going on, or I will wake Anne up."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me boy."

Johnny sighed, "Fine. I keep waking up to a sore stomach."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"After drinking milk everything's fine."

"Clearly, everything isn't fine if it keeps happening," Hop Pop countered, "We are going to the town doctor."

"What for?"

Hop Pop gave Johnny a pointed look, causing the teen to groan.

"Fine, but I don't see what good it will do for me."

Johnny sighed as the town's physician, eagerly studied him, while writing extensive notes on his clipboard.


"What's curious?" The teen asked.

"Sorry. it's just that I only treated a human once before and that was just for a broken arm," The physician explained, "I can't help, but be curious at how the human body works compared to ours."

Johnny nodded and managed to ask, "So, do you think you will be able to help me?"

The physician looked up from his notes, "No worries kid. We will do whatever we can do to fix the problem."

"I hope you will for the generous sum of money i'm going to spend, paying for this," Hop Pop said from his seat in the corner.

"Anyway, you wake up to a sore stomach?"

"Yes, and a nice glass of milk helps until the next day."

"You are in luck kid," The physician explained with a smile, "Most frogs come here after the competition with similar issues and I usually prescribed a certain tea to help sooth their aching stomach."

Johnny groaned, "Is there an other option?"

The physician ignore the teen and turned towards Hop Pop, "Hopadiah, the tea is cheap and an old favorite."

Hop Pop smiled, "I think I might have heard about it before. That sounds good."

Johnny frowned at the adults ignoring him and deciding on the tea. He was never a fan of it, but he'll suck it up and drink it. Though, now a part of him was really wishing he still didn't have his sense of taste.

Johnny and Hop Pop entered the house and Johnny was happy to see Anne was still sleeping on the couch. Hop Pop started walking into the kitchen.

"I am going to get started on the tea Johnny. You better drink all of it."

"Yes, Pops."

Johnny moved closer to the couch and took a seat on the floor. He saw Anne shake a little before turning on her side and mumbling his name. Johnny couldn't help but smile at the sight. They had only known each other for a short time, but has already became close. To the point where he doesn't want to worry her too much, when he is able to avoid it.

Hop Pop carefully looked at the recipe for the tea, before he began to boil some water. In hindsight he should have looked through his old remedies and find something like this, but he was so worried, he didn't think straight. It was bad enough having to take care of 3 kids with 1 of them being a creature from another world, but to add another kid from the same world, was stressful. Hopefully, things will work out soon and Hop Pop will be able to relax.

"Hop Pop, what are you doing?"

Hop Pop turned and saw Polly giving him a curious look. The old frog pondered what to say for a few seconds.

"Just making some tea for Johnny."


"Just my way of thanking him for winning the competition."

"Tea doesn't sound like much."

Hop Pop shook his head. The kids will never understand the appeal to his interests and that annoys the old frog, because he ended up liking their interests, when he gave them a fair chance.

"This tea is special Polly."

"How so?"

"It's delicious and is tricky to make."

"Tea can be hard to make?"

Hop Pop groaned, "Just because things are simple now doesn't mean they always were."

Polly didn't know how to respond to that. Hop Pop sighed before he grabbed a few herbs and leaves.

"For this tea there are certain herbs that are so similar that many have mistaken them for each other and has used the wrong one."

"What happens when you do that."

"The drinker gets strange delusions for about an hour."

"That doesn't sound too bad." Polly pointed out.

Hop Pop chuckled, "How bad it is depends on the delusions themselves."

Polly pondered if this was the perfect opportunity for revenge against Johnny. She didn't want to seriously hurt him and seeing delusions for an hour sounds like nice payback for what he did. Polly managed to see Hop Pop grabbed a certain herb and inspected it carefully.

"This is the herb you shouldn't use." Hop Pop said before tossing it aside.

Hop Pop grabbed the right herb and placed it inside. Hop Pop walked closer to Polly and lifted her up.

"Could you watch the tea, I need to check on the farm."

"You didn't do it already?" Polly asked.

"No, I got sidetrack. Nothing to concern yourself about."

Polly nodded before Hop Pop placed her on the counter, near the herbs. When he left the kitchen Polly smirked, before taking the bad herb and tossing it in. Polly was a little fearful she went too far, but it's only for an hour and the delusions can't be too bad.

"You didn't have to trade places. I don't mind sleeping on the floor," Anne told Johnny.

"Yeah, but I wanted to."

"You always know what to say, don't you?"

"I try."

Anne and Johnny chuckled before Hop Pop entered the living room.

"Come on kids time for breakfast."

Johnny and Anne followed the old frog and was greeted by the sight of pancakes. Both teens took a seat and began to eat. Hop Pop placed a cup in front of Johnny, with a serious expression on his face. Johnny simply nodded before taking a drink. He managed to swallow it down and not show any disgust. His stomach did feel a little better already, but he knew it was most likely wishful thinking. Johnny was halfway done with his tea, when Sprig entered the kitchen. Johnny was about to greet him, when he noticed the size of Sprig's legs were double their usual length. Johnny rubbed his eyes and Sprig was back to normal.

Sprig suddenly broke out in song, "Good morning,"

"Good morning," Anne greeted back before her hair turned into a hand and reached out to playfully tap Sprig on his back, as he walked by.

Johnny blinked as he tried to rationalized what he is experiencing. Johnny decided to focus on Hop Pop and saw him staring at him with blank black eyes, before dark red irises appeared. Johnny sighed before taking another drink of his tea. Whatever is going on will likely pass soon, so he should try his best to ignore it. Suddenly, Polly appeared in what appeared to be a small race car. Johnny shook his head and the car turned back into her bucket.

"Sorry I am late guys," Polly announced, "I was enslaving a bunch of fools."

"Say something Polly?" Johnny asked.

"Are you deaf? I said I was reading my books on weapons."

Johnny simply nodded before mentally groaning. Not only was he starting to see things, he was also starting to hear things as well. Hopefully, this doesn't last long and he is doesn't embarrass himself too much. Polly was mentally smirking that Johnny seems to be under the effects of the tea. Now to sit back and enjoy all the fun.

"How is the flesh kids."

Assuming he meant the food Johnny answered, "It's great as always Pops."

"Great to hear."

"Hey Johnny?" Polly asked, "I saw Hop Pop making you blood earlier."

"You did?"

"Yeah, he put a lot of effort into the murders, so you better complete the blood ritual."

Johnny grunted before he decided to ignore Polly and ponder more about what is happening to him. He knows Polly wants revenge and he started seeing and hearing things after drinking the tea. She even mentioned seeing him make it. Johnny couldn't help but be impressed with how the little polliwog decided to get revenge. The only problem was how she foolishly indirectly gave him hints to allow him to figure it out.

"Johnny?" Polly asked annoyed.

"Oh sorry. I was thinking."

About what?"

"I was just wondering if you helped him with it."

Polly moved nervously before she shrank to half her size. Johnny raised an eyebrow. Apparently, the delusions sometimes follow a certain logic with what is really happening.

"No, I just watched." Polly answered sounding like she is on helium."

"Hey Pops?" Johnny asked.

"Yes, Johnny?"

"Could you tell me how the tea is made?"

Hop Pop's face lit up, before it turned into a large encyclopedia, with a wide smile, "I never had anyone ask me something like this before."

"Seriously Johnny," Sprig complained before putting his head down.

Hop Pop went on a boring lengthy lecture on making the tea. When he explained the risks of the tea causing delusions, when you put in the wrong herb, Johnny gave Polly a pointed look.

"I am done with breakfast. See you," Polly said nervously before turning into a deflated balloon and floating away.

Unknown to Johnny, Anne was watching Polly leave, with a knowing look.

Anne entered Polly's room with a serious expression on her face.

"Hey Anne," Polly greeted.

"Polly," Anne began sternly, "What did you do to Johnny?"

"What are you talking about?"

"We both know we talked about paying him back."

"That was before you and him got closer and we couldn't plan anything."


"You may have given up getting payback, but I didn't and I did it without you."

"I figured it out and I am sure he did too."

"I am aware," Polly said bitterly, "He is good at this, but it still won't change things."

"Don't you think this is going too far?" Anne asked.

"Relax, I doubt anything too bad will happen. I am sure he is living in 1 of those fantasy movies we watched."

Anne sighed, "If things go bad, you are going to make it up to him."

"You have my word," Polly assured her, "What do I have to do?"

"I will let him decide," Anne told her before leaving.

Johnny sighed as he finished watching a random video on his phone, that ended up turning into a bunch of random visuals, with gore and other lame things that try too hard to be scary.

"I never thought I would experience a Creepypasta in real life," Johnny couldn't help but mumble.

"Johnny I think our relationship should end."

Johnny looked up from his phone and saw Anne, but there was something off about her.

"You say something Anne?" Johnny asked assuming he misheard her.

Anne glared at him and groaned, "Another problem I have with you!"


"You are so self-absorbed that you can't notice I don't like how you treat me."

"No, I know I annoy you but..."

"That is the understatement of the year!"


Anne silenced him with a look that was more terrifying than ones any adult had given him in his life. There was only 1 person in his life that could rival it.

"You treat me so horribly and you have the nerve to think I will tolerate you forever," Anne shouted before slapping him.

Johnny didn't feel anything from the slap, but was too focused on the conversation for it to fully registered in his mind.

"I tried so hard to live with this and be in this relationship, but you make it so hard," Anne continued before her pupils was covered in flames, "I even tried to consider just staying friends, but..."


"I just can't."


Johnny froze and tried to finally think about what is happening. Anne has shown annoyance towards his actions, but he finds it hard to believe she would act like this. No, she wouldn't. It's another delusion. It looks like they are getting more serious and harder to deal with.


Johnny and Anne turned around and saw another Anne enter the room. Johnny narrowed his eyes.

"Are you real?"

"Huh?" Anne asked before sighing in realization, "I figured out Polly must have pulled a prank, making you see delusions."

"How do I know you are real?"

Anne rushed towards him and wrapped her arms around him, "I swear I am."

"Yeah, I couldn't feel the other Anne touch me. At least that's what I remember."

"There was another me?" Anne asked, "What did she do?"

"She... She told me she couldn't stand to be in a relationship with me." Johnny managed to admit.

"Oh." Anne awkwardly said before hugging him tighter.

Johnny sighed as he found himself enjoying the comfort. It was a painful experience to go thorough, but at least now he knows it wasn't real.

"Sorry. I am not good with words," Anne apologized before mumbling, "According to you."

"It's fine," He assured her, "The hug is nice enough."

Some time later Polly nervously entered the living room and saw Johnny and Anne on the couch. She took a deep breath as both humans narrowed their eyes at her.

"Hey guys," She said nervously.

"Hey Polly," Johnny greeted, "Nice revenge you pulled on me."

"Really?" Polly asked.

"Yeah," Johnny answered before clapping for a few seconds, "The delusions were mostly weak, silly, and annoying, but I found the experience amusing."

"Oh good," Polly responded nervously with an awkward smile, "Then we are even."

"At least until it turned for the worst."

"The worst?" Polly asked eyes wide.

"I had to experience a fake Anne, wanting to break off our relationship," Johnny answered, "She didn't even want to be friends and she went on and on about how badly I treated her."

Polly paled, "I had no idea..."

"Thankfully, I managed to figure it out because I knew Anne wouldn't act like this. Not to mention she didn't go into any specific reasons why I am so horrible."

"Because other than minor annoyances you didn't do anything," Anne added.

"Right. Sadly, I was too focus on the confrontation I didn't think about it too much."

"Then we are good, right?" Polly asked.

"Even after figuring out it was fake, it was still horrible to go through."

"Of course," Polly said sheepishly, "Can I do anything to make up for it?"

"I get to mess with you 5 times without payback."

"Can you lower it to 1?" Polly asked with a sheepish smile.

Johnny narrowed his eyes, causing the polliwog to sigh.

"Ok," She said reluctantly before leaving.

"I'm sorry too," Anne told Johnny.

"What for?"

"As you already seemed to know, I was in with her getting revenge on you, but I wouldn't do it this way. Even if the delusions didn't take a turn for the worst."

"It's fine. Now I just want to relax for a while."

Hop Pop and Sprig entered the living room.

"Hop Pop?" Anne asked.

"Yes, Anne?"

"Why did you make the tea for Johnny?"

"It's to help sooth his stomach," Hop Pop answered, "I figured he would need it after the competition."

Anne nodded, "That's nice."

"Yeah, a shame I didn't think to try it before taking him to the clinic."

"Wait?" Anne asked "You took him there?"

Hop Pop gave both humans a questioning look, "Johnny didn't tell you? Yeah, he had a sore stomach, so I took him and you know the rest."

Anne looked at Johnny and narrowed her eyes, "So, you have been keeping things from me?"

Johnny groaned and rubbed his head. Leave it to Pops to cause this to happen.

"We are going to talk about this later," Anne told him with a smirk.

Johnny looked at Sprig who was looking at the whole scene in complete interest, "Hey, Little buddy?

"Yes, Johnny?" Sprig asked

"I have an axe, that is in great shape, in my backpack. If I don't survive my talk with Anne, I want you to have it."

That remarked earned him a dirty look and a playful punch on the shoulder from Anne, before she chuckled.

"I swear your antics annoy me greatly and yet I like you for them."

"Johnny, are you serious about the axe?" Sprig asked.

Johnny chuckled, "Yes, little buddy, but I am planning on surviving."

I wasn't so sure about this chapter while writing it, but I think it ended up fine and I didn't want to leave Polly wanting revenge unresolved. The upcoming chapters should be more interesting. I also wanted to establish a strong continuity, even with filler chapters. Oh and the next chapter will be the winner of the poll.