
11. first date with Anne

Anne looked through her backpack and pulled out all of her outfits. She was both nervous and excited for her date with Johnny. She had wanted to see what it was like to go on a date with a boy for quite some time now. This was her opportunity to experience something new and she was going to make sure it goes well. Anne looked through all of her different outfits and tried to decide what would be best for her to wear. Unfortunately, for her being sent to a strange new world with only a backpack filled with stuff limits your options. For now Anne supposed she shouldn't dwell too much on preparing and instead try to have fun.

Johnny sighed as he finished emptying his backpack and managed to find a comb.

"Just my luck it was on the bottom," He mumbled before quickly putting everything else back inside.

Johnny entered the bathroom and managed to neatly comb his hair. He looked at his current clothing to see if it was decent enough for his date, before simply deciding to change anyway just to be safe. After a few minutes he left the bathroom completely prepared.

"Ready to take Anne out?"

Johnny turned and saw Hop Pop giving him an amused look, "Yes, Pops. What's with the look?"

"It's just kinda amusing seeing you prepare," Hop Pop answered.

Johnny smiled, "At least I had the courage to ask a girl out."

Hop Pop groaned before giving the teen an annoyed look, "I swear you are more of a pain than Anne was at first."

"Look on the bright side Pops. At least I didn't break one of your canes."

"So far."

"Anyway, I prepared as best as I could. I hope it's enough."

"You did a good job with as little you have," Hop Pop assured him, "I wonder how Anne is preparing?"

Johnny chuckled, "I think she might be having a tough time."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know how it is with females of your kind, but human females tend to put in a great amount of effort into things like this. With her limited resources she might be having a hard time getting ready."

"Should we help then?" Hop Pop asked.

"No, I trust she will figure it out."

Johnny was sitting on the couch and tapping the floor with his foot. Hop Pop gave him an annoyed look.

"Johnny stop tapping on the floor."

"Ok Pops."

"Stop calling me that," Hop Pop groaned.

"I have never seen someone hate a nickname before."

"I have half a mind to cancel this date of yours."

"Do what you see fit and get in the way of our plan," Johnny responded with a smirk.

"Like I said more of a pain than Anne."

"I will take that as a compliment Hop Pop."

Hop Pop and Johnny turned to find Anne nervously standing there. She was wearing the blue dress, from when they helped Hop Pop danced with Sylvia and her hair was in the same side ponytail, with a blue scrunchy.

"You are wearing that outfit again?" Hop Pop asked.

Anne narrowed her eyes, "Well, I am a bit limited on clothing."

"Don't listen to him Annie. I think you look great," Johnny complimented.

Anne gave him a smile and nodded her head. Hop Pop gave Johnny an annoyed look.

"Of course because you haven't seen it before," Hop Pop pointed out.

"Pops just be quiet before you make it worst."

"Fine. I didn't mean anything negative. I was just pointing something out," The old frog said before leaving.

Johnny shook his head before getting up and moving closer to Anne.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah," She answered nervously before taking a quick breath, "You look nice by the way."

Johnny chuckled, "Please, I am in no way prepared."

"You did a good job with what you had," Anne managed to argue.

"Thank you."

Anne and Johnny entered Stumpy's diner. Johnny was both nervous and excited. He hasn't been on a date with a girl before and he hopes things end up going well. Anne took a deep breath and nervously straighten her dress. She recalled her friends going over their dating experiences and was excited to experience it first hand.

"Seems like a nice place," Johnny noted, looking around.

Anne smiled, "You should have seen the place before I helped out."

"How bad was it?"

"Let's just say it was a complete pain to turn this place around."

"Yeah, If creatures who eat insects consider your diner to have low quality food, than it must have been bad."

Anne chuckled, "Do you always have to make responses like that?"

"It's fun."

"let's just get a table," Anne responded before leading Johnny, "I still work here part-time, but I haven't felt like it since you know what. I hope Stumpy understands."

"I'm sure he will."

"How are you so sure."

"If he's not after everything you did that night, he is the biggest idiot ever."

"Then it's good that I do understand."

Anne and Johnny turned around and saw what Johnny assumed to be Stumpy himself.

"Good to see you again Stumpy," Anne greeted.

"Same here," Stumpy turned towards Johnny, "You must be the new human."

"Yeah," Johnny responded, "Oh. Sorry about the idiot comment."

"No worries kid."

"Right. I will avoid making comments like those in the future."

Anne chuckled, "Anyway, Johnny is here to experience the place."

Stumpy smiled, "Great. Let me do the honors of getting you two a table."

Sprig was sitting on the couch, completely bored out of his mind. Usually, he would be spending time with Anne and Johnny, but now without them he didn't really have much to do.

"Hop Pop."

"Yes, Sprig?"

"How long do you think Johnny and Anne will be gone?"

Hop Pop groaned, "Be patient boy. They could be gone for a few hours."

Sprig sighed before deciding to go to his room and play with his action figures. Along the way he encountered Polly.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked.

"I'm just bored without Anne and Johnny."

"Yeah," Polly agreed, "Right now I would be watching and enjoying one of Johnny's action movies."

"What was the one we watched last time?" Sprig asked.

"I don't remember the title, but I think it's my favorite one so far."

Suddenly, Sprig had an idea.

"Maybe we can act out our favorite scenes."

"What?" Polly asked.

"You know just for fun. Since we can't watch anything why not do it ourselves," Sprig clarified.

"That's not a bad idea. Let's do it."

"So how is it?" Anne asked after Johnny took a bite of his noodles.

"Great. The worms actually add to the flavor."

"Really?" Anne cringed, "I doubt that."

"What?" Johnny asked, "The worms or that the food is good period?"

"Mainly, the worms," Anne answered, "Seriously, you can just eat the noodles."

Johnny shrugged his shoulders, "If I am stuck here, I might as well get used to eating the food. Besides, there are worst things to eat."

"Should I ask?"


"No, I don't want to know."

"Relax. I was just playing," Johnny assured her with a chuckle, "Seriously, the food is great."

"May I ask you something?" Anne asked.

"You just did, but feel free to ask me anything."

"Why did you decide to ask me out?"

"Well, we have known each other for only 3 days now and we have gotten closer," Johnny told her.

"Yeah, I guess we have."

"How should I put this?" Johnny pondered, "We are two of the few humans here, and since we have already grown closer why not just go along with it."

"Yeah, That makes sense."

"Are you ok?" Johnny asked, concerned.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"I don't know. You seem... nervous?"

Anne sighed, "It's just this is my first time on a date and...

"Relax. It's my first time too," Johnny assured her, "Let's just enjoy ourselves."

"Right. I'll try."

Sprig groaned before giving his action figures a dirty look, "Why can't you idiots do anything right? At this rate we are # 1 in the idiot league."

"But sir," Polly objected, "We followed you plans exactly."

"Then how could they have possibly fail. No matter with backup plan D I will get one million dollars," Sprig said before putting one of his fingers on his lips and doing a badly done evil laugh.

"Sprig, you need to work on your evil laugh," Polly complained.

"Silence, or you will be sentenced to the pit of fire."

"You were rude to Toadstool this morning," Anne noted.

"Could you blame me after everything you told me?" Johnny asked harshly.

Anne shook her head, "No, I can't, but do you really think the party will be a trap."

Johnny nodded, "I think there's a great chance it will be."

"I understand why you and Hop Pop think something might happen, but what could he do with everyone in town there?"

"He could easily attempt to get you alone," The boy argued.

"Trust me I am not going let him take me out of everyone's sight."

"Look. Everything seems suspicious."

"What do you mean?" Anne asked.

"The timing is weird. Why now and not sooner?"

"Yeah, you do have a point and why would it take a week?"

"Now do you see why Hop Pop and I are so suspicious?"

"Yeah," Anne managed to say nervously.

"Look, we aren't against you enjoying this party since you deserve it, but we also don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Well, whatever happens I know I have friends to help me out."

Polly roared as she knocked down a few boxes, drawn to look like buildings.

"Run from the giant monster," Sprig screamed.

"Sprig are there any smaller boxes?" Polly asked.

"Sorry Polly. There isn't any."

"You know we aren't doing the scenes exactly how they were, right?"

"Does that matter? I'm having fun," Sprig responded.

"I guess not," Polly agreed, "I am having fun too."

About an hour later Johnny and Anne left Stumpy's and were walking their way home.

"Well, I had fun," Johnny told Anne, "What about you?"

"Yeah," Anne managed to say, "I did too."

"Wanna do this again?" Johnny asked.

"Sure," Anne mumbled nervously.

Feeling bold Johnny placed his hand around Anne's shoulder, "There's actually something else I want to ask."

Anne blushed, "What?"

"I was wondering if you want to go to the party together."

Anne took a deep breath before nodding. Johnny removed his arm and gave her a smile, which she returned.

"Now we better head back," Johnny told her.


"Yes?" Johnny asked.

Anne moved closer to Johnny and stared at him nervously for a few seconds.

"What are you...

Johnny was interrupted by Anne giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Johnny blushed and look on the ground for a few moments, in complete shock.

"Sorry," Anne mumbled, "I just wanted to thank you for a fun time."

Johnny managed to snap out of it, "It's fine."

"Let's get back home," Anne suggested, "Polly and Sprig must be bored without us."

"Right," Johnny simply said.

Anne still couldn't believe she managed to find the courage to do that. After he made his move, she wanted to do one of her own, but she didn't know if she would have been able to do it. She was glad she did. The date was a new and ultimately good experience for her and she is looking forward for more.

Johnny couldn't believe she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Looking back it was actually kinda nice. Perhaps, going on dates with her will be a good thing after all. Johnny decided he is going to try and sort out his feelings as soon as possible.

Later that night Johnny groaned as he turned his body on the couch, trying to get comfortable enough to get to sleep. He sighed before sitting up. After a few moments of wondering what to do, he got up from the couch and looked out the window. He smiled when he noticed it was raining lightly. Watching rain usually helps calm him down. He looked at the front door for a few seconds, before deciding to go outside for a bit.

Johnny spent the next few minutes in the rain with his eyes closed. He was enjoying the touch of the rain on his skin so much, he didn't notice someone walk up to him with a curious look on their face. They smirked when they realized the perfect opportunity at payback.

"What are you doing?"

Johnny jumped in complete shock before opening his eyes. He frowned when he saw an amused look on Anne's face.

"What are you doing here?"

"I asked you first," Anne responded with a chuckle.

"I was relaxing in the rain," The boy mumbled, embarrassed.

"Oh?" The girl asked, "Why?"

"It helps calm me down."

Anne simply nodded. She knows exactly how he feels and she too sometimes have trouble dealing with their current situation. Sure, she had managed to make great friends and even found a second family, but she still misses everything back home. Another issue is what happens when she does return home. Will she never return to this world again? Will she never see Sprig, Hop Pop, Polly, and the others again?

"Are you ok?" Johnny asked.

Anne sighed, "Mind if I join you?"

"I don't know if you'll find it relaxing, but sure."

Anne moved next to him, "What's on your mind?"

"The same thing you are thinking about, I'm sure," Johnny responded bitterly.

Anne managed to find the courage to make a bold move, grabbing Johnny's hand. Stunned, Johnny looked at their hands for a few moments, before looking at her face.


"I know it's hard and all," Anne told him, "We have been sent here completely by accident, with no way to get back home."

"You aren't good at assuring somebody, aren't you?"

Anne gave him an annoyed look, "Let me finish. We may have no way yet, but we'll find it."

Johnny waited a few moments for her to finish, but she didn't.

"Go on," he finally said.

"Oh. That was it."

"You really aren't the best at cheering somebody up."

Anne frowned, "I tried my best."

Johnny sighed, "Sorry. It will take more than a minor pep talk to make me feel better. Look I will continue to be strong in front of the other, but I just need time."

Before Anne could respond Johnny managed to release his hand from her grasp and started walking into the house.

"I'm going to try to go back to bed," He called out from inside, "You might want to as well."

Anne sighed before going inside the house herself. She followed Johnny to the couch and took a seat. Johnny raised an eyebrow before taking a seat himself.

"Look we aren't done talking," Anne told him.

"I think we are and it takes two to have a conversation."

Anne groaned before pulling out her phone, "If you don't want to talk, we can at least watch something."

"Why do you want to spend more time together?" Johnny asked, "I mean wasn't our date at Stumpy's enough for you?"

"We are dating now, aren't we?" Anne answered, "So we must spend more time together."

Johnny rolled his eyes, "Even when we should be sleeping?" Johnny sighed, "To answer your question, I think our relationship is more casual like."


Johnny sighed, "Look it's nothing personal. I just can't figure out if my feelings are genuine, or if it's just because you know."


"Like Adam and Eve at the beginning."

Anne gave him a confused looked before gasping when she figured what he meant, "Oh. Well, I guess I understand."

"Trust me if I figure it out, I will tell you the honest answer."

"You better," Anne responded before picking a video, "Now can we watch something?"

"I rather go to sleep."

"Come on," Anne pouted, "For me."

Johnny groaned, "Fine. Only because I think it will help me get to sleep."

"Awesome!" Anne exclaimed excitedly.

"If we end up sleeping together again I am blaming you."

"Fine. I will make sure that doesn't happen."

Writing the date was a bit of a struggle at first, but once I got through the issues of starting it, it was fairly easy. The build up to it with Hop Pop was my favorite part to write. The poor old frog is so confused on how humans do things. I hope the couple scenes with Sprig and Polly was also decent comic relief to the more serious Anne and Johnny conversations. Those scenes aren't very important and are just there for fun. I actually had the final scene with Johnny and Anne talking in the rain in my head for a few days before I wrote it, but it went in a completely direction than I originally intended. It was actually going to be a bit more heartwarming with Anne actually managing to cheer Johnny up, but I like this version better, as I feel it's more realistic.