
10. Girl talk and guy talk

Anne was reading through one of her magazines, trying to get some answers for the feelings she has been having towards Johnny. She understands that she has a crush, but it doesn't explain why or how she has these feelings when they haven't known each other long. Not to mention that confusing moment when he first moved in. Anne closed the magazine as she realized it might have something to do with the fact he is the only human male in this world.


Anne jumped in fright, but calmed down when she noticed Polly giving her an annoyed look.

"What Polly?"

"I have been trying to get your attention for about a minute," Polly told her before giving her a concern look, "Something on your mind?"

Anne nervously rubbed the back of her head, "Yes? I mean yeah. Something."

"Come on Anne," Polly said trying to assure the human girl, "You can tell me."

Anne took a deep breath, "Well, it's about Johnny."

"What about him?"

"I... I have been having... Having these feelings towards him."

"The same kind of feelings Sprig has for Ivy?"

Anne nodded.

"So, how are you going to make your move?"

"My move?" Anne asked giving Polly a confused look.

"Yeah, how are you going to get with him?"

"I... I don't know if I should," Anne admitted.

"Why not?"

Anne sighed, "We just met and I just need time to sort my feelings out."

"I don't see why you can't give it a try, if he agrees," Polly argued, "If it doesn't work out, you two will still be friends."

Anne shook her head, "You can't guarantee that Polly. Besides, things are more complicated than you think."

"Oh?" Polly asked curious, "Enlighten me."

Johnny was relaxing on the front yard with Sprig. Sprig sighed before deciding to have a chat with the human boy.


"Um," Johnny mumbled before turning to look at the young frog, "Yes, Sprig?"

Sprig nervously rubbed his hands, "I was wondering. What do you think about Anne?"

Johnny gave him a questioning look, but quickly shrugged it off, "Strange question, but she seems pretty cool," Johnny then smirked, "It's a lot of fun messing with her."

"Don't you think you are taking it too far?"

Johnny shook his head, "Trust me little buddy, I know when I should stop."

"I hope you do."

Johnny gave him a smile, "I like how much you are protective of her."

"Yeah," Sprig responded nervously, "We are incredibly close."

"She's close to all of us."

Sprig and Johnny looked up to find Hop Pop walking up to them.

"Well, she has lived with you guys for more than 3 months," Johnny said with a nod.

Hop Pop chuckled, "Actually, I included you in my statement."

"Huh," Johnny responded stunned, "Why? I haven't known her long."

"Are you really trying to tell me after that night, when you slept together, you aren't close?"

"That was a mistake!" Johnny answered with a dark blush on his face.

Hop Pop shook his head, "Face it Johnny. In this short time you two have gotten much closer than you might think."

"Fine," Johnny admitted, "But I am nowhere as close to her as you two and Polly."

"Give it time," Hop Pop responded, "Anyway, we should discuss what to do with the upcoming party."

"I don't know Pops. It's not like we can show up, armed to the teeth."

"Um," Hop Pop mumbled deep in thought.

Johnny ignored the old frog and decided to ponder a few things of his own. He has only been in this world for about 2 weeks and so much has happened. Things so unusual that if you would have told him 1 of them would happen to him, before arriving here, he would have called you a liar. Not only was he sent to a strange new world, where amphibians have evolved into human like beings, in a world that still seems primitive, He wasn't the only one sent here. He had managed to come into contact with one of the few humans in this world, aside from himself and things between them have been confusing. Their meeting started out weird and awkward as she invaded his personal space and even sniffed his arm. Now he understands why she did it and couldn't blame her. If he was here for 3 months with the only human contact in that time frame, being negative, he would have likely reacted the same way. It doesn't change how awkward it was, though. After that rocky start they managed to form a good friendship with one another. Sure, they bicker, but they also seem to enjoy each other's company. There are also the moments where He is feeling lustful towards her. He has no issues in admitting he finds her attractive, even stating it upfront. Perhaps, if their friendship continues to grow they will become more than friends.

"Why don't we have someone be close to her the entire party to keep her safe," Sprig suggested.

Johnny flinched nervously from being interrupted from his thoughts.

"Sorry," Sprig apologized.

"It's fine. I was just deep in thoughts."

"I am impressed boy. That's not a bad idea," Hop Pop complimented, "Which one of us should do it."

Johnny chuckled, "No offense Pops, but I think you are too old to be her date at a party."

"Normally, I would be angry after hearing that, but I understand. So, it's between you and Sprig."

"Johnny can do it," Sprig answered.

"Are you sure?" Johnny and Hop Pop asked.

"Yeah, I am thinking of taking Ivy."

Hop Pop gently smack his forehead, "Right. Of course."

"Your girlfriend little buddy?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, I... Yes," Sprig nervously answered.

"Good for you buddy," Johnny complimented before holding up a fist.

Sprig blinked before giving Johnny a confused look, "Uh..."

Johnny sighed, "Friends tend to gently bumped fists. Geez it's confusing how similar and different your culture norms are to mine and Anne's."

"Oh," Sprig mumbled before giving Johnny a fist bump, "This is actually pretty cool."

"Hasn't Anne taught you anything about how humans interact?"

"She has," Sprig answered before chuckling, "Let's just say our lesson led to a few hiccups."

"Well, with me here, all you must do is watch us interact."

Sprig shook his head, "No offense Johnny, but I don't like the way you treat her."

"Oh? How so?" Johnny asked with complete interest.

"Well, I think you take it too far. Could you tone it down?"

"Fine. I will see what I can do."

"Thank you."

"It's probably for the best," Hop Pop interjected, "Anne might not be willing to spend time with you, if you annoy her too much."

"How should Johnny go about asking her?" Sprig asked.

"Beats me. We don't exactly have the best track record," Hop Pop answered with a sigh.

"You two are just making it more complicated than it needs to be," Johnny argued, "I will just ask her."

Hop Pop and Sprig gave him stunned looks.

"It can't be that simple. I struggled when it came to Sylvia," Hop Pop argued.

Johnny smiled before giving Hop Pop a pact on the back, "Impressive Pops. To have a girl at your age."

"Don't touch me like that," Hop Pop scolded the teen, "She is around my age so it isn't impressive."

Johnny chuckled, "Just take the compliment Pops. Besides, if she wasn't in your age group, I would be completely disturbed."

"Enough about me. Do you really think it's that simple to ask Anne out?"

Johnny mumbled, "I suppose I could ask her on a date or two before and continue to develop our friendship. I am not too worried, we will just be going as friends."

Hop Pop and Sprig gasped in realization. Johnny gave them a confused look.

"No wonder you aren't nervous about asking her. You are only planning on going with her as friends," Hop Pop explained.

"Yeah, I just said that."

Hop Pop frowned at the back talk, but decided to let it slide, "Well, do what you see fit. I have other things to focus my attention on," Hop Pop told the teen before leaving.

After Hop Pop was out of sight Johnny turned towards Sprig, "What other things is he worried about?"

"The farm, or perhaps trying to find answers about Anne's music box. He is usually secretive about certain things he does."

Johnny nodded, "I guess I can respect that."

Sprig took a deep breath, "Johnny?"


"So, you only see Anne as a friend?"

"Why are you asking?"

Sprig looked on the ground nervously, "Sorry. I am just curious. Like we have discussed before you two have gotten close and you two are the only members of your own species, that are the opposite gender."

Johnny shook his head, "First off little buddy, that doesn't mean we will definitely get together. Second, you are aware creatures can like members of the same gender, right?"

Sprig sighed, "Yeah, sorry for jumping to conclusions."

"No, to be honest it's complicated. I am attractive to her, but I don't know if I actually like her in that way, or if it's just due to me and her being the only humans in town."

Sprig chuckled, "Imagine if Anne's female friends were in town too."

Johnny cringed, "That will most likely make things much harder."

"So, what are you going to do?"

"I guess I can ask her for 1 date and see how it goes."

"Well, you do have a week. Maybe make it more than 1," Sprig suggested.

Johnny gave him a small smile, "Maybe if it goes well."

"It's weird how sometimes he gets on my nerves, but I just find him so attractive as well."

"Sorry Anne. I really wish I could help you out and everything, but I know nothing about this," Polly apologized.

"Yeah, you are too young and this is a human thing."

"I think you are wrong about it being a human thing," Polly argued.

"How so?"

"Is Sprig's relationship with Ivy any different to human ones."

Anne shook her head, "No, it seems like normal young love."

"See. Maybe you can get help here after all," Polly assured the human girl, "From someone who knows something about relationships."

"Maybe. Yeah." Anne responded nervously.

"Sorry. I couldn't be give you more help."

"No, it was nice to just be able to vent to someone I can trust," Anne assured Polly with a smile.

"Good to hear. Now, to get to what I came here for."


"I am thinking about getting some payback on Johnny," Polly answered with an evil smile, "Are you in?"

Anne smiled back, "Sure, it will be nice to pay him back for all the aggravation."

"Johnny?" Sprig asked.


"I have a feeling Polly and Anne are plotting revenge on you."

"Trust me little buddy I was expecting payback sooner or later," Johnny responded before shrugging his shoulders.

"You aren't worried?"

Johnny shook his head, "Them getting revenge makes this much more fun."

"I suppose."

"I have to wonder what they have in mind."

"Knowing Polly she might take it to the extreme," Sprig noted.

"Won't Anne keep her from going too far?"

"Yeah, but you should still be careful," Sprig warned.

"Thanks buddy, but I am still not too worried."

"I wish I was as calm as you usually are."

"Sprig, I am not really that calm."

"You aren't?"

"No, I am worried about never getting back home. I guess being stranded has made it so I am not worried as much about about smaller things, like a couple of girls getting revenge."

"Huh," Sprig mumbled before giving Johnny an impressed look, "I still find it impressive."

"Thanks. Little buddy."

A couple hours later Johnny entered the living room to find Anne watching something on her phone. Seeing his opportunity he made his way towards her. He smirked as she didn't seem to have noticed him approach, but decided to not mess with her this time. He didn't want to until she and Polly both had their turn. He took a seat on the couch and waited for her to notice him.

"How long have you been here?" Anne asked.

"Not long. What are you doing?" Johnny asked.

"Just watching something I already watched over 100 times, " Anne answered with a sigh, "Being stuck in a world without internet is a pain."

"Just be glad you are still alive and healthy," Johnny scolded.

"Ok. Dad," She teased before sticking out her tongue, "Anyway, What's up?"

Johnny gave her a smile, "Are you planning anything?"

Anne flinched nervously before smiling back, "No, not really."

"Well, if you feel the need to have revenge against anyone, feel free."

Anne flinched nervously again and chuckled, "I don't, but if you say so."

Johnny decided to drop the subject for now, "I was wondering if you wanted to spend time together. Just the 2 of us."

Anne blinked in surprise, "Are you asking me out."

"Consider it what you will. You told me about your efforts at Stumpy's and I want to see it myself," Johnny responded before giving her a charming smile, "So, why not go there together?"

Anne froze as she felt her cheeks heat up. This was a completely new experience for her and she doesn't know what to do. Anne managed to take a deep breath and calmed down enough to think. Perhaps, it actually won't hurt to go on 1 date and see how it goes. Hopefully, if they don't work out as a couple, they will remain good friends. Despite telling Polly she was hesitant to, now that she in the moment she was willing to give it a try.

"I... Yeah that sound good to me," Anne managed to blurt out nervously.

Johnny gently patted her on the head, "Sounds good. How about later today?"

"Yeah," Anne managed.

"Great. Well, I will leave you to prepare," Johnny told her before leaving.

"That went well," Johnny mumble when he was out of earshot.

This chapter was much easier to write. It just came naturally to me. I really wanted to establish Johnny and Sprig having a brotherly relationship. I am debating whether or not to actually have Johnny and Anne become a couple, as I think it will be better if he remains single for a while. I think I will have more fun when he eventually meets Sasha when he is single, but we will see. I might also do something with the image of a believed cloaked Marcy with a crossbow, and have them appear in a future chapter, but I will leave it ambiguous if it's her or not. To be clear I believe it's Marcy, but I am keeping it ambiguous in case the small chance it isn't them turns out to be the case. Better safe than sorry.