
1. Introduction

For a few days now I just had the idea of adding a teenage boy to the mix just for kicks and giggles at seeing the girls become boy crazy and trying to keep their hormones under control when they encounter a human boy. The only one they will be able to interact with for now.

Anne sighed as she recalled the recent events. Anne was excited to be reunited with Sasha at first. She was happy to learn she isn't the only human in this strange world. Don't get her wrong she has learned to love this place and have made great friends, but Anne can't help but want to interact with a member of her own species. She enjoys the company of the townspeople, but it would be nice to talk with somebody who would completely understand aspects of human nature and not ask questions, Anne never thought she would have to answer.

"Anne, are you ok? You have been quieter than usual," Sprig asked in concerned.

Anne managed a small smile, "I'm fine Sprig. I am just getting used to what happened with Sasha,"

Sprig nodded, "Yeah, we all are still getting used to that whole incident."

"Sorry about the whole thing," Anne apologized.

Sprig gave Anne a confused look, "Why are you apologizing? You didn't caused it."

Anne sighed, "If it wasn't for my friendship with Sasha you and the rest of the town wouldn't have gotten into that trap."

"Anne, you didn't know. You were happy to be reunited with a friend." Sprig told her.

"Ex friend," Anne corrected.

Sprig shook his head, "I don't know about that."

"What do you mean?" Anne asked.

"Anne, she let go just so you would survive. If you ask me I think she saw the errors of her ways and was trying to make up for everything," Sprig answered.

"You think so?" Anne asked.

Sprig nodded, "Anne, I can't say for certain how things will play out in the future, but sometimes you must have hope."

Anne smiled, "Who knew you could actually be wise?"

"I have my moments," Sprig responded.

"It's just that I was happy to learn I wasn't the only human in this world," Anne admitted before covering her mouth.

"What do you mean?"

Anne sighed, "I don't mean anything against you or anyone else. I like this place, but I miss my home and can't help feeling lonely, since I am one of the three humans here."

"Relax Anne I am not offended."

"You aren't?"

Sprig shook his head, "If our positions were reversed and I was stuck in your world, I think I would feel the same way."

Anne yawned, "I think I am going to bed."

"Me too. We all had a long hard day. Hopefully, tomorrow things will be much calmer."

"Goodnight Sprig."

"Goodnight Anne."

Sasha groaned and rubbed her head. Memories of the recent events filled her mind and she became fearful. She had lost the duel against Anne. What will Grime do? Sasha sighed and took a deep breath. More importantly, how was she still alive?


Sasha turned towards the direction of the voice and her fear returned, as she saw Grime giving her a stern look. Sasha blinked as it appeared that Grime was also looking at her with concern. Sasha shrugged it off. That's ridiculous, isn't it?

"Yeah, How am I still alive?" Sasha asked.

"You are thanks to me," Grime answered.

"You saved me?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I save my valuable lieutenant?"

Sasha nodded. Of course he only saved her because he still has a use for her and doesn't really care for her.

"You aren't going to punish me for losing the duel?"

Grime shook his head, "I am more focus on vengeance. I am sure you are too."

Sasha awkwardly rubbed the back of her head, "Actually...

"If you are hesitant, I won't force you and you can go back to being our prisoner," Grime threatened giving Sasha the scariest look she has ever seen, "The tower is mostly damaged as you can see, but we are more than capable of holding you here."

"No, of course I will help you get vengeance," Sasha assured him reluctantly.

"Good. Glad to see we are on the same page," Grime said with a smile, "Oh and be sure to give it your all. Now I will let you get some sleep. We are working on repairing the Tower and it should be done in a few weeks. Until then try to make the most of it."

Sasha sighed as she watched Grime leave. Truth be told Sasha feels guilt for the way she has treated Anne over the years. They wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her manipulating Anne. Sasha wants nothing more than to be able to make up for it, but because of Grime she has to continue this war they have going on. Sasha rubbed her eyes as she felt tears form. How could things have gone so wrong? Now she has to oppose one of her friends, when she just wants to make up for her manipulative behavior and the other is god knows where. Perhaps, this was karma punishing her for everything? Sasha sighed and silently prayed that things end up well for her and her friends.

Somewhere in the distant forest of Amphibia, a figure wearing a black jacket, covering him form head to waist, rubbed his hands in front of a campfire. The figure sighed before taking off his backpack and pulling out his bag of trail mix. His food reserves were running low and soon he would have to try and either kill some wild life, or find something editable like mushrooms, or berries.

"Thanks goodness I learned some decent skills at scouts or I doubt I would have made it this long," The figure mumbled before putting out the fire for the night, "I have been traveling for days now and no sign of any towns. Hopefully, tomorrow I will find one."

The figure pulled down the hood of his jacket, revealing himself as a teenage boy with short black hair and green eyes. He pulled out a strange music box and despite knowing it was futile, opened and closed it several times. The boy sighed before putting the box away.

"What's the point. I am stranded god knows where. I hope to run into another person soon," The boy mumbled before taking a few towels out of his backpack and placing his head on them, "I better find a town soon. I miss sleeping in a nice soft bed, where I don't have to sleep near insects."

The boy managed to fall asleep and unknown to him he was going to be surprised to learn what happened to him.