

A 28 year old nini whose life was somewhat traumatic dies from a gun and is reincarnated in a fantasy world where he will restart his life from scratch to improve his disorders for a short time. ..

Sevengrey_Losroad1 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs



There are people who think that going to a fantasy world would be fun or better than our planet, they think they could go on adventures anywhere, find love or some kind of threesome of girls or maybe find the right partner or be famous all over the world and be recognized but the sad story is that it is a piece of shit to live in a world like that.

At the end of the day they will always end up betraying you, like someone kills the person you love, they kill your parents or your best friend dies and you try to commit suicide.

"What a horrible story, it's just beginning and it's already explaining what will happen later on, I would have bought the jujutsu ones."


It seems that I'm already hungry, but I don't have food in the cupboard and the store is near me, although I think I'll have to buy something cheap since they didn't pay me this week, damn stingy pizzeria, well I have no choice but to go, I'll be back in a while.

Fuck what the fuck am I doing with my life I'm already over twenty years old I'm 28 and I'm still playing games and reading comics and novels I should get a better partner if I keep going I'll die a virgin.

At that moment lightning struck from far away, it seems like it wants to rain, I should have brought an umbrella now that you remember on TV they were saying that lightning has been striking hard in these areas, they say that it left a hole the size of a car.

But well it's not like I care so much about that right now what I want is to get paid that damn old man always does the same thing, if this time he doesn't pay me I swear I'll report him. 



"Look closely you almost ran me over" a there's no point yelling at him I look like an idiot yelling at a good truck we're here -shop and store, I'll just buy what I need food for two days and 4 liters of water.

I wonder if it would be better to leave my current job, I don't even know what to do, I hate that job and if that wasn't enough my mother hasn't stopped calling me, she is stupid if she thinks I will answer her after what she did, my brothers and family are dead, I wonder if I should get friends.

At that point I remembered something "ha-ha-ha-ha-ha yeah right, I don't think I want to have friends again what the hell am I saying" just thinking about it makes me nauseous I better get back I should have brought an umbrella now it's raining.

Right now I'm wondering what would have happened if I had fallen in love with someone else, would I have had a better life? But I still have time, I'm only twenty-eight, well there's a girl at my job and she's a sweetheart but she already has a boyfriend.

It would be better that if I quit that job that I don't take graphic design classes and for dessert I would laugh maybe I could open my business or print custom t-shirts, no way even I couldn't do that it's better that I go to a sweatshop.

My only life is to live as a nini who is somewhat unemployed who loves video games and movies and comics I should read things that are worthwhile if I'm not wrong almost all my high school classmates are successful especially the two of them. 

Subject no.1 is a successful businesswoman who opened her animation studio and subject no.2 not long ago came to visit me and apologize even though I closed the door if I'm not wrong he said he worked as an architect and that he was well paid and invited me to work for him.

And last but not least I am a pizza delivery man who gets paid when he wants to get paid and I still don't understand how I can live anymore and I still miss my dad, he was a good person, in fact, he cared about me and always supported me and always cared because he always tried to cheer me up.

But mom never supported me, she never even bothered to go to my school's festivals or went to school when I got beaten up and got wet in a classroom, or accused me of something I didn't do, and she blames me for dad's death, what a bitch she is and now she wants to apologize.

But I just left and they already closed this excellent street and it looks like another lightning strike here! Now that I see it, it's shaped like a triangle circle in the middle, is that weird?

I'll have to turn around, I remember that I always went down this street with my brothers and sisters, they always supported me at school, but because of these rumors they stopped wanting to go with me.

What's more, to say that my older brother who you could say was the president of that school accused me of abusing one of my classmates something that was a lie and still that bitch kept quiet making me back home she beat me.

And my sister talked bad about me in other classrooms saying that she was ashamed to be my younger sister, she was disgusted, she didn't want to see me saying that she accused me of going into a women's bathroom.

I should have gone to that university that I wanted so much, now I can't do anything and to top it off I have no support from anyone as I hate this planet I would like to die or for this planet to explode.

"a, but who are they?

Ah what happened I feel an extreme pain in my side it burns too much.


Who is screaming it looks like he is in a lot of pain, I-I feel very cold a what but what is happening, a I see it's me.

"P-por fa-por fa-por I need an ambu-lance!"

It looks like I've been shot, but who was it? A bank I see then they just robbed it ray I didn't notice I'm dying and the last thing I'm thinking is this but it's happening to me eh wait.

".... .... ...."

I can't talk anymore and my breathing gets weaker and weaker, I think he hit me in the stomach I can't even move anymore they say that when you die you see your life pass but I don't think I remember anything I wonder if I should have apologized to them? Haha no at least I will finally die something I always wanted.