
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
280 Chs

Monsterous Black

A week after the incident with Neopolitan leaving Argint, we reached the volcanic region of Anima, which had far more greenery than what I had expected. Aside from the actual volcanoes themselves, the area was filled with dense and verdant jungle. I told the girls before I went off to explore on my own.

" Argint, Neopolitan, you two set up camp while I go see if I can find any game meat here for lunch."

" Yes, Master Silva."

The vampire bat girl acknowledged while the tri-color girl lifelessly nodded in reply. I looked up at the sky and opened a portal under me. As I fell from the sky, I took in my surroundings and went to the closest volcano first to dig up some sulfur and grab some ash to run some tests to see their contents. With another doorway opened under me, I found myself at the volcano and quickly regained my footing. Ash came down like snow as I explored the area and took some samples of ash while finding some fart-scented yellow stones that was sulfur.

Unfortunately, my nose is more sensitive, so my gag reflex constantly kicked in as I gathered some sulfur to make fresh gunpowder. Now, I needed a shower as the scent of brimstone clung to my body and clothes, probably with tomato juice on top of it all, considering how rank I smelled. Still, it was a necessary evil as I needed a location to work with on my sulfur and volcanic ash mining plans. Now let's see if I can find any to hunt in this jungle for lunch. I wandered through the jungle and kept my eyes sharp to find anything.

As I had no luck finding anything, I figured that the smell of sulfur was scaring away any animals near my position. I found a river after a few hours of wandering around and decided to try my luck fishing. Rather than use a pole, bow, or net, I conjured a sphere of black destructive energy and blasted the water to see what I would send flying. After a loud splash, it started raining some fish, but I also woke up something bigger, a lot bigger than fish. I leaped back as a long-necked thing with lots of sharp teeth snapped at me. After getting a safe distance, I got a clearer look at my ticked-off river monster.

I was stunned at what I saw; it looked like something out of a prehistoric documentary on something from the era of dinosaurs or the Jurassic period. It glared at me with fury and hunger and brought its body closer to the shore. Attached to its long neck was an oval-shaped body with four fins, two on each side, and a long, flat tail. It hissed and roared as it looked at me, then wind back its long head like a snake or cobra, then struck at me. I dodged and sent another dark blast at its head, which blew its noggin clean off.

I have to admit I was geeking out at what I found, a living, well, previously living, prehistoric-like aquatic reptile. After examing its body, I carved out some of its flesh to cook along with some of the fish I had previously blasted out of the water. I am definitely going to be doing some in-depth exploring in this region, but at a later date, as Menagerie is my final destination. I went back to camp through a portal and saw that things were a mess. Neopolitan and Argint were cleaning up a torn tent, and I asked concernedly.

" What happened?"

The tri-colored girl looking annoyed, points at a pile of dead... velociraptors!? At least they look like the dinosaur, anyway. I took a closer look, and these were definitely velociraptors but smaller than the fossils I saw in museums. They were about the size of, maybe a bit bigger than wolves but regardless, I felt excited that there might be dinosaur-like creatures in this jungle. I curbed my excitement and asked the two of them.

" Were either of you hurt?"

" We are unharmed, Master Silva."

Feeling relieved at what I heard, I decided to help both of them clean up the camp sight before making lunch, then swing by my Vale condo for a needed shower. The fish was good, but the meat from the river reptile reminded me of gator meat but with a slightly different flavor. After lunch and dinner, we decided to sleep in the Drake for tonight, considering that were hostile predators about in the area.


I woke up the following day and went outside to find something a lot bigger than the raptors yesterday. It looked like a freaking T-REX! Thankfully, its size was smaller than, say, an elephant, but it was still pretty big. It was munching on the carcasses of the raptors, and I heard the sound of crunching bones as it ate. I watched it eat with morbid curiosity and fascination. I recalled a silly boyhood dream of mine to have a pet T-Rex and started to wonder how viable that dream was now since I saw a smaller version of the dinosaur in front of me.

Okay, researching the animals in this volcanic jungle region has been added to my to-do list. After eating its fill, the T-Rex-like lizard started to stomp away with a bloodied mouth while never noticing me. I did my research beforehand on the area, but it was mainly on general maps and the activity of the volcanoes. I wished I had dug a little deeper to find out about these dinosaur-like creatures beforehand and maybe made some preparations to catch a few to sate some childhood dreams about dinosaurs, but hindsight is 20/20.

Whatever I can come back later if I really want to, and I can be better prepared by then.


Arthur Watts worked on replicating several machines he used at his Atlas-funded lab in preparation for leaving the kingdom to follow Silva's offer to him. He did this out of his own pocket so no one could say he stole from Atlas when he left and set up shop elsewhere. The scientist worked on recreating a high-class fabricator that could construct complex high-tech parts. He needed this machine the most as it could be used to create newer technologies when required in case he needed to make a swift exit from Atlas.

James Ironwood wasn't going just to let go of one of Atlas's brightest minds, as Arthur knew that the half-metal man would stop him by any means necessary to keep Atlas's advanced tech within Atlas. More so now, since James is under scrutiny for having too much power with his now-known psychological profile apparent to everyone. The half-metal man would just use the scientist as proof that he could be trusted by stopping Arthur from leaving when it would displease Atlas's political parties to know that one of their own scientists left unimpeded.

As Arthur worked, he heard the door to his lap open and turned his attention to an unexpected guest. Hazel Rainart, an eight-foot-tall dark-skinned man, built like a brick wall with brown hair and hazel eyes. He walked in calmly as the scientist demanded with a wary look.

" Who are you, and how did you get in here?!"

The giant introduced himself with a mild temperament.

" My name is Hazel, and I have come baring an offer from my employer. For entering your lab, I apologize for my intrusion. My employer has several connections that make something like accessing an Atlas-funded lab possible."

Arthur took that information and thought of a few possible culprits that might have granted access to his lab. He saw that this man's employer was definitely highly influential, and the scientist's interest peaked as he asked.

" And your employer would be?"

Hazel kept silent as he brought out a briefcase and opened it to reveal an odd glowing item that Arthur had never seen before. He looked at it more closely and then asked.

" And this is?"

" One of many unique items my employer has in her possession that might arouse your curiosity."

The giant answered solemnly, then said as he closed the case.

" My employer simply wishes to arrange a meeting with you in private and discuss a possible partnership."

Arthur stroked his mustache in thought before replying.

" I have a previous offer, but I must admit you have my attention, so please allow me to contact my associate so that I may hear his counteroffer."

The scientist was greatly enjoying the situation as it made him feel acknowledged and appreciated for having more options in leaving Atlas behind. Hazel nodded in understanding and said calmly.

" As you wish."

He turned to leave and said.

" I will be in contact."