
Fading Orange

It has been a few days since the White Fang attacked Atlas, and James Ironwood is now holding a press conference.

" People of Atlas, I am sure you are aware of the White Fang's change in policy, and I promise you they will pay for what they have done to our kingdom."

One of the reports asked.

" What actions are you planning on taking, general?"

" Currently, we have several of the White Fang's officers in our custody, and I plan on extracting every bit of information they have on their organization to make a plan of attack. Plus, aside from that, I have posted several investigations, bounty, and search and destroy missions not only here in Atlas but in all the kingdoms as well for any Huntsman or Huntress to take up against the White Fang."

All these officers in the general's custody were courtesy of Silva's handiwork; he picked the ones most likely to stand with Adam and against Sienna by using Soul Archive to identify the more extreme faunus in the White Fang. The Bengal tiger woman wasn't sure whether to strangle the snow leopard faunus or thank him for cleaning the house for her but more on that later. Another reporter asked.

" General, how are you going to punish the supporters of the White Fang? They have to have help getting into the kingdom."

" Anyone caught helping the White Fang will be an accessory to terrorism and treason against Atlas."

Not many faunus residing within Atlas's slum would support them anyway because their actions threaten their already difficult life in the kingdom of Atlas, especially since the SDC has become a better workplace for faunus now, and they felt nervous that the White Fang's actions might have made things worse for them. James's proclamation really drives it home how Atlas's stance against the White Fang is set. Another reporter then asked.

" General, what is your opinion on the rumors of a faunus fighting against the White Fang during their attack?"

James smiled at the question and answered.

" That is no rumor; it is true. One Silva Branwen, a guest student here in Atlas Academy, went out of his way to stand against the White Fang as he felt they had gone too far."

" Where is he now, general?"

The general answered with a confident smile.

" He's right here. Silva Branwen, please come up to the podium."

Silva came out from the back of the room and went up to the podium. Several reporters filmed and took pictures of him as he made his way. The snow leopard faunus felt annoyed about being put on display like this but knew it was, unfortunately, necessary, so he dealt with it regardless of his feelings. After Silva reached the podium, James then said.

" I am sure some of you in Atlas recognized my young friend here, so let me confirm your suspicions. Yes, Silva Branwen is the same person that stopped the mob from reaching the slums when they were on the warpath after Jacques Schnee; I mean, Gele spread his toxic theory about how the faunus were behind the recent troubles, which was in no way based off any facts or analysis. Seeing this young man stand up against the unreasonable rampage, I decided to help him out when he ran into some legal trouble."

" General, you referred to this faunus as a guest student in your academy; why would any student, guest, or otherwise be allowed to confront the terrorist of the White Fang?"

James answered with practice ease at the reporter.

" When the attack happened, he was already outside the Academy at the time of the attack and responded as he was trained as a huntsman-in-training. I personally approve of his course of action; he saw a problem and went to find a solution with his own power and conviction."

The reporters took in the information, and before another question could be asked, James announced.

" It is also my esteemed pleasure to give Silva Branwen a council-issued pardon to absolve him of his previous crime."

The reports went silent at this announcement as a council-issued pardon is extremely rare and has only been given out a handful of times after the Great War. This was Silva's price for helping Atlas out in a serious crisis. While James felt reluctant to give it out, he ultimately agreed when the snow leopard faunus also offered to help with the blowback of the White Fang's attack with his presence here at this conference. What the general didn't know was that he had just absolved Silva of his slaughter at the Red Auction Incident and his assault on Atlas's science community. The snow leopard faunus felt very smug underneath his neutral expression.

As the press conference continued, it was soon reaching its end. James did something that was off the pre-decided script that he and Silva had agreed to and asked.

" Silva Branwen, would you please give your opinion about the recent events?"

The snow leopard faunus gave the general an annoyed sidelong glance at him for pulling this on him without any warning. James stepped away from the speakers and gestured for Silva to take his place. The snow leopard faunus felt tempted to just flip off the general but sighed and went to say his piece. After clearing his throat, Silva then said to the entire kingdom of Atlas.

" As many of you know, the White Fang was a peaceful organization that promoted equality between human and faunus kind. A peaceful protest was the worse they could do, and while I feel disappointed with the White Fang's current direction, I also understand it. Many, if not all, politicians looked at the White Fang's peaceful actions with indifference and some cases, even felt annoyed at the faunus for not quietly accepting their lot in life. This led to several members feeling frustrated that their actions might not have any effect on the current status quo."

Silva paused as he let what he said sink in before continuing.

" In the end, more... radical ideas started to take root on how to make the faunus's voice heard. To use violence where they believe violence is necessary to get their point across. Some faunus may approve of their actions. Some may feel concerned that they are just making things worse for everybody, but in the end, the choice has been made, and what happens next is unknown to me. Ultimately, the cause of all this is simple but complicated at the same time; it's hatred. Hate that a human feels for faunus and hate that a faunus feel for humans."

The reporters kept silent as they recorded everything, and Silva continued.

" I don't know how to make the hate people feel, both human and faunus, disappear. It has been around as long as the first interaction between our two races that call Remnant home. It won't disappear with a snap of fingers, and I fear it will be around long after I die. In the end, time and effort are the only ways forward in the relationship between faunus and humans. I won't ask or expect anyone to try and change their minds, for I am just a simple guy trying to live his life as best he can like everyone else."

Silva turned his back on the reporters to leave but not before sending a quick hidden glare at James Ironwood for blind siding him. He was officially done with Atlas and hoped never to return unless he had to or wanted to spend time with the Schnee family.


Adam had finally woken up from being unconscious and had soon found out what happened after he was knocked out. He raged in his room at the White Fang's central headquarters at being defeated by a "traitor" to the faunus and that the Schnee Dust Company still stood tall, plus having his sword destroyed. He cried out in fury as he wrecked his room to vent when Blake came along to check on him.

" Adam?"

She called out with a mix of worry and fear at seeing the bull faunus act like this.


Adam bellowed at Blake, and when he realized what he did, he soothed her after she looked like she was struck, as he had never yelled at her before.

" I apologize, my darling, but with how things turned out, I can't help but feel furious."

" It's alright; I understand, Adam."

The cat girl accepted the bull faunus's apology with a slightly strained smile, then informed him.

" The high leader has called for everyone in the throne room."

" Do you know why?"

Adam asked, but Blake shook her head in denial at knowing. They went together and soon reached the throne room and saw a massive projection of Willow Schnee as she gave a press conference of her own. The bull faunus growled and then demanded an explanation.

" What is going on here?!"

" Be silent, Adam Taurus!"

Sienna replied coldly as she watched the press conference with rapt attention. The Schnee matriarch started by saying.

" Hello, everyone. Some of you may not be familiar with me, so allow me to introduce myself. I am Willow Schnee, CEO of the Schnee Dust Company and family head of the Schnee family. I have called you all here not only to condemn the actions of the current White Fang but also to give a long overdue apology. As many of you know, my ex-husband, Jacques Gele, made several legal grey decisions on how to run my father's company, which caused suffering to several people."

Willow paused as her expression was solemn, then continued with sincerity.

" I apologize for my husband's decisions that caused not only the pain but also the deaths of several employees, mainly the faunus, as my husband used the legal gray areas to promote almost slave-like conditions on to the company's faunus employees. I wish I could undo the harm he has caused, but the only thing I can offer is a guarantee that the unethical treatment of faunus employees will be stopped. I have already started on changing several policies that my husband used to increase the company's profit margins."

This causes the White Fang to erupt in murmurs, but Adam seethed as an apology was nowhere enough for him. He had to make them pay in the most brutal and painful way possible. Willow did not stop there as she looked at the camera in anger.

" However... any faunus employee found supporting the White Fang in any way will have their employment immediately terminated with no benefits like retirement funds or alike. The White Fang entered my home and threatened not only me but my children as well. I have little doubt that if not for the intervention of one Silva Branwen, my family and I would be dead because of my ex-husband's actions and several faunus' grudges. I repeat, any faunus employee found supporting the White Fang will be met with immediate termination."

The projection was cut off, and Sienna announced to everyone in the throne room.

" All actions against the Schnee Dust Company will cease and desist from this moment on!"

" High leader, the Schnee family must be made to p-."

Adam did not get a chance to finish his sentence before the Bengal tiger woman roared out.

" Adam Taurus, you will remain silent, or you will find yourself demoted!"

The bull fanus seethed with anger but kept his mouth shut, and Sienna explained.

" I am sure many of you are wondering why I ordered not to go against the SDC, but I assure you it is not simply because of the public apology that the SDC just gave but a far more significant reason. As many of you know, before our operation, the Schnee Dust Company was changing its policies for the betterment of faunus-kind, and I now have confirmation as to why this has happened. These changes were brought about by a fellow faunus that all of you should know of, one Silva Branwen, yes, the same Silva Branwen that spoke against us in Atlas's press conference."

Sienna ignored their rambling as she continued.

" He arranged Jacques Schnee, now Gele's disappearance and Willow Schnee's rise to prominence. He has control over the SDC and only went against us as we threatened to upend his own work on helping the faunus with our attack. Furthermore, Ilia Amitola can confirm that Silva Branwen is also the one behind the Red Auction Incident. With his council-issued, he can no longer be convicted of killing those human scums. We may not have had complete success with our operation in Atlas, but this is a massive victory for the faunus in general and a true step forward towards having the same rights as humans!"

All members of the White Fang cheered at what they heard except Adam as we slinked away, boiling with rage, back to his room. Blake noticed and followed him as she smiled at what she had learned.

" Adam, isn't this great?! We are making progress! Thanks to this, Silva Branwen."

" Shut up, Blake! I don't want to hear another word about that traitor who is working with the humans!"

The bull faunus said harshly as he didn't look back as Silva's words echoed in his head, and the thought of him made Adam see red and nothing else. Blake stood there looking stunned, as if she was just slapped for no reason whatsoever, and saw Adam's retreating back. The cat girl couldn't understand the bull faunus's reaction, and a seed of doubt was planted in her. Blake wondered why Adam wasn't happy at seeing the progress being made toward the equality that the White Fang seeks.