
3. Chapter 3

A/N: A quick thank you to everyone who's reviewed! This chapter may be a bit slow in terms of storyline, but we've gotta have Jay back before we can have all the drama don't we ;)


~Another Broken Heart You've Left Behind~

Erin's fingers fiddled nervously in her lap as she stared at the driver in the rear view mirror of the car. As a cop, you were trained to keep your cool. But when you went off book with procedure and were now being driven to an unknown location, completely unsure of whether or not you would find your former partner and the father of your child, it's safe to say that playing it cool was hard to do.

The car slowed as it approached a grand mansion. She took a deep breath as the driver 'politely' opened her car door to let her out. She followed Derek's right hand man into the foyer of the house and through to his office. There she came face to face with Derek Keyes.

"Did she bring it?" Derek asked the man

"It's all here" he lifted up the box to show his boss.

"Where's Jay?" Erin butted in. Derek turned his gaze to her.

"Ahhhh, you're the cop. Erin, right?" He smirked "How's your son, Ben?"

Erin felt her blood boil at Ben's name falling from Derek's lips. She balled her fists up tightly at her side. He was taunting her, she knew it. She had to keep her cool, Jay's life depended on it.

"You've got what you want, know I want my partner" She gritted out

Derek nodded his head to the man standing next to Erin and he walked out of the room. Derek pulled out a little zip-lock bag from his desk drawer and waved it between his fingers. Cocaine. He poured it out on to the mirror sitting on his desk and pulled out his credit card to move the powder into a straight line. He held up the pipe towards Erin.

"You sure you don't wanna do a little bump?" He spoke smoothly "It'll put you in a better mood"

Erin smiled tightly, eyes narrowed "I'm good" she crossed her arms over her chest, standing firm.

She turned around at the muffled groans that came down the hallway, and in came Derek's guy holding Jay. He had tape over his mouth, he had a bruise covering almost all of the right side of his face. There were various cuts and broken skin all up and down his body from where he'd been punched, and bruises forming from the baseball bat and Tazer he'd been abused with.

Jay groaned loudly as Derek's man pushed him onto the couch, his body colliding roughly with the furniture. Erin immediately rushed over, cradling the back of his head in one hand and gently peeling away the tape from over his mouth.

"Hey, you're okay" She whispered soothingly

"Erin?" Jay whispered in shock. He wasn't expecting her to show up, of all people.

Erin nodded and gave a small smile "Come on, we're getting you out of here" she spoke putting her arm under his and began to pull him up.

"Not so fast" Derek said as his guy pointed a gun at the detectives "My man Chase and I are gonna stay here until we get these files verified. No one's going anywhere just yet"

Erin froze. She knew those files were fake. And it would only be a matter of time before they knew it too. She stayed calm and sat back down, gently placing Jay back against the couch so he could rest. She just had to hope that Hank would find them sooner rather than later.

"Voight!" Mouse yelled as he ran up the stairs "I got something!"

Voight stood up from the chair in his office and opened the door for Mouse to enter.

"What'd you find?"

Mouse placed the file down in front of his Sergeant "The guy with Derek, Face recognition finally got a hit from the security camera at the airport" Mouse explained as Voight looked through the profile.

"Guy's name is Tyrell Chase, the visitors records from his prison stay showed a cousin, Kris Dunning"

"Check if he's got any deeds. They could be hiding Halstead there" Voight asked.

Mouse sat down and placed his laptop on the desk, searching through Kris Dunning's properties. He sighed and shook his head.

"What about the mother?" Voight ask checking the papers in front of him "Jill Dunning? She got anything?"

Mouse was quiet for a few minutes, focusing on the screen in front of him as he furiously typed away.

"She's got a house in Hyde Park, bought it for a little over $2 million less than a year ago. Seems a bit rags-to-riches wouldn't you agree?" He smirked.

Voight slammed the table before pointing at Mouse "We got him" he said before running out to inform the rest of his team.

Mouse walked over to the pack-n-play crib in Voight's office and looked down at his godson.

He smiled at the baby's happy face, completely unaware of what was going on with his parent's at the moment.

"We found them little guy" Mouse whispered to him "We'll bring them back safely, don't you worry about that" he picked up the baby and held him tight as he watched the rest of the team rush downstairs to grab their vests and weapons, heading over to Jill Dunning's house.

"We got a problem" Chase said as he looked at the text message on his phone

"What is it" Derek groaned

Chase walked over to the desk and showed him the photos their tech guy had sent

"This guy, his name's Jeffrey Gooding. Was in Stateville until last year, but it says he's been a CI for 6 years. Name of Daniel Brown. Same for most of the ones he's found"

Derek grabbed the gun from Chase and walked over to Erin and Jay. He lifted Jay up roughly, earning a groan in protest from the man.

"ok, ok!" Erin held her hands up as Chase grabbed her.

"Kill them both" Derek said.

Erin reached behind into the waist band of her jeans, pulling out the knife. She walked a few steps while Chase pushed her, before suddenly turning and stabbing him in the arm.

"Bitch!" Chase yelled as he grabbed her arms.

Erin pushed against him, the two of them trying to push each other down onto the ground. Jay sprung into action and flung his head back, making impact with Keyes' nose. The man grunted and Jay quickly turned around and used his upper chest to shove the man into the wall. Derek tried to push him off but Jay got in a swift knee to his chest, making him gasp for air.

Chase used all his strength and flung himself to the ground, taking Erin with him and shoving her with him, Erin making contact with the coffee table as it smashed underneath them. She grunted and struggled as Chase wrapped his hands around his neck. She tried grasping at his hands, to pull them off her neck but it was no use. She looked to the right and saw the knife she had dropped. She stretched out and just barely grasped it.

Keyes punched Jay square in the jaw, before shoving him to the ground. Jay's arms were still bound and made it a struggle for him to lift himself up. He looked at Erin, who was currently being strangled by Chase. He had to do something. He watched as Keyes started to move towards her and quickly Jay stuck his foot out, tripping the man. It wasn't much, but it would have to do.

Erin plunged the knife into Chase's side. The man took in a sharp breath as Erin continued to pull and push the knife into his side. His body gave out as he landed on top of Erin. She squirmed and grunted as she pushed him off her.

"Erin!" Jay yelled.

Erin looked towards him and noticed Derek getting up. She quickly rolled onto her front, and seeing the gun before her, crawled and reached for it. Derek had gotten up and began to charge for her. Erin quickly got up and turned and shot, hitting him in the left shoulder.

Derek grunted and stumbled, leaning against the window of his office.

"Don't move" Erin raggedly breathed out "You're under arrest"

Derek looked from her, to the gun on his desk. He could see the hardness in her eyes. He smirked before lunging to get the gun.

"Chicago P.D!" Antonio Dawson yelled as he led the unit into the living room of Jill Dunning's mansion "Don't shoot!"

The men outside instantly put their hands up, not wanting to risk being shot. Atwater, Ruzek and Olinksy all shoved the men to one side of the room. They all surveyed the area, trying to find where their missing friends were.


A gunshot echoed through the house. Followed by four more. Voight signalled towards the closed doors of the office, and the Unit positioned themselves in various spots, all with their guns pointed at the door.

"Chicago P.D Open up!" Voight's gravelly voice echoed through the house.

They all stood tense as the lock clicked, and the door started to slowly open. Voight held his breath as he saw a gun.

"Put your weapon down Keyes!" He yelled again

Erin walked out of the room slowly, raising her hands to let them know she wasn't a threat. Voight sagged with relief as he saw her exit, quickly running to her.

"He's in there" she pointed to the office.

Alvin and her stared at each other as the rest of the unit flew past her."Thanks for the gift. It came in handy" She smiled, referring to the knife he had given her before she left the station that morning.

Alvin just shrugged before following his team, as Erin walked outside.

The entire unit rushed in to find Chase and Keyes both bleeding out on the floor, and Jay sitting on the couch, Erin having unbound his hands.

"About time you guys got here" he smiled weakly.

Antonio ran to his friend and knelt before him

"You scared us big time man" He chuckled "You doing ok?"

"I just want to head home" Jay replied "How's Ben?"

"He's okay" Ruzek answered "Mouse is keeping him company"

Jay nodded, smiling at his friend in thanks. He looked next to Al and saw Voight. He frowned as he looked behind him, no body else was there. He frowned at looked at Voight, asking him the question silently. Voight simply shook his head.

"I think you'll be okay Detective" Sylvie Brett said as Jay sat in the back of the ambo at the house. Voight had insisted that if Jay wasn't going to go to the hospital, he at least had to get checked out by the MEs.

"The ribs will take a few weeks to heal, there's some major bruising to them. But I'd say you should be fine to work in the next two to three weeks. Just watch out for any signs of a concussion in the next 24 hours. If you feel nauseous, dizzy or lightheaded, you go straight to the hospital. Do we understand each other?" She said, trying her best to sound strict.

Jay chuckled softly "Thanks Sylvie"

Sylvie smiled and nodded her head before joining Chilli up the front to pack away all the supplies. Jay looked around at the crime scene, his unit walking around with the Commander, explaining everything that had happened. Today had been one hell of a day.

"Hey" Jay was jolted out of his thoughts by Erin's voice "How are you feeling?"

Jay nodded "Not too bad for someone who was used as a punching bag for the better half of 8 hours" He tried to joke.

Erin winced "I'm so sorry Jay, I should have-"

"It doesn't matter Erin" He cut her off. Jay grunted and stood up, refusing her offer to help him. He stood straight and looked into her eyes.

"Thank you though. I'm glad it was you they sent" he smiled politely before walking off, Erin watching helplessly as he did.

Jay smiled as he sat on the couch in Voight's office with Ben nestled against his chest. He had missed his son so much in the time he'd been gone. Nothing ever felt more special than seeing Ben again.

"How are you feeling?" Voight asked from his desk

Jay smiled as best he could "Better now that I've got him" he gestured to his son. He looked back up at Voight before asking "Have you spoken to Erin?"

Voight nodded "She wants her badge back"

"That's good isn't it?" Jay asked. Truth be told, he wasn't entirely sure of the answer anymore. So much had happened in the past few weeks, and after today, he just didn't know if he was willing to let Erin back in again.

"She left. And I don't know if she should come back" Voight simply stated in reply

Jay nodded before standing up and walking to the door. He stopped in the doorway and turned back to look at his boss

"I think you should let her have her job. Maybe it finally means she's ready to move forward. And I think it's what's best for Ben'

"And what about you?" Voight asked.

Jay looked down at Ben, sighing "I don't really think that matters anymore. But Ben needs his mother" Voight nodded at Jay's answer.

"I'm gonna head home. I could really use some sleep" Jay chuckled

"Good work today Halstead, I'm glad you're back" Voight said before jay nodded and walked out the door.

Jay watched as his son slept next to him in his bed. He didn't want to let Ben out of his sight, not after today. He gently rubbed his hand along Ben's head, as the baby squirmed in content. Their peaceful contentment was broken by a knock on the door.Jay stood and placed Ben in his arms before walking towards the door.

"Tony, I told you I'd be fine. You don't need to –" Jay opened the door and stood shocked.

"Hi" Erin whispered "Can we talk?"

A/N: And there's chapter 3! Now we get into the more fun stuff, haha!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, as always let me know what you thought and what you'd like to see and if there's anything I can improve in terms of my writing and stuff.

Hope everyone's enjoying their week!

Maddie :)