
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · แอคชั่น
98 Chs

Chapter 95: I'm right here

At the edge of the School campus was where the Five pillars would meet after they completed their tasks, Sanity who was already waiting for Touch and Taste to arrive has gotten bored of waiting and fell asleep.

"Come on you two.. Sight and the others have already left and went ahead.. what's taking you two soo long." Sanity said to himself.

Meanwhile Arthur and the others managed to meet up with Merlin, Atalante and Aiden and a stowaway.

"WHY IS SHE HERE!?." Tazer yelled at Merlin.

"She told me she wanted to come and no wasn't an option for her.."

"Brat why are you here!!." Tazer reacted.

"Hmph! I get to decide if I go with you or not! don't go deciding things on me." Annie replied.

Tazer was frustrated but because Annie was a teenage girl he somewhat understand her attitude at least a little but he was still angry towards her being there within the chaos.

While this were happening Anna was on Liz's back fast asleep while Merlin caught a glimpse and saw Carla and Saya in the clutches of the enemy.

"This is bad..." Merlin uttered.

They all turn their sights towards Merlin.

"The enemy has Carla and Saya.."

"Saya?." Louise uttered.

"Carla?." Arthur uttered.

"We need to head towards there fast!!."

Merlin then pointed to a direction where they needed to go and of course they didn't know that another team was already heading their way towards the direction they're heading.

Meanwhile Touch and Taste weren't aware of their former foes catching up to them.

"We're getting close!!." Gray said.

"Yeahh I can see them up ahead!." Bones said.

From a far Touch and Taste had just now noticed their presence as they get closer and closer.

"Taste.." Touch says slowly while dragging Carla behind a rock hiding her there.

"I know.. This is gonna be fun blehhh."

The van stops from a far as a few of them got off and were preparing to charge and these were Gwyn, Gray, Patrisha and Anastasia.

"These kids again?." Touch uttered.

"Fine by me! HEHE!."

Taste then entered in battle stance as she was letting off her intense mana, showing them what fear is.

"We're facing that!?." Gray uttered scared.

"Doesn't matter, we're rescuing our friends!." Patrisha said.

"And we need to wake everyone up somehow!." Anastasia said.

"And they're the only ones who could pull that off." Gwyn said.

As they were about to charge in a girl managed to cling next to Gray and yelled,

"I'll follow you til the ends of the Earth Masterrr!!!."

"Frenda!? What are you doing here!?." Gwyn reacted.

"No time for this, Everyone here they come!." Gray yelled.

They turned their gazes to their enemy and sees only the little girl, they looked left and right to search for the other one and as they noticed she was above them.

"Everyone dodge it!." Gray yelled.

"Asking for a rematch without striking first you're all gonna die here!!!."

She transforms her fingers into sharp objects once again and slams them towards Gray and the others but misses as they all evaded her strike.

Meanwhile back at the school office, where all the student council from different schools partied, Only a few managed to avoid being unconscious.... their reasons were because of...

"Hey! Why are you glowing?." Skadi asked.

"Jazmyn? What's going on here?." Alex asked.

"I don't know myself President!."

The only ones who weren't affected by the Twilight Spell were Skadi and Shine from the Rainbow Academy and Abbigail, Alex and Jazmyn from WordBagon Academy.

"They all seemed to be unconscious President!." Shine said.

"This is bad.. What on earth is going on here!." Skadi uttered.

Abbigail was trying her healing abilities to see if she can at least wake them up but it was no success.

[Looks like the Dragon has made his move.. well looks like it's my turn too.]

A feminine voice was heard by Jazmyn, it was soft but at the same time the voice itself was something to be feared of.

"What was that? did you guys hear that?." Jazmyn asked.

"What? we never heard anything.." Alex replied.

[Of course they wouldn't hear my adorable voice]

As Jazmyn was then in a different area, it was more darker than the one she was in until a ray of light shone brightly in front of her.

"Welcome.. Jazmyn a servant from third generation."

It was a red Phoenix in front of her, but it wasn't what she was expecting, it's shape wasn't of a bird but of a human girl, she had long curly slight orangish hair with slanty eyes.

"W-Where are we?." Jazmyn asked "Who are you?."

"That's mean you know... we've been partnered for years and this is what I get huehuehue."

Instead of tears made of water they were flames falling down her cheek, Jazmyn couldn't believe this was the Phoenix she made contract with when she was young.

"Servant? What are you talking about?." Jazmyn asked "And Where are we?."

"Where .... *Sniff* In your head.. *Sniff*." The Phoenix replied wiping her tears.

As she was done wiping her tears away her mood drastically changed and her face was dead serious all of a sudden.

"I can't explain everything right away but.. Go meet with the boy with moppy hair!."

"Arthur?." Jazmyn uttered.

"He has knowledge of what you are experiencing now.. well he's like you to be fact.. time's up we'll meet again Master."

The Phoenix simply gave her a smile as she gains consciousness and was now aware of her surroundings, not much have passed since she talked with the Phoenix.

"What? we never heard anything.." Alex replied.

"O-Ohh.. right.." Jazmyn replied.

[Same as me? Arthur? What's going on here.] Jazmyn thought.

Meanwhile Gray and the others were having their battle with two members of the five pillars, Taste.

"Running away seems like the best thing you brats do!." Taste yelled.

Behind her was Patrisha with her blades readied, she charges in as Taste simply parries her strikes with her sharp claws, left and right until..

Anastasia used her skills to create a golem on the ground as Taste lost her balance and tripped Patrisha then managed to land a strike on Taste's face, a slash towards the left cheek.

"This is bad! Taste!!!."

Touch places both her hands on the ground as parts of the ground turned into a giant fist and was what pushed Patrisha away from the injured Taste.

"She managed to land a hit!." Gray yelled in joy.

"I couldn't put all my power into that swing.. I just managed somehow." Patrisha said.

"Be ready you guys!." Gwyn said.

In front of them was Taste who on the ground was uttering words back to back.. as they all felt the immense mana coming out of her they all kept their guards up.

"I simply held back because you were brats.. but now that you've placed a scar on my beautiful face.. I won't forgive any of you.. scratch that I'm going to kill you!!." Taste yelled.

As she then hurled all of her claws towards them without hesitation, Anastasia then quickly reacted to it and created a wall of golems hoping to protect herself and the others and she barely made it on time as her claws couldn't put a dent on the wall of golems she made.

"The spear loses if it doesn't pierces the shield! Go!!!." Anastasia utters.

From all sides Patrisha, Gwyn and Gray all went their separate ways to try and pin her down.

"Don't underestimate the Five pillars you brats!!!!." Taste yelled with everything she had.

The ten claws that was focusing on Anastasia's wall redirected their aim and went towards the group that was in the open.

"This is bad!! Everyone evade them!!." Anastasia yelled.

Thanks to Anastasia's warning they managed to parry the claws's strikes with their weapons but now that their plan failed they needed a new one and fast.

[How can we beat her... and the other one hasn't even faced us yet...] Anastasia thought.

Touch was merely watching the battle from a far while keeping an eye on both Saya and Carla who were now unconscious.

Patrisha's blades were starting to crack as she keeps on blocking the claws each second, Gray simply ran and ran while shooting the claws down using his bow, Gwyn equipped her water armor and lance to counter the claws.

"You're all gonna die bra---Huh!?." Taste reacted.

Her never ending attacks ceased their action as she backed away from her spot.

"Tchhh there was one of you who doesn't have any mana!?." Taste utters.

She then redirects all her ten claws towards an area as the dusts were showing a silhouette form out of it.

"Tchhh she found out! Get away from there Frenda!!!." Gray yelled impatiently.

"I won't let Master's plan go to waste!! hiyahhh!!!."

Frenda threw a tiny bomb as they were all confused to what just happened the bomb itself shone brightly as it was a flash grenade.

"A flash bang!?." Touch reacted.

Frenda then leaped above Taste as she then slams her unto the ground using her chains, Touch then placed both hands on the ground hurling two poles made out of soil but because of the blinding light her aim was off balance.

Meanwhile Arthur and the others were getting closer and had noticed the bright light lighting up there.

As the light faded and everyone opened their eyes Taste was already on the ground unconscious.

"We did it!." Patrisha uttered in relief.

But as they turned their gazes behind them, Gray was on the ground, his face was filled with shock and anguish as Frenda was pierced by two poles, one paling her left leg and the other piercing her right hip.

"Frendaa!!!!." Gwyn yelled out in tears.

What happened was after she knocked Taste on the ground she noticed the poles heading towards Gray and decided to take the hit... thus is what they are seeing now..

With both her arms wide across protecting Gray from harm's way while blood were dripping from the ground, the pain she felt was ten times stronger than anything she's felt so far from their missions, she wanted to scream from the pain but she couldn't do such a thing in front of the person she loved.

She slowly turns her head behind her and asks,

"Are... you...alright M-Master?."

She coughs up blood and falls on the ground as Gwyn then swiftly catches Frenda and places her on her lap.

"Stay with us Frenda!! I'll get these off in a second!!." Gwyn exclaimed.

"Don't! if you do the bleeding won't stop!." Anastasia said while she was watching out for Touch who was simply standing around.

Even with them defeating Taste, one still remained from a far and was standing there, they couldn't afford to let their guards down not even for a second.

"Then what am I suppose to do!?." Gwyn yelled.

Her voice was in pain, her tears wouldn't stop falling on Frenda's face.. Touch opened her eyes and was shocked to see Taste defeated.

"Huh!? .... They defeated Taste? Tchh she must've underestimated them.." Touch said.

"For now I'll use a part of my golems to help close up the wounds, that would at least stop the flowing.. not completely though.." Anastasia said.

The bleeding wasn't completely stopped but the blood leaking out isn't now as strong as before.

Gray was simply filled with rage and anguish, his face was point blank, his eyes were as dead as someone who had lost all hope.

"Well looks like I'll just deal with these kids for Taste.. Huh?."

Gray was standing in front of Touch as if he were to challenge her alone, but he wasn't holding anything while in front of the girl.

"Gray stop!." Patrisha yelled.

"You mad?." Touch asked.

He gave her no response but she could see just his face showing the only emotion his feeling right now.

As Touch was about to take a step an arrow almost pierced it.

"Huh? where did that come from? he doesn't even have hi---!?!?." Touch reacted

She was certain that Gray wasn't holding anything earlier yet when she tried to take a step her foot almost got pierced by an arrow and right now Gray was holding his bow.

[D-Did he fire that just now?] Touch thought as she payed close attention to Gray's movements.

She tried to take another step but this time on another area while both her eyes were focused on Gray and the next thing that happened was that another arrow landed on the area in which she was about to place her other foot.

Touch then got her answer then and the two were dead lock into staring into themselves.

A second later the two disappeared and everyone besides them couldn't see them fighting all they see were the ground rising and getting pierced by arrows but they couldn't see both Gray nor Touch.

[They're too fast..] Patrisha thought as she was watching.

And at the next second two arrows were about to pierce Anastasia's eyes until they both stopped mid air.

Gray caught them on time and used the arrows himself and fired it towards Touch, She then placed both hands on the ground as it created a wall in front protecting her.

But to think she was safe hiding behind the wall Gray immediately rushed towards her and as the wall disperses Gray was already in front of her.


Gray simply kicked her without ease and followed towards her.

"W-Was he always that strong?." Anastasia asked.

"Well he is the Master of our group.. and all Dark side Masters were trained harshly but in the end their training all paid off.. I wouldn't shock myself to see him this powerful.. he is the youngest master in all of the dark side organizations." Gwyn uttered as she was concerned about Frenda's state.

Gray fired two arrows as Touch merely created another wall to protect herself but this time right after she disperses it she immediately created multiple walls and slamming them towards Gray, bouncing him around causing him major injuries.

"I see now.. no wonder you seemed powerful.. You're the youngest leader in the Darkness Organization aren't you?." Touch asked.

[Crap! they found out!] Gwyn thought to herself.

"And you two seemed familiar.. I believe we've met somewhere.. No matter I'll kill you all right now anyways." Touch said.

Anastasia made a couple of her ice golems as they were more agile than the others and could pack a punch on their own as well.

"Get that girl!." Anastasia commanded.

Once the ice golems rushed towards her with their speed she simply sighed in boredom as she said,

"Give me more fast opponents like that traitor over there...."

And in the next few seconds multiple spikes came up from the ground piercing all the ice golems that were after her.

"Otherwise it wouldn't be any fun." Touch uttered as she showed them a deranged smile.

"Impossible.. she stopped them like they were nothing.." Anastasia uttered in fear.

Patrisha was unable to move just from seeing the girl in front of them, it was obvious that she wasn't as older as they are but she was more powerful than them, their differences regarding in power were obvious.

[My body won't move... Move! Move!] Patrisha thought to herself.

Gray was on the ground injured and was on the verge of knocking out, Anastasia and Patrisha were both stunned from the fear of looking at their foe.

"By the way have you guys seen a guy named Arthur Ackerman?." Touch asked.

Both Patrisha, Anastasia and the barely awake Gray was shocked on what the enemy could want about Arthur.

"You see we need him just as much as we need as this two here.. so if you guys wouldn't mind telling me where he is I might consider sparing your lives." Touch said.

She showed a deranged smile on her face truly showing her true colors, her aura simply showed a murderous vibes that gave everyone in the area even more fear and despair.

"H-He's gone by now who knows where!." Anastasia said.

"He probably left the Kingdom by now you all failed!." Patrisha said.

Despite the massive amounts of mana being released they managed to fight it back.

"Hmmm brave girls.. oh well we do have Dorothy Ritsu we might pull it off somehow." Touch said.

"What did----."

"-----you say?."

Both Patrisha and Anastasia said.

"Well if we could've gotten Arthur that would've save us some trouble but oh well we'll make do with just Dorothy Ritsu.. but first I'm going to kill all of you now!." Touch said.

She then launches multiple gigantic spinning drills made of the ground as they were heading towards everyone.

"Hmmm!? This presence?." Touch reacted.

[Here we go Partner!] The Dragon said.

As the next thing they knew all the gigantic drills Touch made were all destroyed by one strike as a boy with moppy hair landed in front of them with his Dragon mode, with one black wing fully formed and both gauntlets he then says,

"You made a bad decision harming my friends....You're looking for me right! well I'm right here!!!!!."

End of Chapter 95: I'm right here