
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · แอคชั่น
98 Chs

Chapter 15: Hero Arc

"Hold right there!!." Aiden yelled as the person kept on running "You really thought he'd actually stop?." Aiden was depressed knowing that "It was worth a shot." Aiden replied "Doesn't matter let's go." Atalante said while nocking the bow "Heh!? are you really going to shoot an arrow in public?." Aiden said while looking at the terrified civilians "To both divines I offer this." Atalante then fires, it was a clear shot until the criminal took a turn and the arrow hit a wooden sign.

"Tchh." Atalante was mad so she ran towards the alleyway the criminal turn to and as she took the turn a Black hooded person with black lightning coming out of his hands was blocking the way "Ohhh? you're the pesky bugs who won't buzz off." the person said while giving Atalante a smile "Sis?." Aiden arrived at the alleyway "Stand back!." Atalante said as she nocks her bow, then the mysterious person dashed towards them.



"Any Intruders!?." Saya said in her defense mode, as she realizes the situation she immediately went back to sleep mode, Dorothy accidentally poured some hot chocolate milk on Arthur "I am so sorry Arthur I did not mean it." Dorothy said as she was apologizing "It's fine Dorothy I know you didn't do that on purpose." Arthur replied as he looks for his extra pants *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* "Dorothy can you see who's at the door, Thank you." Arthur yelled across the room.

"This is the Ackerman residence here how may I help you?." Dorothy greeted with such kindness "A-A-A-A-Ackerman residence?." Carla responded with unease "Got a problem with that Brewsworth?." Dorothy replied in a sarcastic way and gave the unease Carla a smirk.

"You two aren't even married yet and you call yourself an Ackerman!!." Carla said while aiming her two pistols at Dorothy.

"Well we're already boyfriend and girlfriend so our future's pretty much set in stone." Dorothy replied as she sticks her tongue out "Wanna fight here and now Ritsu?." Carla requested "Saya how long until Arthur gets done wearing his pants?." Dorothy asked as Saya woke up from her sleep mode "You have at least 50 mins." Saya said while getting a bucket of water "50 mins? all for wearing pants?." Carla said in shock Dorothy then launched a fireball at Carla's position, Carla dodged it leaping to the other side and fired at least two bullets and it manages to hit Dorothy at the chest and stomach "I'm all done now." Arthur said as he looked in the mirror, as Arthur got out of his room, "Arthur look out O H N O !!." Saya (on purpose) poured the whole bucket of water unto Arthur.

then as Carla managed to land a hit on Dorothy she was confident however the Dorothy in front of her then melted as it was water "Mwuhahahahaha you really think I'd go that down easily *hits Carla from behind her back* without a fight!!." Dorothy replied as she was invisible, Carla knew right away where Dorothy were as she traced the source of her voice and fired two bullets again only footsteps from the dust could be seen from Dorothy as she was still invisible she thought to herself "Crap the dust!." Carla then fired another round of two bullets but this time at precise accuracy due to the footprints revealing her whereabouts.

Dorothy dodged the bullets and ran towards the outside of the dorm "Whoah was the new student battling someone?." Luck asked "I don't know but before she came here I could hear footsteps heading towards the same direction as she is going now." Gray replied "You don't think that was a ghost don't you?." Luck was scared whether there was a ghost or not "Couldn't be, there's no such thing as ghosts Luck always remember that." Gray replied calming Luck "Now about those pictures?." Luck asked as he whispers in Gray's ear "Don't worry my friend I am stealth itself and she never noticed me anyways, don't worry I'm sure she likes you too." Gray said as he grabs Luck's money and Luck grabbing one of their girl classmates photos.

Outside the two were still continuing their duel, Dorothy now visible blasted a fireball on the ground using the dust as cover "Trying to hide yourself? that won't work!." Carla replied as she shoots the dust Dorothy then thought to herself "Is she really going to waste her bullets?." Dorothy wondered but either way she kept on firing Fireballs on the ground enough to cover the whole area "Is she really thinking on wasting her mana on this? how pathetic." Carla said as she fires two bullets at Dorothy's current whereabouts "I am so thankful you didn't check your surroundings for this." Dorothy said confidently "Think, there's no way she'd be behind me I just need to focus." Carla thoughts to herself as she concentrates and calms her mind when Dorothy launched a surprise attack from behind "Gotcha!." Carla yelled as she fires two stun bullets at the front "I figured you've found out where I'd be." Dorothy said as she was preparing to charge a fireball at Carla.

someone was running towards outside "Ackerman tenth style Twin Star Dragons." the person went towards in the middle of the firefight and caused an explosion causing the two to stop their duel "Arthu-- oh no he's mad." Dorothy said as she saw Arthur in front of him filled with rage "M-M-M-My King s-s-s *Arthur stares at Carla intensely* EEEKKKK !." In the end Arthur made the both of them to make up *A few minutes ago* "Where is everybody?." Arthur asked when he's already done changing his clothes.

"Insulting to ask of that, as I am still here." Saya replied with sarcasm they could hear explosions coming from outside "They're fighting outside are they?." Arthur asked "N-N-N-No that seems childish for my Master don't you think." Saya replied while trying to whistle, Arthur then directly grabs his sword and ran towards them, Carla fired two stun bullets at her front "I figured you've found out where I'd be." Dorothy said as she was preparing to charge a fireball and then out of nowhere a guy jumps in the middle of their duel "Ackerman tenth style Twin Star Dragons." Later inside their room "Come on I was just changing my clothes and you two just destroyed the outside front of the dorm and a small portion of our front door, what can you both say for yourselves." Arthur said (Both) "SHE STARTED IT!.".


"Intruder alert going into defense mode." Saya said as she rushes towards the source of the thud, while the others were curious "Eliminating threat in Arthur's room." Saya said "My room!? oh wait I think I know who this is." Arthur said as he slowly realizes "Wait Saya!! disengage I repeat disengage!." Arthur yelled repeatedly, as Arthur got inside his room Saya was already in front of an injured Atalante and Aiden "Whoah Whoah Saya disengage now! these are friends." Arthur explained calmly to Saya on who these two are.

A few minutes later..

"What happened to you guys?." Arthur asked out of curiosity "We we're beaten up just as we were chasing a crook." Aiden said.

"That guy was their accomplice idiot, he said "You're the pesky bugs who won't buzz off." so ofcourse he'd be their on their side." Atalante replied "I'm sure you two just had a rough day especially you Atalante you never have lost the hunt." Dorothy said as she tries to cheer up Atalante "You're right, as long as I'm concerned the hunt's just begin--ouch!." Atalante said as she was still in pain "Before we continue." "What on earth is going on here!?." Both Saya and Carla finished their sentences as they were shocked to what's going on "Well a few weeks ago we met these two on one of their missions." Dorothy said as she was explaining to them "I got pretty much possessed by an entity." Arthur replied with a sarcastic voice "So for now these two are staying here for the mean time for their missions here." Dorothy said.

"I seem to understand now, but who are they?." Saya asked "They're in one of the seven squads in the kingdom The Red Wolves." Dorothy said "Hmmmm I see, I have obtained some new information Thank you Master." Saya replied "How could you obtain some information with just that?." Arthur thought to himself.

"It seems as you guys have children now, since we were gone you two have been busy." Aiden said as he tried to get up.

(Both) "C-C-C-Children!?." "Stop joking around you idiot!." Atalante said as she punches Aiden back down "By the way this here is Carla Brewsworth." Arthur introduced Carla "And this here, the person who almost shot you is Saya, she's a droid my father built for me." Dorothy introduced Saya "Well nice to meet both of you, now the four of you better stay off the streets for a while, I don't want any of you getting hurt alright?." Atalante said "It's just a few weeks guys just stay here be safe, go to school that's all." Aiden said "We'll be the ones doing the hunting so don't worry about a thing." Atalante said as she tries to get up "Okay." All of them said.

*At School*

Their Teacher were discussing a lesson about the where the blood flows in our body "Teacher." Franklin raised his hand "If this is about our schedule of activities forget about it, there have still been no confirmation with the principal." Sir. Charles replied in a disappointed tone "No no, That's not what I mean." Franklin replied, the whole class was silent, some were listening and curious to Franklin's question and some used that as an opportunity to sleep.

"Is it true that you were once a leader of a squad a long time ago?." Franklin asked, as soon as everyone heard him they all were very noisy and excited to hear their Teacher's response.

"I was, once upon a time." Sir. Charles said "And I've seen something online that every year the kingdom helds an event where all random squads fight each other in an arena and the ones that survives gets to be an official squad?." Franklin explained thoroughly to their Teacher with enthuisiasm.

"Geez, kids these days with too much technology, but yes that is correct." Sir. Charles said.

"What was the name of your Squad before Teacher?." Lisa asked "The Dawn Eagles." their Teacher replied.

And since then we were all focusing about Teacher's old life as a Squad leader until classes were done.

*Meanwhile at an alleyway in the city*

"Aiden!? Aiden!? Respond!." Atalante was rushing towards Aiden's last known position "Aiden!? Please let me make it there on time!." Atalante said to herself, as she was getting to close to the alleyway she was already nocking her bow.

Once Atalante arrived no one was there but just an empty alleyway and could hear a feint voice coming from the other end of the alleyway "Who's there?." Atalante yelled.

the alleyway itself were dark and there were less people walking around the area, the lights were all broken and it were starting to get dark.

So Atalante decided to go to the source of the feint voice calling her "Hello?? please answer or I'll shoot!." Atalante said.

"Wait! don't shoot! It's me!." the voice got louder as Atalante was nearing the source "Please don't shoot! I'm a member of the Red Wolves." the voice got even louder.

As she saw Aiden tied down he quickly yelled out for joy "Pleasee help mee!!." Aiden yelled out of joy "What happened? who did this to you!?." Atalante said as she was untying Aiden.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk."

Atalante quickly shot an arrow once she heard the voice, but was blocked by black electricity.

"Black Electricity?." Atalante then remembered the person they fought while chasing a criminal "Aiden, is he the one who tied you here?." Atalante asked "I don't know I was knocked out, once I woke up I was already here." Aiden replied nervously.

Once realizing the situation Aiden was untied and made his stance while Atalante leaps from pole to pole while firing a shot while the person in front of them keeps on blocking the arrow's mark with his Black electricity (he uses it as a barrier).

Aiden charges "Hawks Tenth style, DARK MATTER!." (This move slows time and shows the enemy to Aiden all their weak spots) "There!." Aiden said, he aimed at the torso, the left arm and the neck while Atalante shot three arrows towards the head.

"Tsk This is no fun."

As Aiden's swings and Atalante's arrows were closing in on the person.

"This is no fun at all." he said as he overcharges the whole alleyway with his electricity.. shielding his weakest parts from the strikes and arrows with his black electricity.

The two were astonished to see their attack have no effect with his electric barrier.

"This time I'm going to make sure you two never escape again." the person smiles as he shoots off some electricity in the pole Atalante just grabbing on and made it explode, forcing her to move to another pole.

while he shoots electricity towards Aiden at the same time, Aiden managed to block it but was scratched a little.

Atalante was hit and immobilized "So much for the Goddess of the hunt, looks like the hunter has become the hunted." He said, Aiden then swinged in to rescue Atalante, the person took steps backward.

"Looks like the bugs still think they have a chance of winning against me." The person said as he slowly approaches them.

"Aiden, I need you to run!." Atalante said as tries to move "What are you crazy? I'm not leaving you behind Sis." Aiden replied as he took his stance "Just what are you!." Aiden yelled.

"I'm what you call a Villain, a counter for you pathetic heroes, saying you can save everyone wherever you go, heh! what a bunch of bull-." he got interrupted.

"Oh yeah? a Villain you say? you really act like one, monologuing and stuff."

"And Who are you!? A new bug for me to squash." the person said as he was confident with his abilities.

"I applaud you for calling me on such short notice Aiden."

It was then revealed that Aiden was holding his phone behind him whom he contacted someone since the villain appeared.

"One by one you heroes seem to be annoying me now!!." the villain yelled out as he shoots out an electricity beam towards the newcomer, the newcomer pokes the wall with his staff.

He then counters the electricity and made them into flowers "Flowers!? never heard of this kind of ability before? Who are you!." The villain asked "Ability? I don't know what you're talking about, but if you're an actual villain like you just said you'd obviously know who I am the moment you saw flowers." Merlin said as he revealed his identity.

"Merlin? never heard of you." The villain said as he lets out a rampage of electricity in the area "I'm going to kill everyone in the area, and you I'm taking you down with me." the Villain yelled as he was confident with his abilities "We can't have that now can we?." Merlin said sarcastically as all the electricity the villain released all turned into flowers.

"Tch I'm going to kill you." the villain said as he leap towards Merlin with the intent to kill.

"Too bad for you but I'm going to piss you off in a few seconds your hands touch me." Merlin said as he wore his hood and grabbed his staff.

"That's just your ego you're talking about." the villain said confidently, as he punched Merlin it was then revealed that everyone turned into flowers "I see, when he placed that staff on the walls earlier Tch pathetic bugs!." The Villain said as he was dissatisfied with the result.

*At the hospital*

"Well that was a close one." Merlin said as he brought Aiden a canned coffee "Thank you Merlin, for saving us back there." Aiden said as he took a sip on his coffee.

"I'm just doing my job, but looks like we'll be in another collaboration sooner or later with that guy saying he's a villain and all." Merlin said as he wonders what that villain's goal was.

The doctor came out of the operating room "How is she Doc?." Aiden asked out of concern for her senior "She'll be fine, she was just stunned from all that electricity hitting her, just give her the day to rest and she'll be back to normal in no time." The Doctor said.

*At the dorms*

"Hey Dorothy what are you doing?." Arthur asked as he was washing the dishes "I'm doing my homework." Dorothy replied from the living room "Oh really let me se-." Arthur then saw Saya doing Dorothy's homework for her while she was smiling at Arthur.

*Arthur's phone was ringing*

"Hello? this Arthur Ackerman speaking." He answered "Arthur it's me Aiden." Aiden said "How do you know my number?." Arthur replied "More Importantly tell your friends and classmates to stay at their dorms." Aiden said as he could be heard gasping "O-Ok but Is everything okay Aiden? where's Atalante?." Arthur asked.

"There have been no confirmation as of yet but there might be a collaboration between all the heroes that are in the city to stop a villain and we want all the civilians to be off the street when that happens." Aiden said.

"Alright I'll tell my classmates about this." Arthur said "Thank you Arthur." Aiden replied, Arthur then ends the call "Who was that?." Dorothy asked as she went to Arthur "It was Aiden, he told me to tell everyone in the school about staying in our rooms for tonight." Arthur said "What's going on?." Dorothy asked, Arthur then explained to Dorothy what Aiden told him.

"I can't seem to contact Carla." Arthur said as he calls her phone "Saya try calling for Carla." Dorothy requested.

Carla at the time was at the convenience store, she was buying some snacks there while she couldn't notice her phone ringing in her bag.

"Damn! she isn't responding." Arthur said as he was getting worried "No luck here Master." Saya replied "I'm sure she must be safe Arthur." Dorothy said to calm him down "I just need to make sure." Arthur said as he dials her again.

Carla just got out of the convenience store and saw a suspicious guy dragging a woman to an alleyway she went to check it out.

As Carla headed towards the alleyway the citizens in the area received a note to go directly to their homes.


"There must be something going on."

Carla couldn't notice her phone because it was on silent mode, she went closer and closer.

"Give me your money or you're going to die here." he threatened the woman "But this is all I got, I don't have any more." the woman said as she was frightened to what's happening.

"That's not true, you have that wonderful watch there." He said as he tries to grad the watch "I c-can't give you this my husband gave me this." the woman said "Then you'll die braver the most." he said as black electricity was coming out of his hands.

"That's enough talking out of you!." Carla said as she aimed her pistols at him.

"Hehh??." The Villain turned around and the woman managed to escape "Now look what you've done girl, you've let my victim escaped." The Villain tries to kill the running woman by hitting her with a heavy blast of electricity, but he noticed and jumped as Carla fired two bullets.

"You're starting to piss me off bug." the villain said as he is now focused on Carla.




"Yes!?." Sir. Charles asked as he was about to go to sleep "We need you old buddy, the higher ups has requested a collaboration with any heroes in the area." his friend told him.

"But I'm not a hero anymore, you know that." Sir. Charles said "but we might need your help old friend." his friend pleaded for him to reconsider and help them.


Arthur, Dorothy and Saya went towards the second building of the dorm to know if Carla is there, but once they arrived at her room, she wasn't so they went to the receptionist if they might know where she went.

"Excuse me, has a person named Carla left the building today?." Arthur asked the receptionist "Yes, she left an hour ago." he replied (Every time a student leaves the dorm they have to sign the logbook to where their going so the dorm could locate you in case of emergencies) "It says here that she went to the convenience store." Saya said "There's only one convenience store here in the city." Dorothy said "Then let's go." Arthur said.

When they left a few minutes later.. the receptionist received the text to close all the dorms and ensure all the students were present.

"But what about Ms. Brewsworth?." The receptionist asked "Contact any teacher near her whereabouts." The receptionist said "That won't be necessary, I'll bring her back." Sir. Charles happened to pass by when he heard Carla hasn't returned yet.

At the alleyway Carla ran towards the center of the road to avoid to getting hit by the lightning he keeps on emitting in a small area "Why are you running now little girl? you seemed pretty heroic back there and now you're disappointing me." The Villain said as he gave her a wicked smile and blasted a few lightning blasts towards her.

She dodges the lightning, and counters him by firing one towards him and one at the pole near him creating a loose wire, the villain was too busy focusing on her he couldn't notice the loose wire near him.

"Now all I need you to do is hit me with another lightning attack and the wires will do their part in defeating you." Carla thought to herself as she moves closer to taunt him to use his electricity.

"You're just asking for a quicker death!." the villain yelled, Carla shot two more bullets to the right side of the villain making him dodge to left which brought him more closer to the loose wire.

"Time to en-." The Villain used his electricity and caused the loose wires to explode with him close to it.

As the smoke rises through the city, the heroes around could see it and all contacted each other to head to the designated area to where the explosion occurred.

"Looks like they've found him, Shall we go Aiden." Merlin asked "I'll avenge you Sis, Let's go Merlin." Aiden replied.

"I know that wasn't enough to kill him, I just need to focus on getting out of here." Carla said.

"Were you serious?." as Carla looked to her front she was then punched in the face "Do you think a ploy like that could stop me?." the villain said as he beats up Carla

"W-Who are you?." Carla asks as she buys time for any heroes to arrive "The name's Tazer, nice to meet you." he says in front of Carla "Tch looks like we're out of time." he says as a hero comes crashing down on them.

"You're a little bit late Hero, maybe if you arrived a little earlier you could've saved her from me." Tazer said as he shrugs off the dust on his shirt.

"Huh?." He reacted as a red spear almost hit his face if he hadn't noticed it, he took a step backwards and the spear chased him down.

Tazer moved from one place to another but the spear was still chasing him "What sorcery is this!?." He became pissed as he was the one running around "Looks like a monkey running around to save his only banana." Sir. Charles mocked the Villain as he was running around the whole area with the spear following everywhere he went.

"So it's tracking me huh? HAH let's try this then." Tazer said, he then went towards Carla and the fighter type Hero "If you think my spear is homing on you well too bad." Sir. Charles said.

As Tazer was heading Carla's way the spear went ahead of the villain and hit him back.

"I'm going to show you what true pain feels like and make you regret you harmed one of my students." Sir. Charles said.

*Somewhere in the city district*

"I know she's there." Arthur said to himself as Saya and Dorothy were following him "How do you know?." Saya asked "I know it, and also because there's smoke coming from over there." Arthur pointed it out "True." Dorothy replied.

They ran and ran until Dorothy noticed a pink rose petal flew by in front of her, she looked at an alleyway and saw Merlin "Just keep going your friend's over there." Merlin communed to Dorothy via Telepathy "Thank you Merlin but we could use your help." Dorothy thought to herself "Don't worry we'll see each other on the battlefield." Merlin said, he then turns to Arthur and saw a glimpse of the future he and Dorothy battles Tazer together.

"We'll be right behind you." Merlin said, Dorothy and the rest continued to head towards the source of the smoke.

"Go, we'll be supporting the real heroes of this battle." Merlin thought to herself while he looks at them "Merlin? where are you?." Aiden said on the phone "I'm heading there right now." Merlin replied "Well I'm almost there and there are at least two heroes on the battlefield already." Aiden reported "Well prepare for three more." Merlin said "What?." Aiden asked.

Tazer was looking at the night sky.. "Ah I see that spear landed a hit on me when I was heading towards the girl." Tazer said as he slowly gets frustrated "Show me pain? don't make me laugh HEROOOOOO!!." Tazer yelled as he rushed towards Sir. Charles's position.

"Did you really just forget about me?." The Fighter Hero appeared right behind Tazer "What the? I thought you were with th--." as he looked at Carla's position Aiden was already with her.

Tazer gets punched into a wall and the Fighter hero takes a few steps backward as Tazer tries to get back up Sir. Charles's spear pierces his arm pinning him on the wall.

"What's the situation here?." Aiden asked "That girl's unconscious get her out of here." The Hero said "Yes Sir." Aiden replied.

"Looks like more heroes have arrived." Tazer said as he slowly looses conscience

"Call the other heroes immediately." Sir. Charles said "Yes Sir." The Fighter hero replied.

"Hey Merlin what did you mean by three more are heading this way?." Aiden said in the phone, As Merlin was still heading towards there he saw another glimpse and what he saw was the villain tearing off the arms of the person near him.

"AIDEN TELL EVERYONE TO GET AWAY FROM THE VILLAIN NOW!!." Merlin exclaimed "What why?." Aiden asked "JUST DO IT!!!." Merlin yelled in fear.

"Everyone get away from that villain now!!." Aiden yelled "What?." The Fighter Hero reacted as Tazer then woke up and went towards the Fighter type Hero, but because of Sir. Charles's spear when he tried to go towards the confused hero it tore off his arm in the process.

Tazer grabbed the spear and threw it right back at Sir. Charles "This will be ea-." Sir. Charles was grazed by the spear, he was shocked to know that he couldn't control his weapon meaning the way Tazer threw back his spear means his strength must have doubled in order for him not to control his very own weapon.

"Sir!!." The Hero yelled out "Behind you!." Sir. Charles yelled, and what the Hero saw was Tazer's arms transformed into black lightning claws.

"My turn!." Tazer said in a pissed off voice he was about to rip off the hero's arms when a sword was thrown towards him and because of that he caught the sword and gave the hero the time to escape.

"Tch You're no fun!." Tazer yelled as he then rushed towards behind Aiden "What!?." Aiden reacted "You're no fun at all." Tazer then kicks the weaponless hero, but he managed to throw the unconscious Carla in the air before he was kicked.

"Please let me reach her on time." Sir. Charles said to himself as his spear caught the tip of Carla's shirt and brought her to him.

Tazer was enjoying the battle as he saw Aiden knocked unconscious he then remembered "You're that swordsman from earlier! HA I must've really killed the Goddess of the Hunt for you to be here alone." Tazer yelled at the top of his lungs.

As everyone in the area heard what he just blurted out he then noticed a spark from a far and Arthur at the speed of light stabbing Tazer.

"You're gonna pay for what you just said!." Arthur exclaimed as he deepens the wound, Out of survival Tazer used one of his claws to kill off Arthur.

He then noticed he can't move, Tazer squinted his eyes and he sees threads were holding him down and slowly mincing his last and remaining arm. and because of that another lightning claw replaced the arm he lost (But he cannot regenerate them anymore) Arthur took a step back and Dorothy walked next to him, while Saya headed towards the unconscience Carla.

"What are you students doing here!." Sir. Charles said out of anger "I'm sorry Sir. but we just can't ignore our friend who is in mortal danger." Saya said.

As Dorothy and Arthur eyes were filled with rage hearing from a far on what he did to Atalante really made them mad and because of that Tazer charges towards them, Arthur does the same but Dorothy stays behind and uses her powers to clone Arthur multiple times.

"Even if they're millions of you twerps I'll going to kill you!!." Tazer exclaimed as he one by one destroyed the clones Dorothy made but instead of using the clones with Water or Mud she made them by using the dusts from the area, So as each clone gets destroyed the battlefield begins to hide Arthur as the dusts begins to cover his movements with nothing for Tazer to see.

surrounded by the dust Tazer stayed in the middle and stood his ground a bunch of Arthur's attacked him one by one.

but the villain knew they were clones but for some reason they'd actually hit their mark (Arthur was moving at the speed of light as each clone passes by to attack the villain, Arthur was following to do the damage the clones lacked in).

Because of this Tazer got multiple wounds and was starting to fear the outcome of the battle, he then punched the ground multiple times and dug a hole to escape.

Dorothy was standing on top of the hole looking down, and Tazer jumped above it and grabbed Dorothy by the neck, Arthur then stabbed him once again and this time from the left leg "Let's make this fun for you shall we?." Arthur said as Tazer looked, his eyes were as red as the color of the blood and he could sense Arthur's blood lust from just staring at his eyes "DOROOTHYYYY!!!." Arthur yelled as multiple Fireballs were aimed at the both of them.

"Fool you'll get caught in the blast!." Tazer said as he was frightened to what's happening right now, because of their relentless never ending attack the villain didn't had time to think.

They were blasted by the numerous fireballs, while the battle was going on the rest of the heroes were all astonished to see Dorothy and Arthur's skills on fighting the villain while they were having a hard time just to capture him.

Sir. Charles could clearly see wings that were made from mana forming out of Arthur's back, Sir. Charles was shocked about seeing Arthur and Dorothy fight the villain without any backup "Those two might be the.." he thought to himself.

Arthur was standing in front of the villain unscathed while he was on the verge of passing out "W-W-Who are you!!." Tazer yelled out in anger "I'm just a normal student who'd love to go back home smiling with everyone." Arthur replied the villain's question, Arthur rushed towards the villain, when Tazer tried to do the same he couldn't move again due to Dorothy's threads.

She scratched Tazer's right eye with the threads and because of the pain he was barely standing Arthur got close to him and aimed at his head but even with loss of blood, loss of both arms and an eye he still managed to grabbed Arthur's sword.

"Got ya now, it's my turn to tear you to pieces." Tazor said as he was smiling but then Sir. Charles's spear pins down the villain immobilizing him and giving Arthur a chance to step backwards.

"Arthur!." Sir. Charles said as he jumped towards him "Don't worry Ms. Saya is with Ms. Brewsworth, you have a lot of explaining to do coming out here, but for now let's defeat this guy!." Sir. Charles said "Right!." Arthur replied.

Dorothy was slowly letting loose and revealing her true class but Merlin's flowers appeared in front of her "Wha-Wha-What?." She was slowly snapping out of it "Are you alright there Dorothy? cause I've got a plan, the key part of it is you and that boy." Merlin says via Telepathy "I can do it, no we can do it." Dorothy says with confidence.

"Alright, I'm going to send my plans to you and everyone else by telepathy." Merlin said, he then passed down his plans on stopping the villain.

(Everyone) "Alright."

First the Fighter hero went in first punching Tazer towards Aiden, then Aiden hits the villain with his sword like a baseball towards Sir. Charles, Sir. Charles then used his spear to throw the villain once again but this time on an open area from the damage.

"You can let loose now!." Merlin says via Telepathy and the person he meant that for was already aiming her weapon at the sky at the top of the hospital roof.

"This is payback for earlier, to both divines I offer this." Atalente shoots an arrow to the sky and hundreds of arrows came raining down towards the villain's area.

as he tries to escape Sir. Charles's spear pins him down again, because of him freaking out of the arrows he became reckless and couldn't think of a way to get out there.

After he was pierced by the arrows he still standing "You pathetic heroes never know to give up do you!!." Tazer yelled out as he saw Dorothy and Arthur running towards him he took it as an opportunity and blasted them with an electric blast with all his strength left, but thanks to Merlin the blasts couldn't hit them because his flowers were acting a barrier for them.

"Impossible!." Tazer said to himself Dorothy used her staff to chant a fire ball and launched it at him while Arthur was heading towards him.

of what mana he had left he used the lightning claws to destroy the fireballs and as a result the smoke blinded his sight "Wait a minute! that brat's going to appear in front of me ... right... now!!." he slashed the smoke but no one was there and for a mere second Arthur reappeared in front of the villain with Dorothy and the two hit him with his sword and her staff and threw him in the air.

"RESHIGI SHANA." Dorothy chanted, as the villain was seeing the night sky Arthur appeared right in front of him and "ACKERMAN TENTH STYLE."

Merlin smirked watching the two from a far work together to defeat Tazer.

"EXCALIBURRRRRR!!!." Arthur slammed the villain on the ground until he ran out of mana.

After the smoke cleared they saw the villain's body on the ground unconscious and on the verge of death while Arthur was also unconscious.

"Take him to the citadel we'll question him from there." Sir. Charles said to the police "Well all's well that ends well." Merlin said as he tries to avoid a call from his captain "Shouldn't you be answering that?." Aiden asked "No, No I shouldn't." Merlin replied.

As Sir. Charles stared at Arthur with Dorothy right next to him holding his hands he then thinks about what happened in the battle.


"So when Tazer destroyed those fireballs it created smoke the perfect decoy for them to sneak an attack but from what I could see from that, they held hands and disappeared for a few minutes, and once he lowered his guard down that's where they strike." Sir. Charles thought to himself.

"Not to mention when Arthur was at the top Dorothy boosted his attack power to a tremendous firepower, who are these two?." Sir. Charles wondered even more.

"Looks like a new chapter has been opened for the new generation of heroes." Merlin said as he finally accepts the thirteenth call from his captain.

*A few days later*

Arthur, Dorothy, Saya and Carla were told to be silent about the events that transpired on that day and for punishment for leaving the dorms we were expelled for at least two weeks and had to clean the whole dorm for those two weeks

Me and Dorothy couldn't really remember much from what happened that day and Saya's memory of the events were erased, whenever our classmates would ask, why we were expelled we are suppose to say "We just went to an arcade and didn't realize the message.".

The Villain is now in the hospital for criminals and thieves, and once he has recovered he will be brought to the citadel to be interrogated by the seven leaders of the seven squads in the kingdom, Atalante was now feeling better and went right back to keeping the city safe, both she and Aiden were still task to our city with missions from their captain, and they still use our room as their base of operations, and they would always go through my room window.

Someone was watching the news and have spotted Arthur in the left side of the tv

"I'm sure this boy here's the one who defeated that lightning freak maniac." the girl said holding a dead person "Right?." she said as she turns the dead body towards her "What do you know you're dead anyways." She says as she throws the body.

It is revealed that this girl killed all the scientists in the lab where Tazer was born from "Hmmm I don't know he really looks delicious." she then licks her lips "I'd like to meet him one day." She said.


"Master, looks like Black Lightning has failed too." the figure said "It appears so but we have gained some benefit to this my friend." he says while pausing the news report at the scene where Arthur could be seen at the left side of the screen "We now know this boy's involved with her, she was assigned as his roommate and were expelled together meaning she was present at the battle." The Master pointed out "With this we can be able to achieve our goal on destroying the wretched kingdom, but for now we have to hide ourselves, it seems Jack the ripper is looking for us." The Master said "At once Master I'll tell the other syndicates to go into hiding and come back when the time is right." the figure said as he walked outside the room "Now because of this unexpected development we are one step further from our goal." The Master says as he tightens his grip watching at the cctv camera with Jack the Ripper and her squad destroying a Factory.

"Well looks like Merlin has pulled it off once again." Jack said as she stabs an enemy soldier "Madam, we are currently being watched." Soldier reported Jack then stares at the camera and says "Hi there I'm coming for your head so please wait for me okay." Jack said as she waves slowly the cctvv camera then shuts off.

"Well then looks like they'll be disappearing for a while." Jack said as she hypothesize about where this is going next "You think so Ma'am?." Soldier asked "Ofcourse that's what they always resort to when we are one step closer to finding their base, I have been chasing them for years now." Jack said as she sits down "Anyways I'm sure we'll be able to catch them one day, and when we do I'm going to make sure he'll feels every bit of pain that he did to me and my family." She said as she stabs a container with a soldier inside.

"Yes Captain." Merlin said as their captain ends the call "Hmmm looks I'll be stuck here in this city for a while." Merlin said to himself "Maybe I'll go watch over those two grow and see how far they'll reach." Merlin said as he walks towards his home in an empty lighthouse near the sea.

He walks to the top and experiences another glimpse.. but instead of a bright one, it was dark, filled with despair, pain and suffering and saw a person betraying Arthur and Dorothy, and someone turning evil.

"Oh boy that was not good, not good at all, I have to find out who the traitor is and catch him or her before they spread chaos and depression to the Kingdom." Merlin said to himself as he just saw a glimpse of a dark future.

Merlin then reaches the top of the tower and looks at the sea to calm himself and to prepare for the dark days to come.

End of Chapter 15: Hero Arc