
Learning a New Language

I'm currently learning Korean. I started learning maybe 2-3 weeks ago?

I'm learning through an app called Drops because apps like Rosetta Stone don't seem to be for beginners like me, and Duolingo just isn't good for learning languages!

Duolingo pronounces things strangely... I was learning Vietnamese (as I was born in Vietnam, but lost the language growing up in the US) and nothing sounded like what I'm used to, maybe it's just the accent they use, but I feel like Duolingo does the same thing with Korean. I couldn't tell the sounds apart and constantly matched the letters and sounds incorrectly. I also feel like it also wasn't suited for a stupid beginner like me lol.

What do you think?

Are you learning any new languages? If so what are they?

Does Duolingo suck? Yes.

Anyone Vietnamese here? (Just so you know I literally can't speak or read any Vietnamese. I can understand verbal conversations to a certain degree though.)