

ANONYMOUS is a shadowy and mysterious figure whose identity remains concealed behind an ominous mask. Driven by a relentless desire for power, he becomes aware of the existence of the powerful elemental rings - Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and energy. With a malevolent ambition, ANONYMOUS sets his sights on collecting all the rings, each possessing a distinct elemental force, for his own nefarious purposes.

ShivaramJayapalan · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs

Airborne Alliance

Amidst the aftermath of their fierce battle, an air of quietude settled over the scene. The flames had subsided, and the area now lay cleansed of the malevolent influence that ANONYMOUS had wielded. Yet, as the night held its breath, a new sound reached their ears—a distant, almost ethereal resonance that seemed to come from the very air itself.

Jinx and Makoto exchanged glances, their instincts on high alert once more. The source of the sound was elusive, its origin shrouded in mystery. And then, as if materializing out of the night itself, a figure appeared on the horizon—a man suspended in mid-air, his movements fluid and graceful as he glided toward them.

The man's attire spoke of both strength and elegance, his eyes keen and focused as they assessed Jinx and Makoto. His presence exuded an air of power and authority, and it wasn't long before they realized that he held the air ring—the very artifact that bestowed upon him mastery over the element of wind.

With caution and curiosity, Jinx and Makoto approached the airborne stranger. Their voices carried a mixture of urgency and skepticism as they addressed him, seeking answers to the questions that swirled in their minds. "Are you under ANONYMOUS?" they inquired in unison.

The man's response was swift and assertive. "No, I am not. I am the defender of Arimate," he declared, his voice carrying a sense of conviction that left no room for doubt. "I keep watch from above with my powers over the air. It grants me the ability to fly and to wield the force of the wind in battle."

The revelation left Jinx and Makoto momentarily taken aback. They had encountered a new ally, a guardian of Arimate who patrolled the skies and fought to maintain the balance of their world. Their initial skepticism began to waver as they considered the possibility that this man might be their ally, rather than an agent of ANONYMOUS.

Jinx's gaze flickered to the man's fingers, his instincts still wary. "Are you one of ANONYMOUS's bodies?" he questioned, his voice laced with caution.

The man's response was swift, his expression resolute. "No, I stand against him. I have heard sounds far away from here as I was flying. It drew me to this place," he explained, his eyes narrowing in concentration. "I sensed a disturbance, a ripple in the fabric of reality."

Their shared understanding began to unfold as the stranger revealed his name. "What is your name?" Jinx inquired, his tone softened by a newfound sense of camaraderie.

The man's lips curved into a determined smile. "My name is RAIDEN KURO," he introduced himself. His eyes met theirs with a measure of trust and earnestness, a silent promise that he was an ally in their fight against ANONYMOUS.

Makoto's curiosity got the best of him, his voice tinged with intrigue. "Raiden Kuro, the defender of Arimate. It's an honor to meet you."

The encounter was a testament to the unpredictable nature of their journey. In a world filled with deception and danger, they had found a new ally—an individual who shared their determination to bring an end to ANONYMOUS's reign of chaos. With the fusion of their strengths and the addition of Raiden Kuro's unique abilities, they were more formidable than ever.

As the night continued to unfold around them, the alliance between Jinx, Makoto, and Raiden Kuro took root—a union of fire, water, air, Invisibility and strength rings. Their paths had converged in the face of a common enemy, and together, they would navigate the challenges that lay ahead. With every step they took, they moved closer to unraveling the truth and unmasking the darkness that sought to engulf their world, a united front against ANONYMOUS's malevolent designs.

to be continued.....

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