
Anomalous Anomaly

They are outcasts. They hide amongst the crowd, unbeknownst to anyone. Superstars, merchants, preschoolers, they could be anyone. They band together into cliques for their own purposes. And Wazir just happened to discover one such clique.

Ascorbic_Acid · แอคชั่น
11 Chs

Chapter 10 - An Omen

The Glamor Ball was in full swing. One could stereotype a fashion show as a boring ramp walk with barely audible DJ music in the background as rows of mute people sat in the surroundings, but no, the Glamor ball was another ordeal. The crowd roared as each personality walked out on the stage in the most bizarre outfits. From a confident man walking bare-chested with a row of bananas hanging on his crotch, to a woman in a gown twice her body mass. And as each model walked the ramp, a legendary singer paced back and forth around them, with vocals blaring. Some seated, others roaming the beaches, vibing to the music, alcohol passing through the gullets. The night could be no better.

Revan had been standing on a special pedestal made just for him. It was placed right next to the background screen, so Revan had a full view of the scene, and a location that didn't steal the show from the models. Revan's velvet maroon suit was most definitely a showstopper. The minute golden motifs, the eye-catching hairdo. Revan could easily be the only model on stage to cause a massive uproar, which is why the lights didn't fall on him once after he introduced the category.

Revan could feel an itch on the back of his throat, a premonition that there was a glitch in the continuity of the ball. Revan got constant updates on his receiver from Finnegan. Finnegan had located both the elementary anomalies. Wazir and the girl were supposedly safe, and the only think to worry was how had Enzo dealt with the "Sama" situation. Enzo had basically given him no information on why Sama was at the ball, and his mind was freakishly good at thinking of the worst case scenario.

Enzo was occasionally giving banter from an undisclosed location about the work he'd done on the designs, and how eco-fashion had played into the grand scheme of this year's ball. From clothes outright made of plastic bottles, to fabric that, Enzo claimed, was completely recycled from worn clothes. Revan was honestly impressed. Enzo had pulled in a lot of hours into his designs, and surprisingly contributed hugely to G.E.A.R. as well. A burnout seemingly didn't exist when it came to Enzo after all. Enzo's voice echoed as the flowery woman walked off the stage.

'Here's the finest specimen that I've discovered on my quest for models. Welcome this freakish beauty with a round of applause!'

A giant shadow slowly made appearance at the end of the stage. Revan froze in place, his eyes narrowing to view the figure more clearly through the fog. As the figure got clearer and clearer, Revan's left eyebrow started minutely twitching. It was as if he'd gone deaf, Adam Lambert's voice unheard. His nostrils feeling the cool sandy breeze scraping the insides. His mind, originating from one point, ran in a million different directions. He was on full alert. He didn't know why.

A giant figure, five inches more than Revan himself, strolled onto the stage. The smokescreen concealed the details but as each bit of grey vanished, the cheers only grew louder. No skin was visible, as the entirety of it was inked. Bald head, dark streaks covering every inch. The beautiful skull adorning his face, and further bits of black spreading down his neck, onto his barren chest. More inscriptions were revealed, roses, goddesses, texts, it was all there. The only parts not shaded were the perky pinkish-brown nipples, standing erect in the cold beachy wind. Down his patterned abs, a large pair of stinging red pants with stripes of black velvet. His feets sparkling with similar red leather alligator shoes.

Finnegan and Beast were exhausted. After a painstaking search, they had come with absolutely no conclusions. Both of their "intern" agents weren't anywhere to be seen. Finnegan's sore feet ached as he collapsed onto the sand. Beast calmly setting himself next to him. They were both perched atop one amongst the many dunes on this beach, watching the show with loud pants.

'God damnit. Where the hell did Enzo put 'em?' Finnegan heaved.

Beast stared up into the empty sky, 'It's Enzo we're talking about, that mansion probably has rooms hidden in places we can't even imagine. it's futile anyway. We should maybe start focusing on finding that freak, sir.'

Finnegan's attention was fixated elsewhere, one sentence escaping his lips., 'I don't think we'll have to look far.'

Beasts turned to get a look himself. Blood vessels peeking as his eyelids widened apart. Albiet far away, but clearly visible on the screen was that freak, walking awkwardly down the runway in uncomfortable heels, getting cheered on by thousands. The monster who abducted Enzo not two days ago, was now walking in an attire styled by Enzo.

Of course Finnegan hadn't seen that man before, so his mind was skeptical. But Beast, the fury and confusion in his eyes flew, seeing that man on that stage. Tiny greyish particles arose in the air, Beast's palms tightly clutching the sand underneath. Ashy flakes landed on Finnegan's pants and quick to notice, Finnegan pat the young man's back bringing him back to stability.

The giant onstage raised his arms in the air, and a smokescreen haze started to fill around him. Finnegan and Beast rose to their feet. Revan took a mild stance, anticipating action. The clouds of grey arose from nothingness. The clueless audience cheering on, expecting a performance to begin.

Almost ten seconds in, the haze became opaque. And it was then that a bellow emerged, as if a hundred elephants were hooting at their loudest.

'Doom is upon you!'

As the haze cleared out, the towering tattooed creature vanished. The cacophony of the crowd didnt stop. The highlight of the runway was undoubtably this roar. A banger finish to the ball.

I spent months thinking of how I wanted this chapter to go. I have no idea where I'm going with this, but I'll go with the flow.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ascorbic_Acidcreators' thoughts