
chapter 3 I fu@ck up

the girl of the grocery store closing the door of her apartment and going down the stairway she was going to her part-time work to the grocery store she was on her way.

the delinquent from before were at the nearby table pool club they were playing table pool the building was of glass they were on the second floor of the building they can see the people that we're walking on the street.

the girl walk by the street the one delinquent kid that was playing loses and in angry he goes to do some smoke he gets close to the glass started to smoking and looking at people that were going on the street he sees a girl with a familiar face he notices that the girl from groceries store.

he immediately rushes toward the delinquent leader that punches the ken and started to say to him"Renji the bit@h that was in the grocery store that day just passes through here"

Renji hearing this smile and say to the other delinquent kid " let get that bit@ch and teach her a lesson"

the girl was walking carefree some delinquent kid get in front of her and stop her she gets to surprise the kid say to the girl"hey Bit@ch come with us our leader wanted to meet you

girl reply" I do not know any leader give me a side I have to go the work"

delinquent kid grab her hand and say" we were not asking "

girl screams the delinquent kid got surprised taking advantage of the opening girl hit him in the nuts and run away the other delinquent started to chase her she was running straight on the sidewalk there was a turn ahead she takes the turn the other delinquent kid was behind chasing her a car in some distance stop and some kid get out of the car.

the delinquent kid that was chasing her shouts" that the bit@ch grab her all the delinquent kid that comes in car stop the sidewalk in front of her she stopped there were nowhere to go delinquent kid surround her she started to tremble in fear she looks around ask for help but other just look down and go without helping her.

delinquent kid say to her " bitch you have nowhere to go "

she was about to scream a delinquent kid grab her mouth saying " cannot let her start a commotion let take her in the car she was resisting very hard and was not going into the car"

Another delinquent kid started to laugh at him " you fu@cker cannot handle a little girl"

in angry face, he replies" bit@ch you grab her instead"

the girl then sees he loses his hand a little she bite him and run toward road the delinquent kid shout " grab that MF Bit@ch " she was running in so much fear that she was not seeing what was coming in the front road a car in speed was coming and hit her she becomes unconscious with blood on the road the delinquent kid sees the girl and run away "

when then goto the leader and tell him everything he slaps a delinquent kid and say to him"you should have grabbed her it does not matter what state was she in you have to bring her to me I will teach that girl a lesson and find the guy I have to tell you about"

meanwhile, Nagato was on his way to the groceries store he was hoping to meet her when he enters the store the girl was not at the counter and an old man was there he was the manager Nagato thought that maybe today her day off I have come I should buy something when he gets to the counter to pay he ask the manager" the girl that was here before is today her day off"

manager reply"unfortunately she got into an accident she was hit by a car I heard she was chasing by some delinquent kid and police have started the investigation you do not have to worry "

it comes to Nagato as a shock there was a juiced bottle in his hand he dropped it and ask the manager" which hospital is she right now give me the room number"

The manager reply" she is in the city hospital room no 143 are you her relative something"

Nagato without replying rushes to the hospital when reaching the hospital he asks the reception " could you tell me where is room 143"

the nurse reply it on the 2 floors but who do you like to meet "

Nagato without reply goto the elevator to the second floor and looks for the room when he found the room he looks through the glass and sees she's in a bad shape and a woman was beside her.

he hesitates and does not go inside suddenly the woman with the doctor come out with the woman with a sad face black circle was underneath her eyes from crying ask Nagato " who are you are you a friend of her"

Nagato reply " yes I am a friend of her I will have been told she has been to hospitals so I rush here"

woman reply " it good to see that she has such a nice friend "

Nagato asks the woman" can you tell me what happened how she gets hit by the car"

woman tells him the whole story and she was her big sister she was here to study she refuse her to do the part-time job but she insists so she let her do the job woman tell Nagato that she has registered the complaint but police is unable to do anything and declared it an accident but she was chasing by a group but they denied it what I will do"

Nagato in furious angry greet his teeth and confront the woman by saying " do not worry ma'am I will take care of it " and then leave

the woman got confused about what he means by that Nagato go to his house go to the bathroom he takes a shower he opens his cupboard there was office cloth but there was a black suit fully packed in the corner he took it to wear it there were black latex gloves there was also small suitcase he does not open it and by saying "I do not need it right now" then he sits on the computer he opens a secret website and sends a message to a person then he leaves the apartment.

when he comes from work there was some delinquent kid that was in an alleyway near his home they always hang around there and annoy the passing by people Nagato goes to them he sees there are sitting and smoking there are three of them he gets close to them.

one sees him and say to him"oye old man do you want to die this is our place"

other whispers to him " hey let beat him up and take his money then we can go to the club"

the one who sees Nagato first smile and stand up and say " hey old man give us all your money we will let you go alive consider it entry fees for coming here"

Nagato was silent and hearing what the kid was talking in the middle suddenly Nagato throw a jab to his face nose and teeth get broken he fly to back other two get shocked and one rushes toward Nagato and threw a punch he easily dodges it and threw the jab like a pro boxer in his face he gets unconscious get on his knee Nagato grab his head and kick it with his knee his faces got crushed the other started to shiver in fear he wobbly throw a kick Nagato grab it and dislocated his knee he screams in pain.

Nagato asks him "if he knew a delinquent kid whose brother is the boss of the gang"

delinquent kid with crying face and fear tells him " you mean Renji I have known him "

Nagato grab his face and ask " tell me where his hideout"

he replies" I do not know but his friend go to the arcade nearby he knowns the hideout"

Nagato then leave and go to the arcade he sees that he is the one of them that was in groceries store there was a man standing in front of him with a suitcase on the side he sneaks and grab the suitcase that day the kid was playing the game and loses he ran out of cash he gets out arcade in angry while in thought"let find some prey for money" he started to walk nearby to find a prey a man with suitcase bump him he says to himself "found one" he then says to the man that bumps him " hey bit@h because of you my shoulder is hurting give me some money for hospital or I will fu@ck you up "

the man replied "okay I will give just do not cause commotion there is an alleyway near I will give you money there just do not hit me"

delinquent smile and say to him"lead the way and you better pay up"

they go to the alleyway delinquent ask " hey pay up now"

the man replied " I will not pay but you have to "

delinquent grab his collar and say to him " hey retard you are here to pay me money"

man hit his face with a suitcase on the side face it hit him very hard and blood at the side of his head started to come out he was rolling on the ground he hit his face with his feet and broke his nose grab his head there was a trash can nearby he 4 to 5 time smash his face in the can his face was crushed the man says look at me and tell me what I am asking with swallow eye he sees the man is was from the groceries store that day it was Nagato say to him " tell me where is Renji "

delinquent kid reply " fuck you "

Nagato again started to smash his head after 3 times smashing he asks again where he is "

delinquent kid reply " stop please I will tell you he is at the table pool club where we hangout he tells the address but there are a lot of other kids with him you will get fucked if you go there alone"

Nagato reply " did I tell you to tell me how many are there" he then smashes his hand with strength last time he passes out with blood everywhere

Nagato when leaving he was thinking "I fu@k up hell with this normal life I cannot live a normal life because the curving for killing never ends the uneasiness is gone now at least I stopped before killing them "

end of chapter 3

until next chapter hideout