
Anime system- Naruto edition

Arata begins his journey in his ninja world... with a system

kiingshet12 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
39 Chs

Chapter 5 Results


A the bell rang loudly. Sasuke and Sakura slowly walked out from the forest. They too also ran into Kakashi and failed miserly. Arata went looking for Naruto but returned as it was beginning to be noon. As he appeared, he saw Naruto tied to the tree stump.

Kakashi: " Oh, by the way from this exercise, I've decided I won't send any of you back to the academy."

Naruto: " Ehh"

Sakura: " What? I Passed? All I did was faint and fall over. Do you get points for that?

Naruto: " Then that means that all four of us..."

Kakashi: " Yes. All four of you are being dropped from the program permanently."

Sakura and Naruto: " Huh"

Naruto: " Why, you said even if we didn't get the bell, you would send us back to the academy. Why, I don't understand this."

Kakashi: " Because you don't think like ninja. Besides Arata, the rest of you think like little kids.

When Sasuke heard this, he started running towards Kakashi trying strike him down. However, Kakashi brought him down quickly.

Kakashi looked at Sasuke, " You think it's all about you."

Sakura saw that Kakashi was restraining Sasuke harshly" Don't press on him like a bug."

Kakashi: " You don't know what it means to be a ninja. Do you think this is a game? Why do you think we put you on squads. Did you consider that question for one moment?

Sakura: " Huh, I don't know what you mean?"

Kakashi: " None of you understood the essence of this exercise."

Naruto: " What it's about?"

Kakashi: " Yes, that's what determines whether you pass or fail."

Sakura: " That's what I was trying to ask you from before."

Kakashi: " Tch, why don't you use your head. Why do you think we use three (orginally it is three but they are a special case, so Kakashi says 3 instead of 4) people."

Naruto: " How are we supposed to know why we do that."

Kakashi: " It's so basic. Teamwork!"

Naruto and Sakura: " Teamwork?"

Kakashi: " Yes, if all four of you came together at once, then maybe you guys would've had a chance... well anyways, it's over."

Sakura: " Wait a minute, what was the point of one bell missing when there are four of us then. If all four of us worked together then only three of us could've kept them. Wouldn't that only cause group conflict?"

Kakashi: " Of course. I purposely did that. I wanted to see if you guys could've overcome that and put the whole squad ahead of yourselves. But the four of you, teamwork never crossed your minds. Sakura, you obsessed over Sasuke who was gone. Naruto, you do everything on your own. Sasuke, you only thought of the others as beneath you as they were worthless. Arrogance. And Arata, even though you possess skills far beyond a genin, you watched Naruto fight on his own and only helped him when he failed. Furthermore, to challenge a person without knowing their full capacity was too careless. Missions are performed in squads. Sure you need your own individual skills, but teamwork is the most essential element. Whether a squad can put forth their full ability together, it can lead to failure and death. On every mission, your life is on the line. Did you think about all of the names on this stone? They are all ninjas who are honored as hero ninjas in the village."

Naruto: " That's it, that's it, I also want to be a hero like them."

Kakashi: "" Well, there are a special type of heroes."

Naruto: " huh, then what kind of heroes are they."

Kakashi: "... They're all KIA."

Naruto: "... That sounds cool."

Sakura: "..."

Sasuke: "..."

Arata: " Idiot"

Sakura: "... KIA means killed in action."

Naruto: " huh..."

Kakashi: " this is a memorial stone meant for them... yoshi, I will give all of you another chance. In three hours, you can try again, but I will be even more harsher towards you all. You have the remaining time to eat, however, Naruto, you are unable to eat."

Naruto: " Eeehhh."

Kakashi: " I make the rules. You got that."

Then Kakashi disappeared.

Arata: " In three hours, follow in my lead and support me while looking for an opening."

Sasuke: " Hmph."

Arata: " Do you have a problem with me Uchiha? I'm the strongest one here."

Sasuke: " What did you say?"

The two stepped forth to each other. They were just about to fight.

Sakura: " Break it up you guys. Let's just eat and work on it when the time comes."

Arata: " Naruto, is the shadow clone your only offensive technique?"

Naruto: "... Yes."

Arata: " What? Your parent's didn't teach you anything?"

Naruto: "... I don't have any parents."

Arata: "... Oh... Sorry. "

After hearing this, everyone was silent until 'grrr'. Naruto's stomach grumbled.

Arata: " 'sigh' Here you can eat some of my lunch. From this day forth, we are brothers. My mother is an Uzumaki. Once this is over, I can introduce you to my parents."

Sakura: " But sensei said..."

Arata: " It's okay, he isn't here at the moment."

Sasuke: " You can have some of mine too."

Sakura: " Mine too, I am on a diet and don't need to eat so much."

Naruto: " Sakura-chan, hehehe, thank you."

Naruto opened his mouth.

Sakura: " Uhh, 'sigh' just... just this once."

'poooooffff' smoke appeared out of nowhere.

Kakashi: " YOU!"

Naruto and Sakura: " Ahhh"

Arata: " Shit"

Arata got ready for a fight as well as Sasuke.

Kakashi: " You broke the rules. I hope you're ready for the punishment."

Kakashi made hand signals as thunder started to sound from the sky.

Kakashi: " Any last words?"

Arata: " tch"

Naruto: " But, you said..."

Kakashi: " Yes?"

Naruto: " But you said that there were four of us. That's why Arata and the others did this."

Sasuke: " We're all on this squad and we're all in it together."

Sakura: " Yeah, that's right. We gave our lunch to him because the four of us are one!"

Arata: " 'tch' Just try and touch us. We're not scare of you."

Naruto: ' Yeah, yeah ,yeah, bring it on."

Kakashi: " YOU ALL... pass."

All four: " Ehh"

Sakura: " We... passed?"

Kakashi: " You all pass."

Sakura: " Pass? Why, we disobeyed an order."

Kakashi: " I set this trap up for every previous squad. You're the first squad to ever succeed. The others have always fell for the trap and did exactly what I said. They couldn't think for themselves. A Ninja must see through deception. In the Ninja world, those who break the rules are scum. That's indeed true. But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."

Naruto: "... You know... you are kind of cool."

Kakashi: " Yosh, Squad 7 starts its first mission tomorrow."

Sakura: " Yeeess"

Naruto: " Yeaah, I did it, Ninja, Ninja."

Kakashi: " All right, make sure to get enough rest now."

Arata: " 'Phew' Did not see that coming."

Sasuke: " hmph."