
Anime system- Naruto edition

Arata begins his journey in his ninja world... with a system

kiingshet12 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
39 Chs

Chapter 15 Chunin Exam

Waking up, Arata saw Naruto was covered with bruises and wounds.

Arata: " Seems like father taught him quite a bit... Oi Naruto wake up, lets go back to Konoha."

Naruto: " huh?? Oh okay."

Arata: " First, I'll see how much my father taught you. Then we will eat and then leave after that."

Naruto: " Hahaha, sounds good to me. I'll tell you this, I've improved a lot. Uncle taught me a lot."

Arata: " Uncle huh? Well by right we are kind of cousins haha. Good let's see what you got."

Arata and Naruto went out to the training field.

Naruto: " This time, I will beat you, and then I will beat Sasuke hahaha."

Arata: " Hey don't let you overconfidence get to you."

Naruto: " Just watch and see."

Naruto immediately used shadow clones jutsu and dozens of him appeared. They surrounded Arata instantly.

Arata: " Shadow clones? You know, this will only work if the opponent is weaker than you haha."

Naruto: " heh."

Arata was getting tired of this overconfident 'cousin'. As the Narutos came after him, Arata began to fend them off easily. Just as the last one was defeated, Naruto was already leaping into the air.

Naruto: " Shuriken Shadow clone jutsu."

Arata saw this new attack from Naruto, " So the shadow clone jutsu was just a diversion huh. Naruto, Naruto, just from one day of training and you've already got a new move huh. Although it might've been a technique my father taught you, to be able to use it already shows your progress... but this won't be enough. It's a good chance to see it's powers."

Arata focused his chakra into his eyes and it soon changed to that of a rinnegan. He put his hand towards the thousands of shurikens, "Almighty push 'pew' A repulsive force erupted from his hands, it blasted through all of the the shurikens and eventually reached Naruto.

Naruto: " What the heck is that... aahhh"

Naruto was blasted away and hit a tree and slowly fell to the ground.

Naruto: " What the heck is up with your eyes."

Arata looked at the power. " It seems like I need to adjust my chakra usage of this. But, I like the power, hahaha." He then looked at Naruto, " Is that it?" Arata didn't feel like answering his question. The information is just too much for him to handle.

Naruto: " Not even close."

Naruto put his palms close to each other. After some time Arata noticed that Naruto's clothes were fluttering as if wind was coming out of his palms. Sure enough what laid in Naruto's hand was a wind chakra frisbee.

Arata: " 'whistled' so you have the wind chakra nature huh. That move looks quite scary you know. Are you trying to cut me apart? Haha. "

Naruto: " Hmph, take this. Wind style, Wind disk"

Naruto threw the disks and it flew at a fast speed. Arata focused a large amount of chakra into his feet as he suddenly vanished from the spot and dodged the attack. The attack flew by and instantly cut down a tree. Arata instantly appeared in front of Naruto. As Naruto was about to punch forwards, Arata put out hand and " Universal pull" Naruto's head flew into his palm and then Arata slammed his head down.

Arata: " I win. Hahaha. But I gotta say, your two new moves have made you quite strong. Alright, let's go back and eat."

Naruto: " What the heck, how did you get so much stronger than last time. I bet it's because of those eyes like Sasuke's sharingan."

Arata: " Huh? Did you get smarter over the past day too? haha."

Naruto: " 'Tch' "

The two quickly got up and went back to the house. They quickly ate and was getting ready to leave.

Isamu: " Leaving so soon?"

Arata: " Yes, we only had a few days off. Bye mother. By father. Thanks for everything."

Naruto was a little shy when saying goodbye: " Bye uncle, by au...auntie. The food was delicious. Can.. can I come back again?"

Isamu gave Naruto a heart-warming look and smiled brightly, " Of course you can. Come whenever you want. This will be your home too."

Naruto's eyes were a little watery. 'home' a word that now had a completely different meeting. It was only for a short period of time but he started to wonder if this was what having a family would be like. " Yes, then please take care of me next time too."

The two waved their hands as they said good bye.

Soon after, they arrived at Konoha.

Naruto: " Hey Arata. Thank you for letting me meet your parents. They helped me a lot. Thank you for inviting me to see your family."

Arata: " No problem, didn't I say this from the start, I want to unite the Uzumaki clan once again, as an Uzumaki that includes you too."

After walking for a bit, Kakashi suddenly appeared in front of them.

Kakashi: " You've finally came back huh." Kakashi got another good look at the two and noticed that their strength as increased by a lot.

Arata: " Yes, we just got back, is there something going on Kakashi sensei?"

Kakashi: " Yes, since the chunin exam is happening this year, I took the initiative to sign the four you up."

Naruto: " Chunin exam? what is that?"

Arata face-palmed, " Idiot. It's exactly how it sounds. An exam for people to take to become chunins."

Naruto: "... haha I knew that, I just wanted to make sure."

Arata: " When is the Chunin exam starting."

Kakashi: " Two days from now. Make sure you arrive at the place around at the correct time."

A day later. Arata was sitting on the floor meditating. He was trying to think of a way to store chakra.

Arata: " System, is there a way for me to increase my level of chakra?"

' there are a few ways possible. One way is to pick a spot on your body put a seal there as a way to store chakra slowly. Another way is to absorb nature energy. However both ways will be extremely difficult. The first way is to the easier way, but it requires a long period of time. The second way is the most difficult as balancing physical, spiritual, and natural energy is extremely hard and if it is messed up, you will turn into stone due to the energy overtaking your body.'

Arata thought for a bit. At his current level of chakra sensitivity, it will be difficult to detect natural energy, yet alone be able to control it. He still got a long time ahead of him, so he might as well take that route. " Do you know the seal to store chakra?"

' Yes.'

Arata: " Then let's go with with that. How long would it take to create this seal."

' the rest of this day, however, the stored amount would not be large as it needs time to accumulate even further to show real results.'

Arata: " Then let's just do it."

Like this, a day quickly went by as a seal was formed on Arata's body. Arata chose to put the seal at the location of his heart. If there was ever a situation where his heart was pierced, then he would release that seal and the chakra released would immediately heal his heart and he would survive.