
Levi One-Shot

It has been a hell of a day at the Survey Corps. You have been in a tough mission outside the walls, trying to find  new information about the Abnormal Titans. Unfortunately, Erwin miss calculated a couple of moves and almost all the squads got wiped out.

         Entering the city to get to your base, angry people were shouting curses and mothers were crying for their dead sons, husbands and daughters. It was an unbearable sight to look at especially after you tried so hard not to disappoint.


          Shaking your body, with fear and regret in your eyes, you enter the nurses room to heal your wounds. While battling one of the Titans, a soldiers blade flew into pieces and cut your arm so deep, that you could see flesh and rivers of blood. You have been prepared for the pain, but loosing so much red liquid made you dizzy and gave you a severe headache.

          Half an hour had passed and someone you have been dying to see stepped into the dark, quiet room : Corporal Levi. He was the last to return from the battle, without any scratch though. His fighting skills were beyond anyone and nobody had noticed a weak spot. He appeared emotionless but on the inside he was suffering constantly.

          As he made his way to the chair you were seated in, a small tear brushed on his cheek.

         "You realise we could have lost you, right?! he said ,standing near you. You realise how stupid you were to come in this mission right?!"


        "No. It is your first year among us. You were an excellent student and are one of my dearest cadets. WHY WOULD YOU RISK YOUR LIFE ?!"

        You didn't talk after. You eyes felt wet and started watering uncontrollably. You did all you could not to make your Corporal mad, really. You fought ,and abandoned good people to move on to the next battlefield. It wasn't enough for Levi, or at least that's what you thought after he shouted at you for the next few minutes.

          After he had given up his speech, he kneeled in front of you. He ripped your uniforms arm to get to the deep cut. By that time, you couldn't feel your fingers and couldn't move them an inch. But the pain seemed to have gotten away.

           Levi tied a material around the wound, not looking at your confused expression. He cleaned the blood off and stood up ,having a deplorable face.

          "Please...just don't fight this good next time. Don't get yourself killed. I-

I can't lose another person that I care about."

          His words rang through your head like a freshly learned poem. He grabbed your other arm and pulled you into the hallway, on a walk. He put his hand on your waist to offer you a stable position and started pushing all of the people that were in the way ,aside.

         Feeling exhausted, you shiver and he notices. His eyes widen, only to realise that he should have left you to rest more. You make your way to his room, barely standing up. He slowly lets your body onto the soft covers and offers you a blanket.

          Levi cuddles next to you, making sure not to touch and hurting spots or affect your sleep. His hands start drawing circles on your back and playing with your hair. He places a small, warm kiss on the nape of your neck and falls asleep into the embrace.