
Impact Friut

Early in the morning, the fog is still thick, the sun is still hissing while the rooster is already waking up everyone, and a little girl is walking alone in the street.

She is holding a strange device that looks like from the modern day, a smartphone, it's a weird sign to see someone holding an advanced technology from an old era.

Wearing a thick jacket and holding the phone while looking around restless, she murmurs while looking around

"Where is it... It indicates here that he is near."

As she wipes the nonexistent sweat she continues looking around until she found herself on the edge of the village.

There she finally found the thing she looking for, from a restless and worried face, her face turned bright as the morning sunshine for everyone.

Looking around, she took out a small mirror and look at herself ensuring that everything is clean and presentable.

After seeing everything is normal, she nervously to reach out and knocks.



She wait until she heard a sound coming from inside.

The door finally opens, Lou who still looks sleepy opens the door and finds her standing outside.

"Good morning, Hinata. You're early today as always." Lou teasing says while opening the door.

"Good morning, Brother Lou...." She shyly replies while gripping the edge of her sleeves.

"Still shy as always, come in, it's cold outside."

Hinata nodded and entered inside, she look around and found her usual spot where she always sat.

Lou on the other hand picks something in the other room and comes back with a cup of hot drink.

"Here is some milk, take it to make your stomach warm."

"Thank you, Brother Lou." Hinata gently takes them up from Lou's hand and accidentally touch his hand making her momentarily stop and then continue.

Seeing this made Lou smile at her even hearing herself whisper.

"I did it....."

Lou knows that this girl is super shy and easy to gets distracted and even faints from simple as touching other hands.

He even had a problem when she fainted numerous times with him, trying to change but her true nature always wins.

But today is different, she did not faint are even feel dizzy, other than having a bright red face that steam can visibly see, she seems to look fine.

After a silent morning tee, Lou finally speaks.

"Did you come for your training book?"


"Wait for a second, I will find it for you."

Lou stands up, walk to the bookcase and pick up a new-looking book.

"Here, I finished it half year ago but I'm busy to find you, I hope you don't mind."

Hinata gingerly take it and said. "It's okay, Brother Lou, I know you're busy..... I just hope you always see me..." In the end, she can only whisper.

" Don't worry, how can miss you, don't worry you are always in my heart."

Hinata blushed hearing what he says, she burry her face to hide her shyness.


Impact Fruit Technique and Guide V1


That's right, Hinata buy Devil Fruit from Lou a long time ago, she only develop it normally but her understanding and her clan training stopped her from cultivating it.

She ca

n only ask Lou for guidance, making Lou make specific guidance for her fruit.