
anime manga manhwa and game oneshot

a list of ideas for my future story of I finish it

Astoria123 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs


Cellis: "Yeah, and remember that one time he created an entire new world just for Eris? And the world was all pink and fluffy and filled with rainbows and unicorns."

Evelyn: "Oh, I remember that! And he even made sure that all the creatures in the world were only cute and fluffy animals. He said he didn't want any dangerous animals to harm Eris."

Alex: "And don't forget how he almost destroyed the entire world when someone made Eris cry."

Alan: "I know right? I mean, I understand that Eris is important to him, but that's just too much."

Sasha: "But, you guys have to admit that it's kinda sweet, in a twisted way. I mean, he loves her so much that he's willing to do anything for her."

Misha: "Yeah, and Eris seems to like it too. I mean, she's been with him for so long and she never seems to be scared of him or anything."

Rimuru: "Well, it's because Eris understands him. She knows that Anos isn't like any other guy, and she accepts him for who he is."

Zenisha: "Exactly, and I think that's what makes their relationship work. They complement each other in a way that nobody else can."

Cha Hae In: "I have to agree. Anos may be possessive and yandere-ish, but he's also very loving and caring towards Eris. And that's what matters in a relationship, right?"

Ray: "Yeah, and at the end of the day, all that matters is that they're happy together. And as their friends, we should support them no matter what."

Veldanava: "Indeed, love can make people do crazy things, but it's all worth it when you're with the person you truly love."

Yuuki: "And as long as they're happy and they're not hurting anyone else, we should let them be."

Lucia: "Yeah, I think we've teased Anos enough for one day. Let's just be happy for them and hope that their love lasts forever."

As they all nodded in agreement, Anos and Eris walked into the room, holding hands and looking happy as ever.

Anos: "Hey guys, what's up?"

Everyone: "Nothing much, just hanging out."

Eris: "Yeah, we were just talking about how much we love you guys."

Anos: "Aww, that's sweet. I love you guys too."

As Anos and Eris joined their friends in the conversation, they all knew that their love was unique and special, and that nothing could ever break the bond between them.

Minakshi Gautam


Sasha nods in agreement. "It's definitely not something everyone can handle. But then again, Eris is not just anyone. She's just as powerful as Anos, and she's not someone to be messed with."

Misha adds, "And I guess love really does make people do crazy things. Anos is just showing his love for Eris in the only way he knows how, even if it's a bit extreme."

Ray chuckles. "I never thought I'd see the day when Anos Voldigod would be a lovesick puppy. But hey, if it makes him happy and doesn't harm anyone, then I guess it's okay."

Zenisha chimes in, "I have to admit, it's kind of cute in a twisted way. Anos is so devoted to Eris that he'll do anything for her. It's like a twisted fairy tale, with Anos as the prince and Eris as the princess."

Veldanava, who has been listening to the conversation quietly, finally speaks up. "Love can be a powerful thing indeed. It can change even the most ruthless of beings. But we must also remember that love should not be a reason for someone to harm others or make them feel uncomfortable."

Yuuki nods in agreement. "That's right. As much as we may find Anos's behavior amusing, we shouldn't forget that there's a line that shouldn't be crossed."

Lucia adds, "And let's not forget that Eris is also responsible for setting those boundaries. She's clearly comfortable with Anos's behavior, but if it ever becomes too much for her, she has every right to say so."

Everyone nods in agreement, and the conversation turns to other topics. But the thought of Anos's yandere-ish behavior lingers in their minds, and they can't help but wonder what other crazy things he'll do for the love of Eris.

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