
Angels book

Finding a golden book our MC sets off a chain reaction of events that cause him to lose most of his memory and start anew. I'm a fairly new author so mercy me, please.

KNIGHTofGALE · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


Our story begins on March 11th, 2011. It was a normal day for Ayate Fukumoto and his best friend Kasaka Kaneko, having their first day of kindergarten tomorrow, Kasaka's mom and dad invited Ayate's family to the beach, being that today was supposed to be their last day before school. After arriving at the beach their mothers and fathers set up towels and coolers and laid down some ground rules for the pair, and with that done Ayate and Kasaka-chan went off to build sand castles and catch hermit crabs.

"W-wait for me Ayate!" kasaka yelled as she chased Ayate, trying to figure out what caught his attention from the sand castle they were just working on, but unbeknownst to Kasaka, Ayate had seen a white and gold rectangle sticking out of the sand just now, forgetting of what his and Kasaka's parents warning about how not going too far from the beach towel they had set up for the day. Now standing over the gold and white brick, he realizes it's a book, something that his mother would often read for hours on end.

"Mommy would love this buried treasure" mumbles Ayate As he picks up the book, all of a sudden the earth beneath his tiny feet starts to shake uncontrollably. "W-what i-is t-that?" kasaka exclaims trying to keep her footing "I-I d-don't k-know!" says Ayate also trying to keep his footing, 'Maybe if I open it, the ground might not be so mad' Ayate thinks to himself. Following through with his idea he opens the book to see the golden pages of the book shine brightly in the afternoon sun like a newly washed car, and the words moved around on the page like something you would see in a cartoon, and it wasn't words it looked more like symbols more than words, being too much for his 5-year-old brain to comprehend so he closed the book realizing that the ground stopped shaking.

"Oooooohhh that was pretty!" Kasaka exclaimed gleefully, seeing how he impressed his best friend, Ayate tried to open the book, which to his prevail would not budge open, seeing this Kanaka tried to help Ayate, but when her hand made contact with the book it arced blueish electricity through her hand and up her arm.

Feeling the pain from this Kanaka yanked her arm back "OWIE OWIE OWIE!!!!" Kasaka cried out with tears welling up in her eye. "A-are you okay Kasaka-chan?" said Ayate with panic in his voice, but before Kasaka could get a word out the emergency air raid sirens started blaring, not ever hearing this sound before both Ayate and Kasaka look around in desperation and panic to see where it is coming from.

Just then Kasaka noticed that the water that peacefully waded around the half-built sand castle had disappeared from view, following where the water went with her eyes the could just make out a wall, but the more she stared at the wall out where the ocean was supposed to be, she realized the wall was heading straight for them "AYATE!!!!" screamed Kasaka over the blaring siren.

Hearing Kasaka, Ayate looked to where she was pointing, seeing the moving wall of death heading towards them, time begins to slow as the wall of watery death approaches them from mere feet away, as Ayate and Kasaka look at each other, they hold their hands and give each other one final goodbye as the water wall hit them with the speed of a jet airplane.

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ill post the next 2 chapters tomorrow also let me know if I need to tone down on the descriptive writing

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

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