
chapter 2

The pilot was Gormen a genius psychopath who broke out of prison. He wanted to destroy Rave but Orion stopped him. He was again arrested and sent back to prison.

Because of all this commotion, they had their day off for that day so Angelina visited Lord Verold's statue. Lord Verold protected Tabera from countless enemies, he fought in many wars but couldn't return from the great war between Tabera and wild and ferocious beasts of unknown origin. So people of Tabera made his statue as a tribute to him.

"I miss you father and wish to see you again" she thought with teary eyes as Petra consoled her. After spending some time there, they left for their respective places.


Next day, as Angelina was heading home after her classes were over, heavy winds started blowing. Something suddenly hit her head and she passed out.

Next, she woke up in her bed in the castle. As soon as she woke up, one of her maid came to her and said,"Oh, milady so you're finally up, I'm so glad."

"Yeah, I am now."Angelina replied.

"Let me serve you with something to eat as you haven't had anything for two whole days" said the maid.

Angelina was shocked,"WHAT?!!!, are you saying that I wasn't awake for two days?!!!"

"Milady, apparently you don't remember anything at all." the maid said.

"You are right, tell me everything." said Angelina.

The maid said," Okay."

She continued," You were attacked, a monster came to get you but after you passed out, Orion came and saved you, he fought the monster and brought you here with Petra and left immediately.". "You didn't wake up since." she added.

*It's not uncommon for Angelina to be attacked by Lord Verold's countless enemies.*

"You were looking just like a princess saved by her knight in shining armor as he carried you." the maid chuckled.

"H-He carried me!!!" Angelina flustered. She continued," Ahem, well anyways, he didn't had to go through all that, I could've taken care of myself."

"Of course, you could have..."said the maid with a grin.

"W-What's with that smirk on your face?" said Angelina.

"Oh, nothing at all." replied the maid as she left.

She took a rest that day and didn't go anywhere. She continued her lessons from the next day.
