
Angelic Mafia Princess

Gift_Lucky · ไซไฟ
11 Chs

Pinky finger

James: Bye my princess, as from now, I have other things to do. I'll call you back later okay

Kathy: Okay bye

James: bye

The day went by fast and soon it was night, She went to sleep.


The next day she woke up looking forward to leave the house of boredom,

She was not even awake when the jet came to pick her up.

Katherine: Bye cutie

Kathy: Seriously mom, are you not even remorseful

Katherine: Remorseful you say? I'm so happy cuz I'm going to have all the space I'm this house with my Donnie. Right Donnie

Donnie: Absolutely

Kathy: Tsk tsk tsk tsk none of my business. Mom let's make a bet 2weeks and he will break your heart again. Byebye oldie I have a flight I don't want to miss cuz of you.


She left them and went inside to pack up her belongings and went away with the driver that came to pick her up, to the place where did jet is

On getting there, she saw some people who she wasn't familiar with, and ask them who they are. They begin to introduce yourself to her one after the other

Jasmine: My name is Jasmine Robert, I'm going to be your personal attendant till you get home.

Clemson: My name is Clemson Alfred, I'm going to be your Butler till you get home

Patrick: My name is Patrick Johnson I'm going to be your pilot.

she looked around, she was actually leaving a life of a princess when she hasn't even gotten to her father's house.

After everybody have introduced themselves to her she asked him to take off and they did.

on arrival to her father's mansion, she saw many people, who came outside to welcome her. she overheard two people who were saying:

Trevor: is she Lord James's daughter

Anthony: Yep I bet she is

Trevor: oh that means she's off-limits

Anthony: OMG, yes unless you want Lord James to blow off your head

Trevor: No way I don't want to get on his bad side

Anthony: hahaha I don't know you are this scared

Kingsley: Can't you guys stop blabbing, and go and help her pack and things.

The two guys immediately says sorry, and went to the car to pack her things to help her settled in her room


Kingsley: Good day young mistress, my name is Kingsley, I am here to show you around and to your room.

Kathy: Wow this place is fascinating. I'm mean this place look like a palace

Kingsley: Oh yeah wait until you get inside and see for yourself how fascinating it is "young mistress

Upon entry into the house, the house was beautifully made. They were chandeliers everywhere. The house was sparkling, almost everything look like gold, and she couldn't get her mind off anything. She was actually in drooling over the house.

Kingsley: Close your mouth young mistress else a fly might enter

Kathy: Don't you want me to drool over my father's house, oh my god you're so boring please show me to my father I want to see him.

Kingsley: This way young mistress

He left her there and he moved forward climbing up to the stairs.

Kingsley: Are you coming or not

Kathy: COMING!!!!!

They walk past large halls, and halted, when the head her father calling someone.

James: I want this to be done tonight, I mean end his chapter. If you do not do it, then get ready, what I sent you to do to him would be what I will do to you

Kathy: (thinking) (what does it means to end his chapter) she was asking herself those questions when they walk into the room.

Kathy: Hi Dad, how have you been, I've missed you. (she leaned in and hug her dad so tight)

James: Hi my beautiful princess, I mean look at you, you've grown up cutie. You've grown so much how old are you 16

Kathy: Seriously dad? for crying out loud, I'm 20 years old. Why does you and mum always forget my age, is it that

James: shhhh ( he put his index finger on her lips, to shut her up. He knew that she was going to say that they always neglect her) You know princess, I'm a very busy man and you don't live with me. I'm going to make it up to you I promise. Pinky promise (then he brought out his pinky fingers)

Kathy: Thanks dad your the best (and with that, she brought her pinky finger close to her father's own.

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