
Angelic Mafia Princess

Gift_Lucky · ไซไฟ
11 Chs

kill or get killed

Zach: Sir, we saw this boy hanging around in the garden.

Lord James: Who sent you.

The boy: Miller Mafia Brothers.

Lord James: why?

The boy:....

Zach: Sir we saw him close to Young mistress room.

Lord James: I see.

Trevor: Maybe they want to adopt the young mistress.

Zach: Did they send you to adopt her.

(The boy wasn't still responding)

Lord James: No need finish him up.

Zach took out his gun from his inner pocket and band the boy was dead.

Lord James: Zach go check on Kathy.

Zach: yes boss.


After Kathy was done with her daily routine. She went down to look for her father in the living room, when she saw that her father wasn't there, she went out to the garden to check if he was there. When she didn't see him, she went to the study. On the way to his study she overheard them staying:

Zach: Sir, we saw this boy hanging around in the garden.

Lord James: Who sent you.

The boy: Miller Mafia Brothers.

Lord James: why?

The boy:....

Zach: Sir we saw him close to Young mistress room.

Lord James: I see.

Trevor: Maybe they want to adopt the young mistress.

Zach: Did they send you to adopt her.

(The boy wasn't still responding)

Lord James: No need finish him up.

Zach took out his gun from his inner pocket and band the boy was dead.

Lord James: Zach go check on Kathy.

Zach: yes boss.

(Zach came out only to meet her there trying to escape)

Zach: No need for that.

Kathy: Seriously? do you really have to kill him.

Zach: That's how we row in the business world, kill or get killed.

Kathy: But does he deserve to die.

Zach: Yes! Because we caught him hanging out around your window, and their main target is you.

Kathy: What why me.

Zach: What else? they want to use you as a bait for your dad.

Kathy: Seriously?

Zach: Look you can ask your dad that I'm off.

Kathy: what a weird guy, one time hot the next moment very cold.

After Zach left, Trevor came out of the room and she told him that he should tell her father to come down for breakfast.