

Poor Lee, born in a demonic family bent on destroying heaven and everyone in it. Life suddenly becomes a deadly game the moment he turns fifteen. How does he survive in a world where everyone just wants to kill.

charles_echeta · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


Amenadiel already had a lot of things in mind to do now that a huge war is about to unfold. He had given an order to his soldiers that they should monitor the Sin City demons for any sudden movement or changes in plan. He also made sure they reported to him every evening in the Church where he would sometimes be with Uriel who was there to help advice him and help strategize.

Today, Artheta, Amenadiel's right hand man comes to deliver his daily report to Amenadiel. He gets to the church and sees Amenadiel.

"Hello brother , I am here once again to give my report" he walks towards the alter to kneel and show respect. Amenadiel approaches him and picks him up. "You may speak brother. What did you observe today?"

Artheta takes a seat and Amenadiel joins him. " What of Uriel? I thought she was meant to be here with us". Amenadiel replies " She's here but she is helping one of the nuns with prayers. Do we need to wait for her?

"Yes brother. She needs to hear this as well because this is something we must act on immediately. So please let is wait for her brother". Artheta says with seriousness. "Alright brother we shall wait for her. For you to suggest this then it means you have something big to discuss." Amenadiel says with a hint of worry.

Five minutes later Uriel walks into the hall where they were waiting. "Welcome sister. We were waiting for you to discuss something important". Uriel wondering what was so important that they had to wait for her. Normally they would give the report and late on Amenadiel would brief her ok the matter. She gets to where they were and takes a seat.

"Now please listen to me:

I was patrolling the woods today. On a normal day I would be in the slumps observing those filthy demons, but I felt like I should change surroundings today. On getting to the woods, there was part I got to that I couldn't walk past it. It felt like I was kept out by a force field. I quickly looked for a hiding spot and waited until the field was gone. After five hours of staying there I saw three people come out from the part I felt the force field. Two of them were just kids, though one of them looked grown and the third person surprised me. It was Leonard Daemon, the demon of death. I believe those two were his sons.

"Wait. What!!!! Daemon? Where is he right now? Amenadiel says sounding worried. Artheta continues "I followed them to a huge mansion in a quiet area. That is where they live. Which brings me to the reason why I needed Uriel here. (He faces Uriel) I suggest we lay an ambush on them. We should do that not to kill them but to suppress them and confirm the rumors that one of his children is hosting the fallen angel we are worried about. If one of his child really has it in him then we capture the host and know our next move. Do you agree with me sister?

Uriel stands and slowly walks round the room while pondering on what she was just told. She walks back to her seat and faces Artheta. " If you are sure that this would work then I support it. This is what we will do though: Leonard is too much to be handled alone. We need to separate him from his sons and make sure he is not able to get to them immediately. Amenadiel should be with you when you when you go to the mansion. Let's talk to Michael to help us with this plan. We need Michael to handle Leonard while we carry out our plan.

"Is there a need to call Michael into this sister? I can handle Leonard on my own. Yes he is powerful but I can take him". Amenadiel says proudly but Uriel quickly replies " I'm not saying you can't handle him. I am saying that if this is true that a fallen angel is in one of his children then Artheta shouldn't be the only one to capture him. What if the demon is released on self defense? As much as I don't want to say this but Artheta couldn't handle it himself. He will need an Archangel to help him. Besides I couldn't help him..I am not made for combat, only brain-works(she laughs). So please stick to the plan ok?

"Alright sister, we move in two days. Artheta please keep on monitoring the Daemons until we strike. Tell Mishael and Stephane to get ready for this, I don't want any mistake in this. Do you get me brother?" Amenadiel says.

"I do brother. You will see us in two days brother. May God be with us and favor our plans as we work to honor his name". Artheta says and flies away.

"Sister, you need to inform Michael. I'm sure he would like some action right now. Please brief him and tell him the plan takes place immediately its 12:00 pm on Saturday". Amenadiel says to Uriel.

"Ok brother, may God be with you". Uriel flies out of the church while Amenadiel kneels at the alter to pray.

Two days later, Amenadiel heads to the mansion accompanied by Artheta, Mishael and Stephane.

They arrived and landed in front of the mansion's gate. "Is this the mansion?" Amenadiel asks. " Yes brother" Artheta replies. Alright! Artheta, take Stephane with you to the back while Mishael and I will use the front door. Be careful and may God be with us".

They separate into two parties and head to their directions. "What about their father?" Mishael asks. "Don't worry about him, Michael is with him as we speak. Only think about the two inside ok?(Mishael nods) Alright let's move. They walk to the door and Amenadiel knocks on the door.

Lee opens the door.." Who the hell are you?" He asks. Aren't you too young to be using strong words little boy? Amenadiel says and pushes the door wide open. "Hey what the fuck are you doing?" Lee yells out. Dominic hears Lee and rushes to help him. "Hey Lee what's going on? Who the hell are they?" Dominic says and suddenly he felt strange. He uses his demon sight to check them out. "You are angels! How did you find us?

Amenadiel doesn't answer, he rushes past Lee to Dominic and punches him. Luckily for Dominic, he dodges it in time and rushes out the back with Lee. On getting to the backdoor he saw Artheta and Stephane already waiting for them. "Where do you think you are going to boy?" Artheta says and immediately attacks Dominic. This time Dominic isn't lucky. He gets punched in the gut and falls on his knees. Artheta then drags him and Lee back to the front passage where Amenadiel was still standing. Artheta tosses Dominic and Lee to Amenadiel's feet.

First of all, my name is Amenadiel. You must be Dominic and Lee. These are my brothers: Artheta, Mishael and Stephane. Now that we know each other please answer this simple question: WHICH OF YOU DEMONS IS THE DARK ANGEL VESSEL?"

Dominic and Lee didn't say anything. They just kept on looking at the scary angel that was gazing fiercely at them.