
Renewed Angela

After the funeral of her mother in her town cemetery where her father had long been buried she resigned herself into a local park to ruminate over the events in her life. Her only objective was now to get the better of Devin and Arian. Angela wanted to punish them the way they had persecuted her colleagues, housemaid and dearest mother. She was treading in the park with her head full of her analysis of all the situations that had been occurring in the course of the recent killings. She could think how Pyrus dreaded the hot coffee, how her fear of the shape shifters defeated her, how Faizan's stone throw baffled Devin. It was becoming easy to understand now. Satisfied with her conclusion, she seated herself on a park bench lonely and lost just then an eerie glow began to appear before her. She seemed to flinch and fear first, but she soon gathered that it was her new companion from her magic watch she had on her wrist.

The glow was taking a form of a subtle hallow heightening as it approached her imperceptibly. Angela remained composed so as not to attract attention, waiting for its full development. The glowing hallow moved closest to her. It blew something on her face and vanished. Her mind could interpret its message as the 'confrontation with her opponents'. She was clear what she would do next.

Immediately afterwards, Faizan called on her to drive her to Star Square. She was morose in the car while he was elaborating on the event in the cemetery. He was willing to retrieve the emerald ring only if she approved. Angela did not seem to respond to his idea. She was not disposed to go on any topic in the car, feeling uncertain about any course of action. The driver made a stop, pulling up into the parking space. She stepped up into her office and was greeted warmly.

"Good day! We have something to discuss with you." Greeted Mr. Hudson and staff.

She looked grim opening up, "I don't want to participate in any discussion which is void. I am afraid, sir, you never know that every thing is conveyed to Arian and his accomplice."

"Do you want to give in to them?" Mr. Gerald questioned her, scratching his brow.

"I am going to combat you right there! I know you…Narcis. You are here! I can feel you eavesdropping on us here. I will get back at Devin, Arian and you" Angela shouted out walking around her office, looking to and fro for her addressee.

"What is this nonsense? How can you say this? You are an officer." Mr. Gerald sounded annoyed, staring at her.

He went on, "If take law into your hands, we'll have to relieve you of your services and you know…." He paused as if feeling unjust.

"Sir, I will never overstep the line. It is the message to Devin's messenger

that is a jinn. All our previous underhand plans have been conveyed by his invisible creatures that work for him. I just beg you to leave this case with me only. I can deal with it." Angela sounded anxious.

Mr. Hudson and Mr. Gerald consulted each other on her plea. They also talked to other officers. In the meanwhile, Angela got out of her office, not wanting to interpose herself among them. A moment later, Mr. Hudson opened the office door and invited her in.

She was vested in all her authority. Mr. Hudson was confident that she would tackle this challenge viably. He came up to her and patted her on her back, "You can do it. We all are proud of you. You have always been winning. You have always been solving difficult cases before. But, you know, this case involves supernatural intervention and we need to be extra careful. Rebecca is no more. So we wish to associate Faizan Akhter with you. He thwarted the devilish grasp and braved the forces."

"Your wish is my command, sir!" She conceded.