
Angel System

Seraph’s life is a sad one, bullied on a day to day basis, his emotions and feelings slowly become numb to interaction… his eyes dull and his body weak he can only hold in his rage and despair deep within his heart. However, one day he sits down in class and realizes that his seat has disappeared thinking it was another prank he fell down onto grass? Looking up he sees a system? His entire class is with him and this time humans aren’t in charge of this new world...instead it’s the monsters in the forests. ________ “On earth they said, Beauty is held in the eyes of the beholder.” A sensual woman's voice swayed through the void. “ Such a good quote, however it’s so untrue don’t you think?” A cold man’s voice replied “ What do you mean?” The sensual woman giggled, “Well… Once upon a time, I came down to meet the humans, I considered myself as the most beautiful woman in the world, in the eyes of all in heaven I was considered the most beautiful- even the lord recognized this...however every single one of the humans shunned me at a glance. Met with fits of screams and anguished cries, I got really depressed... “ “Get to the point.” The Cold Man’s voice sharply interrupted the women. “Oh, Oh just wait. It gets better.” The sensual woman replied and then continued “ The next time i saw another man. I graciously approached, Bowed head, a dazzling smile on my face. I remember wearing the best thing I owned at the time.” “ A beautiful victorian dress with white frills. I perfectly embodied the word of elegance. Not even a queen could compete against me...however, I was shunned once more. The man even called me monster.” “So I did the only thing, I thought was proper…so I took him.” “Really, what then?” A gruff voice was heard in the void. “When did you come out of your hole?” The cold man asked. “Shush, I’m listening to the story!” An elegant man’s voice came through the void. “Hum, It seems as if everyones here.” The most beautiful feminine voice said through the void. The sensual woman laughed “I never knew my story could attract such a crowd.” She continued “but let’s continue… After taking him I went to work. I gave him soo many gifts, I gave him so much of my love just like in any relation we gave and took from each other… In the end, his eyes beheld my beauty.” “Then where is he?” The gruff man’s voice spoke “What do you mean? You're looking at him aren’t you?”

1Hamster1 · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs

Meeting the Father

Seraph smiled gently to himself. He held two books under his armpit and with another hand he rubbed the smooth edges of the books with his fingers. He looked like a child who had just won a stuffed teddy bear, which was hard to believe for Alena.

She watched him beat a student from the warriors academy with relative ease, furthermore that student was the hundredth strongest in the entire academy, composed of more than a thousand people. All who have been chosen as great warriors.

Even the lowest of them would be assigned as a highly respectable officer within the empire.

'He didn't even use mana…' Alena's view of seraph had changed drastically. He was like a sleeping bear. Harmless when left alone, but if he was bothered… the scene of grail being pummeled into the floor replayed itself in her mind.

'I hope the princess knows what she's doing… we could just kill him now.' Her eyes focused on seraph, he looked relaxed. His eyes looked around the library with the curiosity of a newborn, content to only have these two books under his armpit.

Her expression stiffened slightly, 'Such a scary man…'

"You've gotten your two books now, let's go." She emotionlessly told seraph. Then walked out of the door.

Seraph paused, nodded his head then followed her out of the library. The Library had a lot of books inside of it, he wished he could have taken a lot more than two books but he was content for now.

Within the hallway, Alena never directly looked at seraph but she started to steal glances at him while he was distracted. Seraph noticed this, "Ummm, Do you want something?"

"No." She quickly whipped her head around. 'That was stupid.' She didn't think that seraph would react so quickly but he reacted quicker than he did in the library. 'He clearly has some talent in this sort of thing…'

Seraph oblivious to her thoughts, thought of something else 'Are these guys sadist…First that princess with the bdsm fetish and that dude in the library… does she also have that sort of fetish?'

Seraph eyes gleamed slightly as he looked at her. This never escaped her eyesight, so she stole another glance at seraph who in response covered up his body with his hands.

"What!-" She immediately calmed herself down, "What, are you doing?"

"Y-You've been… staring a lot." Seraph bashfully replied. His eyes looked to the side as he continued to cover up his body.

"Why you!-" She nearly shouted at him in the hallway, calming herself down once more she continued "You must've been imagining things."

"Y-Yeah… sure." Seraph was not imagining things. She definitely was stealing glances at him 'But why… wait. Is she one of those secret perverts?'

Seraph began to walk directly behind her… While using the books in his hands to cover up.

'This bastard!' Alena the ever observant rogue witnessed seraphs actions closely. She nearly wanted to beat him up in the hallway… but she restrained herself.

She couldn't help herself, she kept looking at him from time to time then she noticed the books in his hands and her eyes narrowed ever so slightly 'He picked those books? Can he even read those books?' She shrugged then stopped staring.

They had a long awkward walk to seraph's new room, Alena opened the door first followed by a daydreaming seraph content about the books he owned, who had long forgotten about Alena. Causing her to sometimes call out his name in order for him to know where they were going.

Upon entering the room, he was greeted with a coffee table and two chairs underneath the table. He turned his gaze and found that the room was smaller than the princesses room and had one chandelier with glowing blue stones and a smaller sized elegant bed.

He waltzed into the room and like always looked around and observed, Alena turned her head to witness seraph with his ears peaking up waltzing around the room like a kitten. His hands hugged on tightly to the books while his mouth slightly opened in awe…

The room was very elegant, despite it being a smaller size than the princesses room. It was far more elegant and still spacious…

"This is the guest room. You will stay here until you meet the king, which is only going to be a day." Alena took a glance at his expression before opening the door.

Seraph turned around and bowed, "Thank you!"

Alena's eyes slightly widened as her emotionless expression broke for a moment, "Thanks… huh?" she muttered.

"What?" Seraph raised his head to see that she was already out the door. He looked out the door and found that she was nowhere to be found…

'Ninja!' She pulled his head back into the room, before closing the door. Then he placed both of his books on the coffee table. Out of all of the elegant looking books in the library he perhaps picked the most plain looking covered books.

Most of the books in the library were elegant, some had stones or elegant little encasing on the cover while others literally glowed with mana but he picked these two out of them all because after skimming the first one it was an interesting and necessary read while the second one… It had a nice font on the front of it.

He pulled out a seat and sat down, picking up one of the books he began to read. The first book he had picked up was a history book, but the history was incredibly interesting. The book was about an ancient general within the kingdom…

After hours of reading, he heard a knock on his door. He placed the book down and opened the door. He saw a maid, look up at him with a gentle head nod "Do you need anything, sir?"

"No…I'm fin-" His stomach started rumbling loudly..

They both looked at his gut, then the maid replied with "I'll get you something to eat, sir."

"Yeah…" Seraph scratched the back of his head. The maid and him both bowed to each other before he closed the door.

'My body has changed…' Seraph sat down and took the book back into his hands.

'I've even become less hungry than i used to… I remember back on-' He stopped his thoughts, 'Forget it… must be something to do with the system.'

Seraph had already gotten used to living in this world, however, he couldn't easily forget about earth. It's way easier to remember the negative parts of his past than it is to remember all the good things… There were not many good things anyway.

His fingers had gently gripped the book. As time passed he heard a knock on his door, he was about to get up when the door opened and the maid carrying his food came in and placed it on the coffee table.

"Sir, Hero. Here is your food.." She uncovered the tray she was carrying to reveal the luxury meals she was carrying. Seraph eyes almost popped open, if he could eat with his eyes he would've already consumed the entire meal.

"T-this looks good…" Seraph muttered.

"I hope it is to your satisfaction." She nodded toward seraph.

Seraph grabbed his fork and didn't wait, he immediately launched himself into his meal. The maid watched silently by his side as he ate.

"T-This is amazing!" Seraph said aloud.

"The Princess said that she thought it would." Seraph paused as soon as he heard that.

"The Princess?" Seraph looked at the maid oddly.

"She wants you to inform me what is your favorite out of all of the dishes." The Maid bowed her head.

"Oh… then this… and this…" After seraph pointed out all of the dishes, she promptly left carrying the empty dishes with her.

Seraph felt a little grateful toward the princess, however, he couldn't completely trust anyway here yet. Maybe it was the system or maybe it was his own natural instinct but he couldn't trust anyone and naturally the events with the princess were pleasurable but not enough to get him to her side.

He rolled his knuckles on the table as he thought, "This book really relates to my situation a bit." He picked up the second book, the font was fancy and interesting and so was the book, the book supposedly told the tale of emperors and court problems within the empire.

"Such a find…" The book went in vast details about etiquette within the kingdom and it also imparted some culture.

Seraph specifically picked the first book to learn more about this place from a more personal view and then this second book which he found in a similar section of the library so he could understand these dark elves more.

'Knowledge is power…' His eyes began to glide across the pages swiftly taking in all the information from the book.

Seraph had read the most he could until it reached midnight, he had to force himself to go to sleep because he felt nervous… If things went wrong in today's meeting he could only imagine what could happen to him…

From what he had gathered, Heroes were the dark elves' worst enemy even after the 'Morose' King… They were summoned every century by the high elves and used in fights against the dark elves where they wrecked and destroyed the dark elves. However, none of them had gotten through the walls of the dark castle.

'If the king suspects that I'm not with them… he might order for my execution.' Seraph was sure of this. He had learned the behavior of most of the kings and the temperament of dark elves of the centuries following 'Morose' through the book… they were prideful like the high elves however, they were still somewhat accepting.

The kings were also extremely strong warriors with excellence in academic and marital affairs.

This gave seraph some ideas of what he was walking into, but reading a history and culture book could only give so much information… He felt stressed out, he wanted more time to read through the books to completion and he also wanted more books so he could've gotten at least more information.

'If i only had some more time…' Seraph clenched the sheets of his bed before, looking up with a determined expression. 'No, I got this.' He wobbled his arms around and then jumped out of the bed.

After he got out of his bed he heard a knock on his door, he opened the door to find the princess along with Alena staring at him.

"... Good Morning?" He scratched the back of his head.

"Do you need anything? Want anything at all? Anything hurting?" Princess Sela immediately came forward into seraph's personal zone. Her face almost touching his.

"I-I'm fine…" He observed Alena's reactions and found that she surprisingly did nothing at all… but he couldn't rely on her surface expressions. She had an iron cold poker face.

"Alright…" Sela sighed then, walked past him and into the room. She looked across the room then looked back at him.

"Umm?" Seraph only watched as Alena made her way past him as well.

"Tell the servants to bring a bath and some clothes." Sela addressed Alena, then turned to address Seraph "Come over here."

"Hmm? W-what do you want?" Seraph asked, but he still did what he was told without question.

She grabbed the sides of seraphs head and pulled him close, Alena had already made her way out of the room at this point.

"You're going to meet my dad now… Just be cool and let me do all the talking alright? Sit and look pretty!" She pulled his face even closer to her intense eyes. Seraphs heart thumped, he felt awkward doing this because of what they did yesterday...

Seraph only had a vague impression of this princess… She was a seductive person, all of her manners although unconscious lit up a man's lust. He was lucky that he had the system calming down his mind or else he would've pounced on her the moment she touched his face.

"O-Okay." Seraph nodded while in her grasp.

"Perfect!" She kissed seraph's lips then let go of his face then turned, "Now that's that… we need t- What's that?" She looked at the books on the table, she picked one of them up and flipped through them then looked at him.

"Why do you have these books?" She inquisitively looked him up and down.

"I-I've just been doing some research…" Seraph scratched the back of his head.

"Research? Good…" She licked her lips, "I knew I chose the right man."

She put the book down, she then looked at him with an inquisitive gaze "But… How can you read these books?"

"I shouldn't be able to?" Seraph brows furrowed slightly as he looked at the book, it was written in clear English.

"I can't read it." She tapped the cover of the book, "So you shouldn't be able to read it."

"Maybe it's a perk of being a hero?" Seraph shrugged.

Seraph took a long look at the books 'You can't read that? Then why does it have a lot of your history in it… including your cultural practices…'

"Well we don't know much about the heroes…" She held her chin in one hand as she sent another inquisitive glare in seraphs direction.

"Ahuh…" Seraph felt awkward being subjected to her glares. He also felt a need to delve deeper into the book once he gets back.

"Come over here." Sela plopped herself down in a chair.

Seraph came over and was about to sit across from her when she shook her head and gestured for him to come in front of her.

"Kneel," Seraph followed her directions without much resistance.

"You're really obedient…" She looked into seraph's eyes.

"Why wouldn't I be… I can't really run away." Seraph rested his hands on her legs as he knelt.

"T-That's… not what i intended. Just bare with it for a while…" She looked down slightly and grabbed his hands.

Seraph was taken aback a bit, 'She is either a great actor or a genuine nice person… She just had sex with me yesterday… now she's promising she's going to lift up their tight control over me?'

Seraph came to a conclusion quickly, 'She must be doing this all for herself one way or another.'

"I know this might be awkward… but… I never got to ask your name after you uh... " Her face started to turn red… Seraph also remembered the events of yesterday and his face also turned red.

"My name is Seraph Morningstar." Seraph nodded,

"Mhm… My name is sela just sela for now." Sela reached out and rubbed seraph's head.

Alena soon came back along with a maid, with their aid seraph had an awkward bath… He had three women surrounding him watching him take a simple bath. Then they also stood and watched when he got dressed as well, the maid helping him all along the way including bathing and dressing him.

Seraph exited the room with his face red. Sela and Alena also had red faces but both of them had two different reasons. Sela wanted to ravage seraph as soon as she saw his body, while Alena was embarrassed that she saw seraph's rather large junk.

They then set out for the kings room.