
Angel's combat?

It stayed still for a few more minutes, and just as I was about to speak again, it vanished and returned in front of me, placing its index finger in between my glabella.

I was assaulted with a big wave that pushed me back, 'I will no longer restrict you.' Hearing this made me happy, but it also raised additional concerns.

However, you are not prepared to accept my presence. '

How is it that I am unworthy of receiving a consciousness that resides inside me, which is nothing more than a collection of memories, yet I am unable to accept it?

It returned to an orb, and I attempted to talk to it again, but it seemed to be done with me.

I dislike this since I am a prince, but I have no option; remaining would lead nowhere, so I depart from my conscious thought and return to reality.

Opening my eyes, I felt a cool breeze brush over my cheeks; below me was nothing but air, and gazing around, I realised I was one with the wind. Although I was in a negative mood because of that thing, now that I've accomplished my aim, my bad mood has been crushed to dust and is being carried away by the wind.

I was fascinated by the view as I heard the flaps of my wings slam against the wind, yet this was all my experience from keeping still.

I wanted to move. I wanted to fly above the sky, so I pushed my wings to flap as hard as they could.

"Swoosh!" I was thrown into the sky at speeds approaching the speed of sound. It all seemed so natural; this is what I'd been missing; this sensation, this freedom; it's so engaging and enjoyable.

I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud and giggling like a kid for the first time in my life, and I roared with delight!


"I am flying!"

Never before have I felt so good. It's so exciting, soaring among the flying animals of the sky, popping in and out of clouds, floating in a breathtaking view of the sunset! I was having the time of my life...

"Ahm, Your Highness, I understand the thrill of flight, but you have not completed your training."

"Do you have to destroy my mood, Gharial?"

"Sigh," I understood. I had more to learn, so I gently descended from the sky to the training area. Flying seemed so natural and instinctive that I could already land with elegance.

"Excellent flying, Your Highness." Terrell, my butler, was playfully clapping his hand and smiling at me.

"Many thanks, Terrell."

I dedicated my attention to Gharial after thanking Terrell.

Your highness, what I am going to teach you now is wing fighting. It is a speciality of us angels; since we are born with wings, we have had plenty of time to grow accustomed to them, to the point where we can even fight with them, and that is what I am about to show you.

I pondered the matter for a moment, and it makes a lot of sense, but my question is...

"Gharial, there is a physical difference between you and me; your wingspan is bigger than mine, and you have numerous wings, but I only have one set."

"Hahaha, Your Highness, you are hilarious."

What's the big deal? Is he making fun of me? No, I must keep my thoughts tranquil; such an assumption is quite foolish on my part.

"You see, Your Highness, there is a hierarchy within our race. All angels start with a single pair of wings. When they reach the age of ten, they grow their second pair of wings, making a total of four wings. Now normal citizen angels stop here because that is their maximum potential, but some angels with higher potential work their way up to ten wings. It takes an immeasurable amount of time to reach ten wings."

Gharial stopped, allowing me to dissect all he'd said, which I did, but what does it have to do with me against him? After all, he has eight wings, whereas I only have a pair.

After all, he has eight wings, whereas I only have a pair.

"Your Highness, I see your confusion, but let me finish. So when angels get a total of ten wings, they have to go through a stage where they fuse their ten wings into a single pair of wings. Now I know why you don't know about this because you haven't seen angels your age yet, but let me tell you, Your Highness, that their pair of wings are smaller in height to fit their second pair, whereas yours takes up your entire back. "

That reality struck me once more: why am I so forgetful when I am an archangel? I cannot compare myself to angels; what angels need years, if not millions, to achieve, I was born with.

"Now I understand." I nodded my head in agreement, and I was now ready to study our race's battle method.

Gharial walked to the centre of the field and stretched his arms wide, both illuminated yellow in each palm. Suddenly, golems made of silver emerged from the ground, standing at 5 metres tall, humanoids paused at a halt.

"Your highness, this is the gift that the Almighty gave to me at my coming of age, and you will get one as well at your coming of age. Now pay attention to what I'm doing, and when you think you've got it, join in. "

Gharial did not wait for my response and charged into combat with one of the silver golems. He flew close to the ground at a modest pace so that I could keep up with his movement; what I saw next astounded me.

a third viewpoint

Gharial grinned and sprang off the ground, sprinting for his golem. The golem did not standstill. It swung its hand towards Gharial, attempting to crush him, but Gharial sped up, causing a booming sound, as he slid between the golem's knees, but what startled Domiel was the change that took place on Gharial's wings, which began flashing a dim light, and without more delay, Gharial chopped off the golem's right bottom half.

The golem did not fall as expected, but instead grew its legs quickly and threw a kick at Gharial. Gharial, seeing the golem's foot thrusting towards his face, flew towards it, and when he was 2 inches away from its foot, he did a circular spin around the foot of the golem, his wings piercing and slicing through all the intervals, and Gharial climbed up the golem's leg to its head, and flew back, landing 3 metres away from the prince, walking.

Conclusion of the third POV

Gharial landed 3 metres away and moved slowly towards me, a smirk on his face, and behind him, the golem, who had finally recognised its fate as slice marks formed on its body, which began breaking down into slabs of silver limbs.

To say I was not surprised would be an understatement; I was completely blown away by his abilities and cool show of strength, as well as his attitude.

"Are we battle-crazed fanatics, or am I odd for getting excited at the prospect of battling you?" Gharial, who was now in front of me, grinned at me after hearing my comments.

"Your highness, we adore our fights and our grace, just as you said."

"So tell me, how did your wings flash, and how did they have the power to sever that?" I asked, pointing to the limb slabs behind him.

"We angels concentrate our energy into our wings, making them tougher and more indestructible, but once we cease supplying energy, our wings revert to normal."

So all I have to do now is channel that energy and direct it into my wings.

"Hold on, Your Highness, before you do anything, you must understand that it is not the same for archangels, who can simply self-actualize their wings to whatever size they require."

Oh, that makes sense, and it sounds a lot simpler. Hmm, what do I want for my wings? I'm not sure. I quite enjoy my wings like this, soft and comfy, fluffy and gorgeous, and I also like using them as a blanket.

I've got it.

Domiel started focusing on the picture in his thoughts, trusting that his wings could accomplish what he imagined, and he was not disappointed.

Domiel's wings shredded a single feather, which slowly dropped from his wings, but before it could hit the ground, it began flying; Domiel now had his eyes open, controlling where the feather went with his thoughts.

"Amazing, Your Highness!!" Terrell and Gharial were both taken aback since this was all new to them.

Meanwhile, Domiel grimaced, since there was a flaw in this approach, and that was the ongoing feeding of instructions to his feather.

So he returned to his imagination and created a conscience for his feather to defend, attack, protect, and be a buddy. He took this idea from someone who has a blanket that can morph into a spear and fight for him, and he replicated the notion in his feather, but instead of a spear, it was a s-

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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