
Anemone Agency

A wonderful skilled woman: powerful moves, battle strategy, all the way to exquisite skills. That's why the agency sent her on their most difficult mission yet: to retrieve the Anemone Prism, an object of great power! Surely, this must be a breeze for a pro like Eclipse? But things get complicated, and enemies are stronger than ever! Fragments of the Anemone Prism are spread around the world. Can she finish her mission... Or will she die by her enemies hands?

Aviryon_nr1 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 3: A new way

It was one of those stay-at-home rainy days and Freya Myers had to go to the ASA. Having to go to the agency at such an early hour was the most annoying thing for her. Now that it was raining, she wished to just stay in bed in comfort and sleep for the rest of the day, but she couldn't. The women covered her head with a pillow and screamed at the top of her lungs. After a moment of releasing her depressed soul, she tried getting out of bed. Unfortunately her leg got tangled in the blanket, so when she got up, Freya hit the floor hard, like a flat cake, with a loud ''thump''! Luckily no one was around to see such an embarrassing scene.

"STUPID DAY! STUPID BED! STUPID FLOOR! STUPID AGENCY!" The women punched the wood as hard as she could, and ended up with a splinter in her hand. "F**king Bas**rds! Making me come on Sunday just because someone wanted a vacation! Well guess what!? I want a vacation! I should've been at home, comfy in my bed the whole day, but no!" Freya then finally managed to get up in a hurricane of anger and went straight to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

When she got in the bathroom, Freya noticed herself in the mirror. A slim body with chestnut hair, slightly curly. Big golden eyes filled with determination and courage, lighting everyone's mood. She liked the way she looked, everything was perfect. Even thought right now her hair was a mess and she had huge eye bags. In the mirror she could see the figure making a big smile and showing her shiny white teeth. She was of medium height, which was made fun of sometimes since everyone in the agency was taller than her. Fortunately, in the city there were more short people, so it was good enough. After admiring her beautiful and somewhat messy appearance, Freya finally decided to do what she went in there for.

When she was done with the shower and combing her hair, the women picked out some of her favorite and must have clothes. A classy white and black overall, with a classy modern short vest that was created for maximum protection, polished Spikes on her shoulders that could protect her from critical blows. They matched the stylish boots which had three spots with plastic netting and a glossy light gray finish. Everything was held together by a beautifully fashioned leather belt that had a light blue iridescent shard prism which could grant powers. ''Who could ask for a better work uniform?!''

The power she had was Solid Breath. It let her solidifiy air that come in contact with her skin for a certain amount of time

The boots were made to let her skin touch air so she could use her power to create solid steps which were capable of granting her the upper hand with a countless array of enemies.

After dressing up and mentally preparing for another day of work, Freya finally opened the wooden front door. The rain was heavy and she forgot to buy a new umbrella after the other one broke in an accident. The lady could either run to the agency or take the broken umbrella wich was practically a lighting magnet. She hated being drenched in water, even more then early work so she chose to at least see if that old thing still worked. With a little bit of pressure, she opened the umbrella and dust fell on the floor. The plastc material was ripped and the handle was missing. It wasn't great for rain, but it was still worth a shot.

Freya got out of the house and stayed in the rain while frantically trying to find the right key to lock her door. Her cover was already leaking and smoke was coming out her ears in anger. So it wasn't a promising start. With the handle missing and water drenching her fingers it was harder to keep the slippery umbrella straight. The wind was now picking up as well, so the only cover she had could fly far away if she didn't have a tight grip on it.

Luckily for the perfect lady, her working place wasn't that far from her house, so she could walk there and arrive in around five to eight minutes. There weren't too many people walking on the streets. Freya felt like all her happiness had been sucked away in an instant. There she was, all wet and cold, people rushing past her, making her way on this lifeless dark street with nothing waiting at her destination, except long hours of exhausting work. Most of the fellow sufferers were whizzing by in glossy gravitypods due to the harsh weather. In front of her, the sky was intense grey, lighting bolts rumbling inside of it and it seemed like the bad weather would never end. A storm was coming in Aran. It wasn't that much of a surprise even thought it didn't rain often in the city. The weather was usually sunny and warm, as well as the water that fell from the sky.

About four minutes passed since she sluggishly walked out of the house. Huge lightning bolts were coming down, in columns of blinding light followed by loud and creepy thunder. The rain was hitting the ground hard and fast, trying its best to wet everyone. The wind was sending the little droplets of water to the left side of her body, getting Freya all wet, while trying to pull the frail umbrella out of her hands. This just convinced her that she really needed to hurry and get to ASA.

Freya began walking faster, hoping to get there before the others could and leave the rain behind. After a minute of almost running, she saw the door of the agency, waiting to be opened by her. The idea of long hours of work spent on those lonely, emty hallways didn't seem half so bad anymore. The girl was relieved to get inside to comfortable temperatures and couches.

While she was walking down the huge white hall, shaking and resembling a wet rat, Freya met a lot of colleagues that she usually worked with. It wasn't anything new. But after a bit of walking, one employee that she became friends with stopped her.

"Hey Eclipse! Do you have time to chat a little?" He asked politely with an uncomfortable smile. It was Mr. Bernand, a tall man with short curly hair the color of gold. His eyes were dark brown and small. The researcher called her Eclipse because, it was her code name in the company. They weren't allowed to call her by her real name due to the rank she had in the agency.

"Sure! What is it?" She was usually bored at work because, there weren't that many missions for her, so talking with researchers was some kind of a hobby for Freya.

"Well, you see... Some time ago, a very important discovery was destroyed before anyone else could see it. There were only two people who knew about it and they're dead. After years of looking for a way to get the information, we finally have an answer. Unfortunately, that's all I know right now, but the Overseer wants to see you later. Maybe in two hours or something like that. So don't forget, alright?" He stammerd a little as he made the last statement. Mr. Bernand was way too serious, so Freya knew something was wrong, but she couldn't just say that, so she let his words sink in before answering back.

"Alright then, tell him I'll be there. Thank you a lot for telling me." She said with her usual gleaming smile. Freya was now really curious about the discussion, the tips of her fingers were tingling. Surely it was just another mission, but what made it so special to the Overseer?

I'm so sorry for posting this late!!

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