
Anemone Agency

A wonderful skilled woman: powerful moves, battle strategy, all the way to exquisite skills. That's why the agency sent her on their most difficult mission yet: to retrieve the Anemone Prism, an object of great power! Surely, this must be a breeze for a pro like Eclipse? But things get complicated, and enemies are stronger than ever! Fragments of the Anemone Prism are spread around the world. Can she finish her mission... Or will she die by her enemies hands?

Aviryon_nr1 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 10: Show after show.

Her on the spot plan barely worked. Just a moment slower and she would've lost that best chair and the great view as well. Her luck was actually weirdly great, most of the time it was bad luck, but tonight things were perfect... she smiled to her inner self as she thought of it.

The organisers working on the next show presented themselves and said some little things about it. This time it was a puppet show.

The show was about an alien invasion and a superhero resolving the problem. It was a little bit boring since it just repeated what almost all alien movies do. It only was interesting because it was a puppet show, which made the idea good.

After that, another break began. Freya hurried to the table and took a lot of snacks. Then she ran to a good chair and stood on it. She could not stay in a bad chair, not this time. But it wasn't as good as she thought. The chair broke as she hurried to slump on it and her slice of cake was now on the ground. Luckily, her clothes were clean. Even her drink was in her hand, only some drops got out. "Too early for luck!!She thought to herself, fortunately she caught herself from swearing or saying something rude out loud.

She was fully embarrassed again. Freya got up and employees from the park came to clean the mess, wich was really nice of them. Because of this, the show was delayed for ten more minutes, and Freya felt like she was melting into a puddle.

Even with the chair breaking, she chose to stay in the same place after that chair was replaced. It was still the best view, after all. Freya couldn't miss something so good even if she were dead, for some reason it meant a lot to her... a break from work was actually good.

The show began. This time it was a movie. There were no people to present, so everyone could enjoy a break and watch something together. The movie was an adventure and fantasy genre.

In the movie, there was a group of children traveling through a big dark forest that seemed almost endless. In that forest layed creatures that would eat them if not careful. After much suffering through the forest, crying and disappearing, they finally got out, but only two of them.

For Freya, that wasn't just a fantasy and adventure genre. It was almost pure horror. They even described and showed how the kids were either being eaten or ripped to pieces. She almost puked, but there were too many people, so she kept it in. She couldn't believe how scared she got! It was a horrible experience and Freya seriously hoped the Dahlia wasn't the one who had chosen it.

There was another break after the movie and Freya went straight to the bathroom. If she kept it any longer, the guests would have taken a special shower right on their beautiful and expensive clothes. It took Freya a while to get rid of the bloody taste. The thing that helped the most was some apple juice. For the moment at least. When she got home, there would be no sleep for her, especially because she would be all alone in her house, just like the kids in the forest.

This break was a bit longer so the guests who participated in the talent show had time to prepare anything they might need on stage, so Freya had time to grab another fancy cocktail, this one was called a ''Meriel''. It was sparkling white, like the stars, with a swirl of mendavo (a condiment from the closest planet to theirs, known as menda and famous for this very expensive spice) and a slice of sarrper, a round, translucent Berry wich grew underground on Menda, and reflected wonderfully the surface of the drink. Freya was excited to see what other guests could do, since Dahlia was a good actor in plays, and instead of savouring her Meriel, she took it with her to her favorite seat.

On stage, a box was brought. It was all black as the night sky except for the corners and the opening that were shining golden. Next to the box was put a fancy wooden chair fashioned with a red velvet seat and then the curtains closed. In front of the curtains, came a man. He was dressed in a black suit with a blue tie and a gold watch. The man took a microphone and presented himself.

"Good evening everyone! My name is Hibiki Akamine, your wonderful magician and I'll be performing a magic show tonight. I hope everyone can enjoy my tricks." He smiled, almost winking towards the audience, and Freya knew, just like everyone else that he was a great showman. His voice was pretty deep and guttural. Freya wasn't expecting to hear someone like him talk like that. But she was kind of excited for his tricks.

Hibiki was a great magician and Freya was amazed. His tricks were really interesting. Like, making different kind of objects dissappear, guessing the poker card someone chose and even more. That magician was gaining everyone's attention with those exceptional skills. Even thought they were classic tricks, it made all the difference to see them preformed in front of you by a professional, to hear the loud echo of hands clapping thankfully and to be surrounded by such a great and inexplicable atmosphere!

After some little tricks, he made a new announcement. "Now, I'm pretty sure this wasn't that interesting. They were all minor tricks that maybe, anyone can do. That is precisely why I prepared one last trick. With that, I'll make sure that I will never be forgotten by those who witnessed this. And who knows, I might even become famous!" Hibiki had a maniacal grin on his pretty face that simply hypnotized everyone watching. Every time he talked, it was a shock for Freya. She just couldn't understand how someone like him could have such a strong and deep voice. Every time he stopped talking she wished she could hear it one more time, and when she finally did, she relished it as much as possible. It doesn't matter though, cause Freya would surely never see him again after this parry. Especially if he become popular, even if she would see him, she wouldn't be able to talk with him.

On the stage, the staff brought a large metal box and a wooden table wich matched the chair in design, on which they put ten swords. "Today, my dear audience, I will be performing my last trick. I'll make sure that this trick shall make a perfect end to my magic show. Now ladies and gentlemen, I will explain this magic spell to you. I, Hibiki Akamine, will be entering this large metal box. After entering, my assistant will push these swords through the box. At the end, I will exit the box in a whole different outfit and totally unscathed... Well then shall we start?" Hibiki was grinning while talking. He seemed really excited for this trick, his eyes shining wildly, staring directly at each member of the audience.

The audience started clapping uncontrollably. It seemed like Mr. Akamine wasn't the only one who was fully excited for the last magic event.

Freya didn't feel so good about this. That magic trick could go wrong in a lot of ways, and it seemed a shame to lose someone with such a mesmerising voice. Besides, doing this in the park, where he didn't have as many ways to exit the stage wasn't great either. 'Maybe he's new to magic, after all, he did just say that he's hoping to become famous. I just don't want to witness he's death.' Thought Freya, almost laughing from the stress she had.

Freya loved magic tricks, she always did, but she just preferred the ones that didn't have a high risk of injury, cheating death wasn't something that she wanted to be impressed about. Freya loved the money ones, where it dissappeared or became of higher value, just simple feats and ilusions. Having to witness someone almost being stabbed by ten swords was really stressful for her,. she slowly felt her heart falling in her stomach, as she was waiting with her teeth clenced for it to begin. Unfortunately, she had no choice but to watch. It wouldn't be nice of her to suddenly leave, just like Dahlia.

I thought I posted it. I forgot. Don't forget to support us if you like the story. You can even give us ideas! =)

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