

7: A Week of Snape All Night Every Night (June 10, 2003 to June 15, 2003)

"Timely as always," Snape muttered, not even bothering to lift his head up to glance at Sebastian's entrance. He knew who it was; he just knew. If he bothered to reflect hard on it, it would have bothered him. But he didn't because the complicated potion in front of him was fizzing and he didn't know why. The reason he knew who it was entering into his private lab is: (1) Only two people dared to disturb him in the lab and (2) Only Sebastian shuffled his feet while Dumbledore basically glided over the stone floor.

"It's good to see you too," Harry remarked, smiling as he went over to hang over Snape's arm to see what his favorite Professor was working on. It was still ironic to Harry how much things had changed in so little time. This particular week that Snape had required of him had brought them even closer. If he thought he knew Snape's patterns beforehand, he really did know them now. Funny that he'd connected with immediately when Snape, one of the most closed off personas in the school, didn't show him outright animosity at first chance.

He sighed mentally; he liked nearly all the changes in this world. Well, except for Lord Voldemort ruling as the Dark Lord of Europe. That and that Ron Weasley despised him because he'd become really great friends with Hermione. Of course, it didn't help that he was friends with Draco either in becoming friendlier with Ron. But while Draco seemed a little different for the better, Ron was not the same in a worse manner. While he had known in his world that Ron was envious of him for his fame, in this world Ron was insanely outrageous about his jealousy with his friendship with Hermione. It wasn't his fault that Hermione liked him and he liked her.

But why did Ron have to think he liked Hermione in that way? So what if they ate together at every opportunity? He ate with Draco and Cho as well! It wasn't like Hermione and he were dating, far be it! He smiled to himself, Hermione had a crush on Draco. He almost sniggered aloud at the thought. If this had happened in his world, he would have been stunned into a coma or at least shocked extremely. But this was here and not there. Besides, without the shadow of Ron hanging between them anymore- Hermione and Draco got along very well, their lighthearted arguments were adorable.

With Hermione occupying Draco's attention, it got Draco off slyly flirting with him. Overall, it wasn't too bad. But there was every once in a while a comment that was obviously meant to insinuate that Draco wouldn't mind starting a relationship with him. The problem was that Harry didn't know if he wanted to risk his friendship with Draco to start what would most likely end in disaster. He sighed, spending so much time with Snape was making him into a bloody pessimist now. Good Merlin, if only the other Snape could see him now. He'd probably pass out into a coma.

"Sebastian," Snape hissed at him over the bubbling cauldron, "some assistance would be much appreciated."

Harry snapped out of his thoughts and dumped some bitterroot into the potion that would neutralize the effects of the bubbling, but certainly wasn't going to help them solve the problem. He didn't think the assistance Snape wanted from him had been to stop the process. Groaning, he then saw some newt eggs that would have frozen the potion in its state, giving them ample time to study it. That was probably what Snape had meant when he said he needed help. Where in the world was his brain today?

"Biggerstaff!" Snape exclaimed with annoyance and frustration steaming out of his ears. "I thought you'd have the brains to realize that I didn't want the bitterroot added to the potion but the newt eggs. Have you totally forgotten all that I've taught you in the past months? Where is your head?"

He cringed at the tirade of words. He knew he deserved every single one of them, if not more. While this potion was a particularly important one, it was still one of the potions that was vital in Snape's research. Anything that improved their knowledge of potions was helpful, and he'd ruined in by not thinking. Merlin, did he feel like an idiot. "Sorry, Sir. I was distracted."

Snape glared at him, not even bothering to pay attention to the ineffectual potion. With the added bitterroot, there was no way he could tell what went wrong with the potion. While bitterroot certainly had its uses, especially when one was working with a dangerous potion to neutralize it if things went wrong- it was a hindrance since it deactivated the potion into something akin to water. True, this particular potion wasn't too important but it was a means to a gain. There were specific things about this potion he wanted since it was tasteless and he had wondered if might combine this potion with another to make the other equally tasteless. There, of course, was still the problem of color but that could be disguised.

"And what was distracting you?" he asked severely, his dark eyes bearing down hard on Sebastian. If Snape was expecting an answer out of him, he was in for a let down since Sebastian didn't respond. In fact, his prized pupil wasn't even looking at him- he was staring at the useless potion with puzzled eyes. "Oh for Merlin's sake," Snape muttered, "you can talk to me as your Head of House if not as Severus, your Potions Professor and your partner in projects..."

"Severus?" Harry's eyebrow rose at that particular word. So Snape was giving him permission to use his first name? It was almost worth the confusion in his mind over Draco and generally what to do about Draco.

"Yes, Severus," Snape snapped, "but only in private, of course. So are you going to tell me what's bothering you or what? You've already wasted the evening by messing up the potion, and I won't be able to attempt it again until tomorrow anyway. I doubt Professor Sprout will be happy to have me dragging her out of bed to get the plants I need to restart this experiment."

Aww... so he was given the chance to have a heart to heart with his Potions partner- Professor because Snape... Severus couldn't continue on with what he was working on. How enlightening. But Harry didn't mind, Severus wasn't the type of person to offer to be a listening ear for anyone no matter if he didn't have anything to work on or not. So it's Severus, his inner conscious sniggered, now is it? His inner voice had been teasing him about Severus... no Snape for the past few weeks ever since he had begun to think of how attractive Severus was in a broody, moody dark type way.

He let his head drop down pathetically, hoping to divert Severus's intent focus. But he knew it was useless. Severus was a snarky, snappy, sly and stubborn bastard. And it was that stubborn part of him that was staring keenly down at him in a way that screamed he wasn't going to let him get out of it when he'd offered his ear. "It's about Draco."

"Go on," Severus muttered briskly like this was what he most dreaded to hear but Harry knew that this was called encouragement from the Potions Professor. It was like a shout of approval that he could pour out his problems to him if he so chosed.

God, Harry thought, this is so embarrassing. He couldn't believe that he was actually going to tell his Professor this... information. Well, it wasn't like it'd be too surprising to Severus since he already knew that he was of the queer variety. But still! And besides, he sneaked a look at Severus- why did he have to be discussing this sort of situation with his sexy Professor? Oh Merlin, he moaned silently, don't tell me I just thought of that. "I... um..."

"Sebastian," Severus snapped, a tone that Harry was far more used to, "you have wasted my evening and you are starting to irritate me by not telling me what is making you so distracted that you're ruining my work, our work!" Harry winced and if possible dropped his head down further. "What about Draco?"

"He's expressed interest in me," Harry stated slowly and calmly. While he hadn't said that Draco flirted with him cautiously in public and even more outrageously in private, he was sure that Severus got the insinuation of his words. "And," he continued on when Severus gave no indication he was going to make a reply, "I'm not sure that I see him in that way."

"He does gaze at you more often than is normal for a boy," Severus remarked, a sarcastic amusement in his tone. "You have already told me of your leanings," he phrased delicately. "You seem to get along well with Draco, so what is the problem with his attentions?"

Harry blushed a light crimson. How could he explain that the reason that Draco, a sinfully beautiful boy- oh, he'd admit it- Draco was gorgeous, didn't interest him? He'd spent enough time staring at the boy even in his world, not to mention this world with the pleasant change in their relationship. But for some reason he didn't see himself being with Draco in that way, he did see Draco as being his best friend for life though.

"He is attractive," Harry admitted bashfully. "But despite my erm, tendencies, I see him as a best mate, not as a potential boyfriend." He'd briefly lifted his head to glance at Severus to get a judge of his reaction and found that he couldn't look at the Potion Master too long or else he'd betray his secret feelings. Since that potion induced dream, he'd had other dreams that hadn't been potion induced. They weren't as powerful or overwhelming, but he had no doubt who it was that was causing them even if he couldn't recall the face. It was Severus Snape.

"Then perhaps," Severus began smoothly, "you should hint to Draco subtly that you have interests elsewhere, and I would do it carefully since I do not think that he takes rejection very well being a Malfoy. You need to tread cautiously with them."

Harry nodded and his lips broke out in a thankful smile. "Thanks, Severus."

What a breathtaking smile, Severus noted with a twinge of alarm but he dismissed it. True he was attracted to men, but he was most assuredly not attracted to a boy! Yet he wasn't foolish enough to tell himself that he didn't think Sebastian wasn't attractive. Sebastian was definitely delectable to look at. But then quite a few of the boys in the school were. Draco was another and that..., well none of the others in the school compared to Sebastian and Draco. No matter what his admiration of the boys would not go beyond that.

All these silly feelings were coming to surface again most likely because of Sebastian's rather awkward episode in his bed a few days ago. It'd taken three days before he'd stopped blushing in his presence and he found it was a shame that he'd stopped. Not that he wasn't above teasing the boy to get a reaction out of him. It was as fun as tormenting his incompetent students, to see Sebastian blush. That should have been his first warning, but no this beautiful smile was a warning flag waving frantically. He resolved that he'd have to spend some time away from the boy. It was getting close to the boy that was making these thoughts come up.

Close contact with someone that he found beautiful. Spending time away would squelched these pathetic thoughts, he was not going to be lusting after a student that was half his age- that was young enough to be his son! What a disgusting thing to feel... desire for a student. It was nothing like what he felt for Draco. Draco, Malfoy, he was pleasing to the eyes and that was it. Sebastian was more than pleasing to his eyes, he was quite delicious and he was almost certain if he kept spending this much time around Sebastian he was going to start feeling more than this small attraction.

It was because he liked Sebastian's mind and capability. That had to be it. The boy had a way with potions and his long fingers were adept. That had to be it. What he'd noticed especially in the last month was that Sebastian excelled in healing potions such that he'd started relying on him to fulfill his obligation to Madame Pomfrey. Sebastian was more than capable, but on some of the more difficult brews he did keep a watchful eye. But no mistakes thus far. If anything Sebastian was even better at healing potions than any other.

Great potion making skill. Sinewy, sleek body. Beautiful and talented. What more could he want? For Sebastian to be ten years older and not a student, he mused. What a pity that he wasn't born ten years prior, Severus thought with a sigh and then quickly masked his weakness behind a stern expression. It wouldn't do to let Sebastian think he was interested in him. While he might find it flattering, he might also find it appalling. Severus wasn't dense, he wasn't a good-looking bloke by any standard. No, not by any standard.

"Do you want me to start the healing potions for Madame Pomfrey?" Harry repeated his question again. He felt that he owed Severus for offering him such helpful advice, and he knew how much his Professor hated brewing those potions for Pomfrey no matter how necessary they were. Truth be told, he didn't mind it. While he enjoyed Potions immensely, brewing healing potions felt more right to him than even Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Severus?"

Jerked from his thoughts abruptly, Severus knew that his normally agitated and sneering expression wasn't on his face. He was probably registering shock at being caught off guard, but he swiftly neutralize his features into a detached, indifferent mask. "You know where I keep the ingredients for the potions, do you not Sebastian?" He almost smiled with amusement at the small jump he got out of Sebastian. It wasn't often that he could startle the young man. "Well, I don't think you need my approval to make go into my stores, do you?"

Harry shook his head and smiled back hesitantly. "I don't want to presume anything."

Yes, presuming stuff could be dangerous especially in this world, Severus thought with a hint of respect at Sebastian for understanding that. One never knew who to trust in this world anymore. While most of the Wizarding Community in Europe were outwardly supportive of the Dark Lord, there were quite more than a few that worked in an underground effort that was being supported by the expatriates in the Americas. Subterfuge was vital, and Severus was seeing potential in Sebastian for it. The young was collected and composed, never allowing emotions to get the better of him. Breaking up the fight between Draco and Weasley was telling.

It took nerves of steel not to fight the burgeoning emotions that Weasley stirred. That was admirable and quite useful. He ought to speak to Dumbledore about the boy. In the three months he'd gotten to know the boy, he wasn't quite sure if the boy's leanings but he knew enough to know Sebastian wasn't supporting Lord Voldemort. If anything, Sebastian was startlingly neutral. He was safe as long as he stayed in Hogwarts with that attitude, as with those like Weasley and a few others that were outright against the Dark Lord. Hogwarts were one of the few place were one could still vocalize opinions in Europe.

Besides with Sebastian's talent in healing potions, Severus thought he'd make a mediwizard yet. Yes, he definitely ought to cultivate that interest. With his talent at brewing potions, if had even half the skills of Madame Pomfrey, he'd be in high demand when he graduated from Hogwarts. After three months of working with Sebastian, Severus was itching with wanting to take him as his apprentice. True, the young man might never be as talented as him but under his instruction and tutelage, Severus was sure that Sebastian would be an undeniable help to him.

It was that Sebastian thought in a different way than Severus that truly aided them in the potion projects and experiments. Severus's approach was logical while Sebastian's was decidedly abstract. He noticed things that Severus missed and vice versa. It made working with Sebastian a continual inspiration as they fed off each other's ideas, making it very hard for them to actually reach a point where they didn't know where to turn to when a potion failed.

With Sebastian as a mediwizard, neutrality might not be a problem if Sebastian didn't want to lean toward the Dark Lord. Actually, he didn't really want to see Sebastian having to serve Lord Voldemort, but if he stayed in Europe instead of returning to the Americas it was inevitable. If Sebastian turned out to be as talented as Severus suspected that he'd be, he knew that Voldemort would stop at nothing to recruit him into the fold. While there was a startling maturity about Sebastian, there was also this innocence that would be spoiled if he ever called Voldemort, Master.

"Do you know what healing potions that Madame Pomfrey especially needs?" Harry questioned, gathering the herbs that he knew were commonly used in most of the potions. He was waiting for Severus's response before he picked out the ones that were less commonly used.

This time Severus wasn't caught in surprise. He'd been keeping one ear tuned to Sebastian's motions to know when he'd need to give the young man instructions. It took a moment to concentrate on what Poppy had told him earlier since he'd been too busy admiring Sebastian's graceful hands. Dragging his mind off the aesthetic beauty of his young assistant, he recalled what Poppy had said. "Numbing potion and some painkilling potions are always needed. But some Dreamless Sleep would be well received as well."

"All right, I'll do that then," Harry responded. Then a look of concern appeared on in his deep green eyes. "Why don't you get some rest, Severus? I know that you haven't gotten much rest this week, taking advantage of the time you've got with me." He smiled cheekily. "But sleep is a requirement for a sound mind."

Severus grumbled, but didn't argue with Sebastian. The young man was right, he hadn't been getting enough sleep because they often worked on the potions until at least midnight; after that he had to grade papers so he didn't often get more than 3 hours of sleep. It was telling on him. Might be another reason why his mind was thinking such devious thoughts about his assistant, no his student. Best to think of Sebastian as a student that way he wasn't an equal or a colleague. Yes, Sebastian was most definitely a student.

"Go to bed, Severus."

He'd made a mistake allowing Sebastian to call him by his first name too. Damn it all!