
Ancient world biochip

hundred years ago, humans discovered the ancient world. it is the origin of all species, humans included, it is also the origin of the supernatural. A young man discovered a strange black bead in the ancient world. he will gradually unravel the mystery of this world and possibly change the fate of his kinds.

Meydara · แอคชั่น
17 Chs

ancient weapon 1

Because of the special circumstances in the ancient world. Firearms could not be used. It was the same for most modern weapons.

It was the reason why, during the last century,  the use of cold weapons had become mainstream.

' these prices are simply atrocious" Teitei thought as he looked at a long saber that was placed gloriously in the middle of the display case. The blade seemed to give a silvery glow. The weapon looked beautiful and deathly at the same time.

" a beautiful weapon is not it? You have good eyes" a tall man said approvingly from the side. It was Bob.

It had been more than thirty minutes since Teitei had entered the shop and the big man had not once left his side.

At this point, even though Teitei was not completely relaxed around the big man, he was not tense anymore. It seemed like the man was just a useful chatterbox.

Even though big Bob had been talking all this time, Teitei was not angry anymore as he had learned a lot of things.

Even though Teitei could not afford any of the weapons that he had seen until now, Teitei did not have any regret as this experience had been an eye opener.

" This saber is made of X metal, It is an alloy that had been made on Earth with the use of the latest technology. One of the base materials is a metal only found in the ancient world where metal is still difficult to extract. This is one of the most expensive weapons on the first floor and I doubt that you will be able to buy something like that soon.

Come, I will show you something else" Bob said before dragging the shorter man toward another display case.

' so you already know that I can not buy it and you are still showing it to me. Do you want me to die of envy?' Teitei did not voice his thought, he only rolled his eyes in annoyance as things like that had happened more than once since he arrived.

" my old dagger broke. The man who sold it to me said the same thing; that it was made from a metal found in the ancient world. In the end, it broke and I almost died while fighting an ancient rabbit" Teitei said in rebuttal.

He looked at the Price of the weapon 12000 Francs. It was twelvefold the amount that he had.

' what is so special about the metal of the ancient world if it is so fragile?' He still remembered how shocked he had been when the dagger broke. The seller had guaranteed him the ility of this metal from the ancient world saying that even though it was a second-handed weapon, it could still be used for a while. In the end, Teitei felt that he had been cheated.

Hearing Teitei, Bob looked at him with an amused look.

" a common rabbit?" Bob asked.

Teitei was familiar with the name after all he had gone through a preparation period before entering the ancient world.

Even though the beasts in the ancient world were all called ancient creatures, they were further classed into different


There were common beasts, just like the rabbit that Teitei had killed. While they were the weakest in the ancient world, they were far stronger than most animals on the home planet.

Further, on a scale of danger, there were also low-danger beasts. They were strong enough to kill a group of ordinary humans.

Middle-danger beasts were even more dangerous.

Finally, there were high-level beasts that could sweep through an entire town.

When Teitei nodded, Bob started to laugh out loud as if he had heard the most amusing joke in the world.

" in the end, it is because you are too inexperienced," Bob said before dating Teitei on the back.

Thankfully Teitei was on guard so he was not sent flying by the ridiculous amount of strength.

" it is not part of the mandatory teaching so most people often ignore it.

Metal can indeed be found in the ancient world. But most of the time it is ordinary metal.

The iron from our planet is not too different compared to the one from the Ancient World. It is the same for silver and gold. The only difference is that in the ancient world some metals can be found only in the ancient world or more precisely can only be harvested here due to their rarity on our planet.

Most people ignore that but for people who work in the industry it is common knowledge" Bob explained before pausing for a while.

" the saber that you just saw is made of an X alloy that contains a metal that can only be harvested in the ancient world.

It is said that it only contains grain or so of that metal.

But don't be fooled by the look of that saber and its thin blade!

It weighs close to 1000 kg...

With the sharpness of its blade, one can easily cut through the bone of a high danger beast"

After hearing this, Teitei looked at the weapon enviously.

" In the end, I just have less than 1000 Francs. I can not buy anything here"  Teitei Saïd.

In the meantime, Bob seemed deep in thought.

After some time he seemed to have tough about something.

" Follow me, I think that I had found the right weapon for you"