
Ancient world biochip

hundred years ago, humans discovered the ancient world. it is the origin of all species, humans included, it is also the origin of the supernatural. A young man discovered a strange black bead in the ancient world. he will gradually unravel the mystery of this world and possibly change the fate of his kinds.

Meydara · แอคชั่น
17 Chs

An increase in strenght

Analyze the host's Physical parameters...

Host ?#?#??###??

Status: healthy

Fitness: 9

Dexterity: 6

Resistance: 7'

Hunger points remaining: 3,5

" I got stronger" Teitei muttered as he looked at the result of the analysis from the biochip.

Less than two weeks passed since he became the host of the strange biochip that had mutated in other to function in the Ancient World.

On the home planet, many people who had biochips could capitalize on the deep analysis of their bodies and their advanced processing power while training. It was like having a personal instructor that knew everything about your body and will help you in unraveling all the potential in your body. It was the case for any other activities, be it studying, or working.

You only needed a goal, and the biochip will establish a plan so that you can reach it.

Thanks to that, there was a huge gap in skills level between those who had biochips and those who were unable to afford them.

Sadly, in the ancient world where humans could progress even faster, they could not use biochips.

It had been a plight for many researchers during the last few years.

Teitei had tasted the benefices of having the mutated biochip during the last few years and it made him even more aware of the fact that he needed to hide his secret, to not become an experiment subject.

During his entry into the Ancient world, he had gone through a mandatory physical examination.

The average results for a newcomer in the ancient world were 6 in fitness, 6 in dexterity, and 6 in resistance.

According to that comprehensive test, Teitei's results of 5,5,5 after learning the basic fighting technic for a month were below average,

The biochip also seemed to use the same standard measurements.

His fitness had not made any advancement during his first month in the ancient world despite all his 'fights'.

But after a few days of training, using the mutated biochip, his fitness had increased by 4 points.

With this increase in fitness, he could already feel an increase in strength. The most simple way to show it was the number of push-ups, stand-ups, and squats that he could make had more than doubled. His punches were also stronger than before and some muscles have started to outline on his body.

He had not converted any hunger points to achieve this result. He had just used them to recover from exhaustion after his training session.

His resistance had also increased by two points and he could already feel a slight increase in his stamina. According to the comprehensive analysis, the resistance encompassed stamina, the degree of vulnerability against shocks, and the ability to recover from injuries.

Teitei had heard that some of the best hunters could have their injuries heal at a rate visible to the naked eyes.

After some hesitation, Teitei decided to convert five hunger points to increase his dexterity by one unit. He could not be felt clearly but thanks to the biochip he knew that he had benefited from a slight increase in his speed and his reflexes.

At this moment, Teitei was outside of the settlement. He had not gone too deep in the wildness.

This was a relatively safe place. Due to the presence of the humans nearby and their constant slaughter, many beasts had deserted this place. It was still occupied by some bushes and trees as no one had cared enough, to occupy this place.

For Teitei who wanted some space to train, without being seen, it was the perfect training field. It was even better than the training center in the town with no one around to disturb him. It was also less costly.

Teitei looked at the sky and sighed.

" So it is this period of the years?" He had not noticed anything strange as he had been preoccupied during the last few days.

While the ancient shared the same 24 hours duration with the home planet, in the middle of the years the day was longer.

Just like now, while it was already 7 Pm, Teitei could still see the setting sun surrounded by a layer of dreamy clouds.

At this time of the years, the beast in the ancient world was also less active.

Teitei lowered his eyes and looked at a tree not far away from him.

The tree bark was damaged, and some fist', quick', and dagger imprints could be seen on it.

It made Teitei even more conscious of his growing strength, accompanied by the fact that he could constantly check on his attributes, it seemed to be the best motivation that one could ever have.

Teitei could not help but gaze deeper into the wildness full of dangers and opportunities, a place where he would soon be qualified to go.

At the same time, Teitei received good news from the biochip and a smile appeared on his lips.

' Analyse of the fighting technic completed...

Do you want to learn it?'

" Finally..." Teitei let out a sigh of relief before accepting.

He had only been waiting for 48 hours. He initially thought that it was nothing. But full of anticipation as he was, each second felt like an eternity.

He only found his way out of this state by throwing himself completely into his training.

" Assimilation of the fighting technics in the process...

The assimilation process will cause some discomfort

It is advised to only start the assimilation in a safe place"

Teitei could only show a bitter smile.

' and you are only saying it now he mentally snorted.

' I only hope that nothing will go wrong...

I Should also be more careful in the future At this moment Teitei could only try to be as optimistic as possible.

He felt a painful sensation at first. The pain went straight from his stomach to his chest, his arms, his hands, and his fingers.

For a moment, thanks to that pain he suddenly became aware of bones, muscles, joints, and tendons whose names and existence he had never noticed.

The pain was so unbearable that Teitei lost control of his body and fell to his knees.

Teitei had never felt so much pain in his life.

He felt cheated even more so than any day when he had been cheated of his money.

In the end, Teitei was an ordinary boy, he had not been sheltered in his youth but his experience is limited.

He persevered through the pain for a while, but snooze was already coming out of his nose while his cheeks were awash with tears.

It seemed like a natural reaction of the body to this level of stimulus.

Teitei almost wanted to collapse, embrace the ground and curl on his own body to alleviate that sensation, but despite all this pain, Teitei still retained enough sanity to know that he could not completely let his guard down while in the ancient world.

At least in this position, he could still have a view although somewhat blurry of the situation around him.

Teitei did not know how much time passed, but then, he thought that he had reached his limits, a warm current seemed, to go through his body from his stomach to his upper limbs and the rest of his body.

"Detected that host body is going through great stress...

Deducing 3 hunger points to heal the body"

Teitei frowned, as he felt cheated once again. The biochip was the one who put him in this situation and now it was using his hard-earned hunger points. He almost wanted to order it to autodestruct.

But the next moment, all these thoughts disappeared when Teitei saw the bushes around him moving. Teitei still hoped that he was mistaken when something appeared from behind the bush.

Teitei tried to move his body but he was still unable to budge a single muscle.

Until the last moment, Teitei had hoped that the newcomer was an herbivore or one of this less dangerous beasts in the ancient world.

But his expression only grew ugly when he saw the beast on the other side.

It was a green-scaled snake. It was a common beast, but many considered it the most dangerous among the common ancient beast. It was called Ancient green Mamba. Teitei had learned about this species of snake during his compulsory training.

" What is it doing here?" Teitei was stupefied.

Many beasts seemed more fearsome when their name started with the prefix " ancient" but the Ancient green Mamba name was fearsome even without that addition. Be it newcomer or older hand many people feared it. It hunted deep into the wilderness, and it often evolved beyond the level of the common beast.

It was furtive, it was fast, and its venom was deadly. It could kill with a single strike. But he had another attribute, his ability to sense creatures in distress with its long slithering tongue.

For a moment, Man seemed and the beast seemed to be looking at each other. For a moment The snake seemed to ascertain the situation.

Teitei hoped that it will take all its time. But his hopes were dashed away when the snake attacked, it's head propulsion itself like a cannon toward Teitei. He was still unable to move.