
Ancient God

On the Nine Heavens Continent, there are nine star rivers above the sky, with billions of stars, all of which are martial destiny stars. Those who practice martial arts can communicate with the stars, awaken their star souls, and become martial destiny cultivators. Legend has it that the most powerful martial artists on the Nine Heavens Continent can open a star gate every time they break through a realm, thus communicating with a star, until they have their own martial destiny stars in all nine heavens, transforming into the ancient gods that rule the heavens and the earth. With billions of living beings and countless realms, Qin Wentian smiled at the sky. He wanted to be the brightest star in the sky.

kiyo_kiyo · ตะวันออก
1 Chs

Ancient God

Chapter 1: Cultivating with Severed Meridians

In the Nine Heavens Continent, there are nine Milky Ways above the sky, each composed of endless stars interwoven together. These nine Milky Ways are also known as the Nine Heavenly Layers.

The people of the continent worship martial arts, and from a young age, humans use meditation to sense the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, cultivate and refine their qi, cultivate their spirit, and practice martial arts techniques to become martial cultivators.

People with strong spiritual perception can sense the existence of the Nine Heavenly Layers through meditation and absorb the power of the stars. They can even communicate with one of the stars, condense a star soul, and become a respected martial destiny cultivator.

Even more powerful individuals, after becoming martial destiny cultivators, refine the star energy, continuously strengthen their own strength, break through the boundaries of martial artists, open star gates, and communicate with more stars to condense multiple star souls.

Legend has it that the most powerful martial cultivators in the Nine Heavens Continent can open a star gate with each breakthrough of a realm, communicating with a star and eventually having their own martial destiny star on all Nine Heavenly Layers, transforming into the Nine Heavenly War Gods who can traverse the heavens and earth.


State of Chu, Tianyong City, Bai Family.

Bai Qiuxue's forehead was covered in sweat, as if in extreme pain, but she still gritted her teeth and persevered.

Under the cover of night, starlight from above the sky continued to fall on Bai Qiuxue, reflecting her graceful figure and the pale skin that was soaked with sweat, revealing itself faintly. However, at this moment, Qin Wentian had no mind to appreciate this beauty.

"Stay true to your heart, the pain is only in your mind. Empty your mind, imagine yourself as a beautiful elf, soaring in the Nine Heavenly Layers, enjoying the gorgeous starry scenery like a dream, and the pain will pass like a dream."

Qin Wentian's voice was gentle, blowing into Bai Qiuxue's ear and making her body tremble less.

When Bai Qiuxue's body gradually calmed down, Qin Wentian took out nine silver needles and pierced them into her head.

"Ah..." Bai Qing beside her almost exclaimed at the sight, covering her mouth with her small hand and looking at Qin Wentian's crazy actions, then at her sister Bai Qiuxue.

"Draw in the power of the stars, travel through the meridians, and seal it into the star gate." Qin Wentian's voice was dreamy, continuing to float into Bai Qiuxue's ears, causing the power of the stars to be continuously absorbed into her body and circulating in her body.

"Return to emptiness. You are now a consciousness. Find the star that you like and blend your consciousness with it."

Qin Wentian's voice carried a hypnotic force. Slowly, a phantom of a golden crane, with curves and a sense of power and beauty, gradually condensed above Bai Qiuxue's head.

Bai Qing's beautiful eyes widened. This was a star soul phantom... her sister was really condensing a star soul.

"Next, it's up to you." Qin Wentian thought to himself, with a slightly solemn expression on his still somewhat young face.

The starlight on Bai Qiuxue's body shone brightly, and finally, with a crane cry, the golden crane solidified, and a terrifying power of the stars spread out. Bai Qiuxue's bright eyes opened, shining like stars.

"We did it!" Bai Qing jumped up happily, then hugged Qin Wentian and exclaimed incoherently, "Brother Wentian, we really did it!"

She then boldly kissed Qin Wentian's face.

Qin Wentian's eyes also lit up with a brilliant smile, with a naive and sunny atmosphere, completely different from the seriousness just now.

"On which Heavenly Layer?" Qin Wentian looked at his fiancée and asked with a smile.

"On the third Heavenly Layer." Bai Qiuxue also smiled brightly and beautifully. She was one of the four beauties of Tianyong City, and the young lady of the Bai Family. She was sixteen years old.

"Condensing a star soul on the third Heavenly Layer on the first try. Does that mean it will be easy to condense the second or third star souls in the future? Great! I'll go tell father." Bai Qing seemed even happier than her sister.

"No need for that." Suddenly, a middle-aged man walked over from not far away. He was Bai Qiuxue and Bai Qing's father, Bai Qingsong. He looked at Bai Qiuxue, and his hands were trembling slightly as he smiled and said, "Qiuxue, you've worked hard."

"Father, if it wasn't for Brother Wentian, Sister may not have been able to condense a star soul." Bai Qing muttered, and Bai Qingsong then looked at Qin Wentian and smiled, "Wentian, you've also worked hard today. You should rest early. Qiuxue and I will leave first."

"Okay, Uncle Bai." Qin Wentian responded with a smile. Since the engagement between the Qin and Bai families three years ago, Bai Qingsong often invited him to stay at the Bai family. He was kind and treated him very well.

"Bai Qing, you should come with me too and not bother Brother Wentian anymore." Bai Qingsong said to Bai Qing, but she stuck out her tongue and said, "Father, why aren't you forcing me to call my brother-in-law today? I'll just stay here and chat with Brother Wentian. You and Sister go on and take care of your business."

Bai Qingsong glanced at Bai Qing, then nodded and left with Bai Qiuxue.

"Sister's first star soul was able to communicate with the stars on the third Heavenly Layer. Father must be looking for the elders of the family for a meeting again. I don't want to go." Bai Qing laughed and said after seeing Bai Qingsong leave. "Brother Wentian, I didn't believe it before, but you really did it. You didn't let Sister absorb the essence of heaven and earth and condense the star soul ahead of time. Was it all for today?"

"Absorbing the essence of heaven and earth into the body's meridians and acupoints will weaken the perception of star power, and reduce the chances of condensing a star soul." Qin Wentian lay on the ground, looking up at the stars.

"Most people both absorb the essence of heaven and earth while perceiving star power. Even if they can't become a martial fate cultivator, it won't delay their cultivation. But your method, Brother Wentian, is to determine that you must condense a star soul and become a martial fate cultivator. Isn't that very risky? What if you can't become a martial fate cultivator and delay your cultivation?" Bai Qing sat beside Qin Wentian and asked.

"Qing'er, how many types of star souls have you heard of?" Qin Wentian asked.

"Not many. There aren't many people who can condense star souls in Tianyong City. I don't know much about it. How about you, Brother Wentian?"

"Draw in the power of the stars into your body, travel through the meridians, and seal it in the Star Gate." Qin Wentian's voice was dreamlike, continuing to drift into Bai Qiuxue's ears, causing the power of the stars to be continuously absorbed by her body, circulating around her meridians.

"Empty your mind, you are now a consciousness, find the star you like, merge your consciousness with it." Qin Wentian's voice carried a hypnotic power. Gradually, a phantom appeared above Bai Qiuxue's head, a golden crane spreading its wings, full of curves and a sense of powerful beauty.

Bai Qing looked at this scene, almost exclaiming in surprise, her small hand covering her mouth, looking at Qin Wentian's crazy actions, then glancing at her sister, Bai Qiuxue.

"Next, it's up to you." Qin Wentian thought to himself. On his still somewhat childish face, there was a hint of seriousness.

Starlight shone brightly on Bai Qiuxue's body. Finally, with a crane cry, the golden crane condensed into form. A terrifying power of the stars spread out, and Bai Qiuxue opened her eyes, bright as the stars themselves.

"We did it." Bai Qing jumped up, ecstatic. She then saw Qin Wentian, and immediately hugged him, stuttering: "Wentian brother, we did it!"

She even planted a kiss on Qin Wentian's face without hesitation.

Qin Wentian's eyes also lit up with a brilliant smile, with a naive and sunny breath, devoid of the seriousness he had just shown.

"What level?" Qin Wentian looked at his fiancee and asked with a smile.

"The third level." Bai Qiuxue also smiled brightly, looking beautiful and radiant. She was one of the four great beauties of Tianyong City, and the young lady of the Bai family, only sixteen years old.

"Communicating the stars at the third level for the first time. Doesn't that mean that in the future, she can easily condense the second or third star soul? That's great! I'll tell my father." Bai Qing seemed even more excited than her sister.

"No need." Just then, a middle-aged man came over from not far away, who was none other than Bai Qiuxue and Bai Qing's father, Bai Qingsong. Both of his hands trembled slightly as he looked at Bai Qiuxue, smiling and saying, "You've worked hard, Qiuxue."

"If it weren't for Wentian brother, sister might not have been able to condense the star soul." Bai Qing muttered. Bai Qingsong then looked at Qin Wentian, smiled, and said: "Wentian, you've also worked hard today. You should rest early. Qiuxue and I will leave first."

"Okay, Uncle Bai." Qin Wentian smiled in response. Ever since the engagement between the Qin family and the Bai family three years ago, Bai Qingsong had often invited him to stay at the Bai family. He was kind and friendly to him.

"Qing'er, why don't you come with us, so you won't disturb your brother Wentian." Bai Qingsong said to Bai Qing, but he saw Bai Qing sticking out her tongue: "How come today you're not forcing me to call him brother-in-law? I'll stay here and chat with Brother Wentian. You and sister can go first and be busy."

Bai Qingsong glanced at Bai Qing and nodded, then left with Bai Qiuxue.

"The first star soul that my sister communicated with was at the third level of the stars. Father will probably have to find the elders

After White Qing left, Qin Wentian began his cultivation. He closed his eyes and entered a meditative state. Within Qin Wentian's body, his meridians were almost completely shattered. Not only did he suffer from an innate disorder, but he seemed to ignore the pain as he absorbed the power of the stars into his body. The fierce star power relentlessly impacted his fragile meridians, seeming to want to shatter them completely.

In that instant, Qin Wentian's face was filled with an expression of extreme pain, a pain that was ten times greater than what White Qiuxue endured. Yet, he still gritted his teeth and continued on.

Meridians are distributed within the human body, connecting the body together. If meridians are shattered, it would be equivalent to disability and an incomplete body. Martial artists need to constantly widen their meridians and even reshape them after reaching the Refinement Stage, forging nine major meridians and connecting the seven major acupoints, five organs and six viscera, and four limbs and hundreds of bones, constantly exploring and tapping into their potential.

When Qin Wentian initially destroyed his meridians, he almost became a cripple. However, Black Bo used medicine to purify his body, preventing him from becoming a cripple. In addition, Qin Wentian exercised his body every day, never giving up, giving him the physique of a normal person.

However, shattered meridians were not Qin Wentian's goal. There was a record of star forging meridians, and only shattered meridians could create the most perfect star meridians. This is what it meant by "shatter and then establish"!