
Anatolian (Si, Mobseka X Warhamer 40K)

This is a story about a young man isekai'd in a strange yet familiar world. (not a AU)

AllucardTheSpong · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 3

One moment I was in front of my father's funeral, and the next moment I found myself in front of a battlefield.I see mountains of corpses scattered around in every direction. All one could hear was the cries of the wounded. They cried for help, for salvation, and death.

I turned my focus from the wounded. My eyes scanned the rest of the battlefield. After seeing the scale of the destruction I understand. These warriors didn't to a beast or man. No! These brave men died fighting against a monster. Then with otherworldly screech, the harbinger of this destraction descended from the heavens.

The monster was gigantic. It had wings that covered the very heavens, fangs like spears, teeth like a sword, and scales that no sword could ever hope to pierce.

The monster itself was towering over the battlefield. Yet the monster seemed to not care much about me or the man it had just killed. In the eyes of this creature, we were nothing but ants. No, this creature came here for something else or someone else.Then all of a sudden creature lifts its mighty head and looks toward the west. The creature's sickly green eyes glowed with malice.

A man was approaching from the west. The man was tall and the only thing covering his visage was a single belt to carry his sword and fur robe. The only possession on him was the sword in his belt.

The man drew his sword and his sword was a sight to see. It was a long elegant sword with a pinkish-purple blade. The blade itself was beautiful in fact calling it just beautiful seems can only to tarnish it. The man removed his hood and pointed his sword at the beast, the sword came to life as energies of warp began to dance around its blade. The man did the unthinkable, he challenged the dragon. But my mind is somewhere else.

'His face looks familiar.'

Those almond eyes, that hooked nose, and that iconic jawline... there is no doubt this person is looking smiler to... looking similar to... father.

But it can't be, he died permanently. His soul was gone. There shouldn't be a way for him to return... unless he is a perpetual.

It makes sense now. His soul wasn't in the warp not because of a warp predator but of his own doing.If he is Perpetual his soul must have left the warp long before could I find him. He must be reformed outside of our village. But how did he reform so fast? Or did something happen to me before I could burn his pyre?

And why he is here. He may be a perpetual but he is no match for that thing. That sword is looking strong and it's clearly warp-based but it won't be enough to defeat the beast unless a strong psyker wields it. And perpetuals aren't necessarily psykers and I personally know he isn't a psyker. Even if he was a psyker he would have to be strong enough to hide his power from a psyker at my level but then a psyker at that level could notice his son's powers long before he knew how to use them. Yet he never spoke with me about the warp or tried to warn me about its dangers.

Dad can act irresponsibly sometimes, but he would never allow me to do something that could seriously harm me. He was a kind-hearted man who doted on his only child.

As these thoughts passed through my mind, the man's sword drew an absurd amount of power from the warp, and then the whole world drowned in purple light.


The next time I opened my eyes the battlefield was gone. I was in a lush green field that was filled with people. People here had some interesting looks. Most of them had tribal paints with some of them covering them selfs with fur and some of them didn't even bother with fur and covered them selfs with only paint.

It seems like a festival. Man and woman were singing, dancing maybe praying, No! things are not that simple.

I can feel the warp tremble with their every word, every movement. This gathering was not an ordinary festival, it was a ritual of some kind.

How do I know this? Simple, because every goddamn person on here is psyker! But how? The Psyker ratio among humans is less than 1%. Even in times of the Imperium, there shouldn't be this much psyker on a single planet.

Unless is this a planet of outcasts like Prospero. In the last days of the age of technology, because the Elders fell to depravity had caused the weakening of the walls between realities, warp energies flooded the galaxy thus causing the once low human psyker population to skyrocket. Humanity at that time was still recovering from cybernetic revolt and had to deal with a growing number of warp storms that made warp travel harder and harder every day. Because of this even with their mind-boggling technology, they couldn't do much against the growing numbers of human psykers. This was a massive problem for humans at the time because if a psyker was untrained or too weak to defend himself, a demon incursion may happen, but if they were too powerful they could rebel and carve their own pocket empires.

Sadly but understandably most humans at that time saw psykers as threats that could cause humanity's extinction. So in many human worlds psykers were shunned at best and purged at worst. Because of this so many psykers left their home worlds and tried to find new homes across the stars. Some experienced horrible fates and died in obscurity yet some of them managed to find new homes. Prospero was one of those worlds.

Maybe I am in a world like Prospero. While all of these thoughts crossed my mind I felt a plus in the warp. I turn my attention from my thoughts to the dancing people. Their singing was getting louder and louder while their dance became frantic. Then all of a sudden they stop singing, and begin to call a single word.

" ^/&%*&^ "

" ^/&%*&^ "

" ^/&%*&^ "

" ^/&%*&^ "

At first, the language they were speaking was gibberish to me then all of a sudden I began to understand them.

"To the new man"

"To the new man"

"To the new man"

"To the new man"

"To the new man"

Before I could decipher what they were doing or what is the meaning of the new man, the ritual reached its zenith. All psykers cried one final time:

"To the new man"

And after their one final cry, they all fell to the ground.

"What in the actual fu- "

Then before I could finish my word. I felt that their souls were departing into the sea of souls. I should probably help them. I don't know the purpose of this ritual but I didn't feel any signs of chaos either from the rutial or the psyker them selfs. And as psykers, their souls are far more attractive to the warp predators. And in the end, I just didn't have the heart to leave them their fates. I expend my senses to warp and try to find the deceased psykers' souls. After a brief check, I found them

And when I was going to start trying to save their souls I noticed something strange. Their souls aren't dissolving into the warp like a normal soul. It's a slow procses but it should have started at this point.

But this can be expected. Any psyker if they are strong enough can resist the effects of warp or even prevented it for a while. But it isn't what they were doing. In fact, they don't even make a slight effort. And then I noticed something even weirder instead of dissolving, souls in question were gettering around to form a sphere. As more and more souls got the sphere grew more and more when the final soul joined the sphere all mouvmant stopped Then they did something unthinkable. They start merging.

But how can it be? It is not how the warp works. What kind of weird ritual did that psykers partake in? Then the realization hit me. The battlefield, the dragon, and the familiar-looking man that challenged the dragon, the tribal-looking people, and the ritual. None of these things were happening right now.

"It all must be a vision."

Extrem negative emotions caused by my inability to save my father must have triggered my powers.

Then all of a sudden warp starts to tremble again. I tried to locate the source of this sudden disturbance. And when I saw the cause of this turbulence, I was baffled.

"What is th-? NOOOO"

The walls of the emperian were cracking. Despite knowing this was just a vision I couldn't help myself and tried to act but I was powerless. I used all my might but it was all in vain. I was only a watcher of this story noting more noting less. Without a choice, I watch helplessly, as the only thing protecting immaterial from the material world cracks open.

When cracks reached its zenith, it defied my expectations as instead of the warp overflowing the material world, an outer-worldly energy overflowed the warp.


From the cracks, a single soul enters the warp. The soul was covered with the same otherworldly energy and approached at an impressive speed towards the fussing souls. After the soul passed through, the hole in reality quickly closed, as the walls between realities mended themselves.

The mysterious soul crushed the fussing souls. Once harmonical fusion brutally stopped. All the possible defense mechanisms psykers may have prepared were defenseless against the mysterious energy that coring the soul.

The soul reached the core of the sphere. Then like a dying star sphere cloppes on itself. Once the brilliant golden sphere was gone and in its place, there was a single soul.

Then the scenery changed once again. This time I was a father, a chiften of my clan. Then I was an old wise crone, then I was a warrior...

After a time that felt like an eternity as I experienced hundreds of lifetimes, I opened my eyes.