

He reached the meeting point and after some introductions he sold the things he took from his father mansion. The name of the merchant was Lenard Copper and liked to travel and visit some of his branch stores. He was heading to the capital but first will stop in Libina, the town i'm going to, it is flourishing town that has a dungeon and the relation of the lord Endan Blaze with my father is bad because the use fire and my father water, so it will be a good place to let things settle down, get stronger and then present myself in the capital. Right now i'm hiding the hero's mark with black lether gloves.

After setting out i present the things i took and Lenard bought them all, i won 100.000 filis, so 1 dark gold coin or 100 gold coins. The metal-filis relation is iron 1, copper 10, silver 100, gold 1000, dark gold 100.000 and platinum 1.000.000. So, yes, i'm pretty much loaded right now.

Also, i took a better look at the equipment i took and it was really good, the sword is a combination of refined damascus or dark iron and a bit of mithril thats hard, reliable and extremely sharp, also has good conductivity for magic power although it wasn't an enchanted it was really good one. The bow was made out of trent monsters that live in a snow forest and was enchanted to make the arrows obtain ice atribute when released that is especialy good to fight fire monsters and it can make the enemy's movement slower. The quiver is like magic storage for arrows, you can put any kind of arrow in it and then just have to think about it and it appears. The magic storage bag can have up to 100 kg of things inside, but you will feel its weight.

We travel peacefully as i listen to Lenard and the other people with us talk about some of their histories and practice magic with the books, especialy magic control as well as some basic water magic.

After a 2 days of travel we reach libina a town with a 8 or 9 meters tall walls surrounding it, most of the buildings were white with red or redish orange roofs, the streets were packet with people of all clases and you could see some people with weapons and armor around as well "adventures" i mutter under my breath.

After some goodbyes with the merchant and the rest, i leave toward my goal, the adveturers guild.