
The guild

Reaching the guild was absurdly easy, you just have follow the giants dudes with weapons and you wouldn't get lost.

It was a big two story building, inside the first floor was like a bar not a shady one, but one of good quality just not a luxurious one either and it seems that the guild it's actually upstairs.

As expected, on the counters were beatiful ladies of various races and some rough looking guys waiting in line. After waiting for a quarter of an hour it was finally his turn.

Receptionist: What can i do for you?

William: I would like to register to the guild, what are the procedures?

Receptionist: Well, normaly the new people are trained for a while because of the mistakes they do at the beggining, but don't worry, the classes are paid by the Blaze family to help and nurture young adventurers. It is a camp in wich they are guided by a retired adventurer, he will enter the dungeon with them to show how the work is done. And i have to say that you've come just in time as a new group starts tomorrow. Just complete this document with your details and come tomorrow with the sunrise to meet your instructor. She says while taking out a sheet of paper from under the desk.

After that i completed the document, but instead of my full name just put my name William, the rest just the truth without revealing my identity as a hero, i said i was a hunter, my age and other small details, and done. After that, asked about a good inn to stay inn and went there after eating something from a vendor in the streets, and finally could relax. Tomorrow starts my live as an adventurer. On a side note, i think the guilds funcion were upstairs to avoid the tipical drunk adventurer bullying the new recruits. Those were his thoughs as he slowly fell asleep