
Escape plan

"*cogh cohh* Then, William what can I help you with?" she said as calm as posible.

"As you already know Hellary, my life until now has been tormented by my own father's family, the lord of this territory, if they were to be aware of the fact that i have become a hero, not only will they try to kill me, but anyone that knows about it, so i have to get away from here and fast, the thing is that i need a better understanding of the world to escape, a map or a ride that can get me out would be the best as i need to go to other territory."

Hellary: "I can help with the ride, but a map is imposible as only nobles and the paladins of the church have them but this church doesn't have them"

William:" I know don't worry, and who is the one that can help me escape?"

Hellary: " Is not exactly a ride but a merchant that can let you go with him, he goes tomorrow when the sun rises so be ready by then and also, make a disguise, don't worry about payment, this is the last i can do for you as i couldn't even though i knew your suffering"

William: "Thank you Hellary, and don't worry it wasn't your fault. *sigh* Well it's time to go, thank you for everything" he says with a somewhat melancholic smile.

"It's allright, it's part of my duty as someone at service of the gods to help those that need it. Shall the gods guide you and protect you". She says and sees him going out.

William went back to his cottage and took everything he needs, but he though of something that put a sly smile on his face.

'I need money, a weapon, water and food but i don't have enough, so how about i take a little revenge before going'

It was crazy and risky, but he could do it, no he have to do it as he needs the things, he just have to use his new abbilities and he would be alright, he has been in that mansion a couplu of times although he doesn't know it well, even if he cannot get into the tresury he could get a map and a weapon in there for sure and the food is even easier.

'Right now my control over my magic is horrible and i haven't practiced with my skills so i have to go with extreme precaution' though William as he got close to the mansion.

It isn't supposed to be this easy, but most guards are on the walls and just some patrol pass by from time to time also they don't expect anything to come from the direction of my cottage as it have a natural defense too dificult to pass.

'The hardest part will be to pass the guard dogs and the magic detections in there but i have some ideas.'

Actually it should be easy as he have the isolation skill but the problem is consumsion of mahic power as he have 500 mp but a control of 20 that means that he have a leakage of 96% it means that of the 500mp only 20 is used correctly and the rest is leaked and isolate is not a low consuming skill it needs 15 just to activate the most basic isolation of presence, and that doesn't eliminate sounds or odor nor visual, only presence, is kind of complex. Basicaly he can only use presence isolation for 5 seconds to avoid magic detection, but will have to avoid being seen, heard or smell on the way.

William: "Well lets go and take everything i can" he become a hero just some hours ago and was already rob.. *cogh cogh* colecting items on the way, so hero like.

The heroes on games go around anybody house and takes everything of use without remorse, our hero is in the to way to be the gretest hero without doubt.

WilfrdApfelcreators' thoughts