
An unknown ship.

I wrote this, and then re wrote it for a college class, after a few years of doing nothing with it I decided to upload it. It's a short space sci-fi mystery where humans have been dead for a very long time.

Anonymous_User_1297 · ไซไฟ
19 Chs


The captain looks around the bridge at his command crew so see their perplexed

and cautious expressions, for only moments ago they just discovered a derelict ship deep

in an unknown sector of space, the problem? Not one of them knows anything about the

ship; whether it is its name, its design or how their scanners cannot even get through that

ships armor or defenses.

The captain ruffles his feathers below his beak he speaks asking if any of them might

know anything about it, but none speak up. Directly across from the captain on the other

side of the hologram table stands their newest deck officer, a Rindlum by the name of

Dol'Ru, a very rare race, they seldom leave their territories let alone interact with other

species. Rindlum's stand at 7 feet tall or 213.36 cm [human measurements] they have

dark scales for skin with Elliptical pupils and generally yellow eyes. Many other races

find their constant blank stares to be unnerving.

He speaks up as he types away at the console and brings up a hologram image of a

Rindlum ship, they sit in a circle around the hologram platform with many small floating

orange screens in front of each of them. The ship on the hologram appears, it's a blue-ish

white with smooth and curved surfaces reflect the light and its metal shimmers as if it

were water. It hangs there in the air next to the hologram of the derelict ship they

discovered, its huge hulking shape and flat angular surfaces makes their ship appear as a

I had to re type this story a few times, mostly because of errors, but also becuase a few things did not make sense, and I can never decide on ONE begining. Instead I have multiple.

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