
Chapter 7 Kidnapping

Unconsciously, her one-month appointment with Odell Bei arrived. It was time to take Ivanka to the old house to see his grandfather.

There was a long distance between the old house and Noah's home. Originally, Josef, his assistant, drove Noah and Ivanka to the old house. However, on the day of their departure, Josef called and said that he was called by Odell Bei to deal with business. Perhaps only Noah drove back to the old house by himself.

Noah rubbed his forehead. He knew that it was grandpa who arranged it on purpose. He sent the assistant away to let him stay alone with Ivanka.

Noah was waiting for Ivanka outside the door. Soon, Ivanka came out in an intellectual and generous dress.

Today, Ivanka wore light make-up and even chose a cold color for her lipstick. With her long, elegant hair, she looked extremely gentle in the sun.

"It's not as ostentatious as it used to be," Noah said proudly. It seemed that he still remembered the high-profile confession of love by Phil last time.

Of course, Ivanka understood what Noah meant. She replied in a plain tone

"Do you have to pretend to be a press conference when you go to visit grandpa? You know it better than me, don't you?"

Noah was rendered speechless. "Why does she always leave me speechless?" He wondered.

Noah suddenly felt that he had become a fool in front of Ivanka!

Wake up! You are the famous Mr. Bei! Noah thought to himself.

However, Ivanka didn't know what was on Noah's mind. Before Noah could say anything, Ivanka walked towards the car door.

In the car, it was obvious that Odell Bei had asked Josef to tamper with the seat belt. At this moment, Ivanka couldn't tie the tie well.

Noah, who was watching aside, got a little impatient. He stood up and approached Ivanka. He helped Ivanka to fasten the seat belt and mocked

"Why can't you even fasten the seat belt?"

The moment he got close to Ivanka, a faint fragrance filled Noah's nose.

Noah was taken aback.

Noah couldn't stand the strong smell of women's perfume all the time, so as long as he was too close to a woman, he would be disgusted by the smell, and then he would have a rash all over his body. That was why Noah had always been single and troubled Odell Bei.

At such a close distance, Ivanka didn't use perfume, but she had a very comfortable fragrance!

"Well, everything is ready. You can go back to your seat now."

Ivanka didn't understand why Noah was stopping in front of her, not to mention that the distance between the two was too close!

As soon as Noah raised his head, he met Ivanka's eyes.

It was the first time that he had observed this woman so closely. 'Her eyes were so beautiful, like the flowing water of autumn.' Noah thought.

Being stared at by Noah, Noah's breath came to her. Ivanka felt embarrassed and lowered her head.

Noah then realized that the situation was too strange. He hurried back to the driver's seat. To ease the embarrassment, he pretended to cough and then drove away.

On the way, Noah asked Ivanka curiously

"Didn't you use perfume?"

"Well, I don't like perfume."

As for Noah's question, in the eyes of Ivanka, Noah was complaining that she didn't use perfume.

"Oh, but you have a faint fragrance."

"I have had my fragrance since I was a child."

With the scent of her body, Noah felt that Ivanka was a magical woman. What was more amazing was that he didn't feel uncomfortable after staying with Ivanka in the confined space for so long!

The car was driving steadily, but suddenly a lot of paint bottles were thrown towards the window. For a moment, the window was blurred and the sight in front of them could not be seen clearly.

Noah braked immediately.

"You stay in the car. I'll go out to see what's going on."

However, as soon as Noah got out of the car, he was knocked out by a stick.

Feeling something was wrong, Ivanka got out of the car in a hurry. As soon as she got out, she saw a group of masked men carrying Noah and ready to leave.

Seeing that there were still people in the car, the strong men didn't think too much and gave Ivanka a blow.

The night was long.

When Noah and Ivanka woke up, the two people felt a splitting headache and saw darkness.

"Are you there, Ivanka?" Noah asked worriedly.

"I'm here. What's going on?" Ivanka said slowly. The situation in front of her was accompanied by a headache, and Ivanka was still in a daze.

Hearing Ivanka's voice, Noah felt a little relieved, and he was not unfamiliar with the current situation. He said calmly

"We were kidnapped."