
Thoughts and a meeting

Ryu - (There are still a few hours until dark, it will be better to stay here and wait, I would not like to start the search and then realize that I have really distanced myself from my goal) -

Chie - (you're right, during the night you can see the lights of the magical research office) -

Ryu - (ahhh ... .. I'm a little tired, I better sleep a bit like that so I'll be fine by night) -

Ryu leaned on a rock and closed his eyes to sleep until it was dark. Time passed and when the sun had already disappeared and darkness enveloped the surroundings, Ryu woke up and after stretching his arms to the air, he began to walk towards the desert.

Ryu - (I hope to arrive in time before he leaves and then it costs me more to find her) -

Chie - (all we can do is estimate when the facts of the original story of Fairy Tail happen, and after compiling the information I think it is at this time that this event happens) -

Ryu - (despite that, we lost a lot of time on the trip to get here, I never imagined at that moment that I was in that place) -

Chie - (from the beginning you knew you were in Fiore, so I do not think it's so surprising that you were in that place) -

Ryu - (you're right, and if I think about it well, it was lucky to end up in that forest, which was closer to the border, if it had been a forest in the south, it would have taken longer to get here) -

Ryu continued to walk through the desert in search of lights on the horizon. He remembered how he had come out of the forest and then realized that the place where he lived for a long time was the forest where the arc of Oracion seis happened. It was also the site where Nirvana was located and near that forest the future location of Cait Shelter.

Ryu - (during all that time I thought it was strange that the forest was huge, but now that I know where I was I am no longer surprised by the size of the forest) -

Chie - (well now you will not have to worry about knowing where you are, after getting a map, now I am able to tell you where you are) -

Ryu - (the truth is a relief that, if you do not know how to get here. Although I knew Fiore's memory map, I do not know the rest of the kingdoms of this world) -

Chie - (it's a compliment to know that I can be of help) -

Ryu - (well, changing the subject, I still do not see any light) -

Chie - (the desert is big so it's normal that you can not find anything yet, I think you'd better increase your speed, but remember that you have to be alert to any danger) -

Ryu - (okay, but I do not think there's much now that could be a danger to me.) Well surely there are people equal or stronger than me, but it would be very coincidental to meet those people) -

Chie - (it may be that way, but remember what happened four years ago to meet you with one of those people) -

Ryu - (ahh, do not remind me, I never imagined meeting him, I would have preferred to avoid that fight, but I could not see how during his fight against a dark guild, he was also destroying part of the village) -

Chie - (but I think it would have been easier if you helped him instead of stopping him) -

Ryu - (You're right, but I reacted so quickly that I did not think much about the situation, besides it was not entirely my fault either, after finishing the dark guild and trying to talk to him, the fool did not believe me when I told him it was not member of that guild) -

Chie - (That's true, but I think it was a good experience to fight against him, you could check your strength against someone strong like him) -

Ryu - (you're right, it was also good that I did not know him during my stay in Fairy Tail otherwise during the fight I would have recognized and informed the guild) -

Chie - (remember that he took a mission of a long duration for it was not long in the guild) -

Ryu - (Yes, well now I'm more sure of being stronger than him.) If I go back to fight him, I'll make sure I do not get tied.

Chie - (...) -

Ryu - (let's leave this topic aside, I do not think I'll meet him again in the near future, now I have to focus on finding it) -

Ryu continued running through the desert looking for any indication of the magical research office.

Chie - (although I've already asked you many times, you're sure of what you're going to do) -

Ryu - (I do not care how many times you ask me, I already decided long ago you remember) -

Chie - (yes ...) -

Ryu - (I think you're still not convinced.) Maybe it's better to go back to the Fairy Tail guild or avoid some sad events of the main characters, but after thinking a lot, those events are part of them, without those events they would not be In addition, if I were a member of Fairy Tail, I would have to deal with very annoying problems, but the real reason for my plan is to be able to save those people who had a hard past and had to go through difficult times. find the right way, you understand, despite not being the main characters of the original story, I think they deserve a different future) -

Chie - (... if that's what you want to do then I'll have to support you) -

Ryu - (thanks Chie, you know you're the only person you trusted completely) -

Chie - (I'm not a person remember I'm ...) -

Ryu - (yes, yes, you are an artificial intelligence, you have already told me many times, but I will always reply that you are a friend to me) -

Chie - (...) -

Ryu continued his course, stopped talking to Chie. For the rest of the hours they were silent, looking for the magical research office. When Ryu thought he would not find the office that night he could see a small flash of light on the horizon.

Ryu - (finally, that's where the magical research office is located) -

Ryu made his way to that light quickly, when the distance was shortened he could see more clearly the tower of the magical research office. But when he got even closer he could see several flashes coming from it.

Ryu - (damn, I think I've arrived a little late, but I think I can still find her) -

Ryu could see how those flashes of light were explosions. I knew the origin of those explosions in the tower so I increase the speed.

When he got closer and stopped a few meters from the tower he could see how high it was. He decided to wait outside when he saw that the fight inside the tower was still going on, he preferred to wait for him to come out and confuse him with a member of the magical research office.

A few minutes passed until the explosions ceased and it seemed that the fighting inside was over. After waiting a few more moments, Ryu saw a silhouette emerge from inside the tower.

Apparently the person who left had not noticed him yet.

Ryu - (as I thought, it's her, she looks as cute as I imagined her!) -

Chie - (...) -

Ryu - (well, it's not a moment of nonsense, I have to do what I planned if I want to achieve my goal)

Ryu approached the person, who was a girl about 12 years old, fair skin with short black hair, his eyes had a red color but they gradually turned black. She was wearing a robe and was barefoot. She was Ultear Milkovich.

Ryu came closer to Ultear until he got in front of her and stopped. Ultear had his eyes on the ground until he saw a shadow and looked up to see a young man in front of him. At Ryu's sudden stop, Ultear took a step back, though he was confident in his current strength, had been fighting the members of the magical research office for quite some time and was now too tired to fight again.

Ryu saw Ultear's reaction and could only sigh, could imagine his thoughts. After seeing this Ryu took a step forward trying to approach Ultear. But this one returned to back down with fear in its glance.

Ultear did not know who that person was, but he did not want to take any chances and was prepared to fight again if necessary. He began to accumulate magical power in his body ready to attack at any moment.

Ryu saw the magical power begin to surround Ultear's body and was frightened to see that the situation could get complicated.

Ryu - I'm not a bad person, I'm ... -

Before Ryu could finish the sentence he saw how Ultear fell unconscious to the ground. He quickly approached her and checked her status.

Ryu - she has run out of magic, she will have exhausted her during her fight, she has a little fever it will be better to take her away and take care of her-

After taking Ultear's body in his arms he began his way back to the hills where he had entered the desert.




Ryu was on a hill, by a bonfire, preparing something to eat. At his side was Ultear sleeping on a quilt with a wet cloth on his forehead to lower the temperature.

Ryu prepared food for both of them, but he did not know how long it would take to wake up. Nor could I give her a potion to cure her since she had to wake up and drink it. Ryu did not dare to give it to him himself, every time he thought of giving it to him from mouth to mouth to swallow it he kept turning red like a tomato and telling himself that he is not a lolicon.

Ryu - (I hope she wakes up soon, if I want to get there in time to save her too, if I take too long I do not think I'll get there in time) -

Ryu had more plans once he found Ultear. Although he had not yet completed his current goal. Ryu stared at Ultear's face for a few moments.

Ryu - (ahhhh, this age is already very beautiful and when it grows it will become even more beautiful, despite knowing how it will be in the future, it is very different to see it in 3D than in 2D) -

Ryu, despite the fact that it was his moment, rejected the 3D girls and came to accept that they also attracted him after spending time in this world and seeing some women. These 3D women were very different from those of their previous world, they were initially anime character and in their 3D form with those physical characteristics they made it very difficult not to be attracted to the women of this world. Ryu knew of the future aspect of Ultear, but he did not stop getting excited about seeing her as an adult.

I spend a whole day, but Ultear did not wake up. Ryu continues to take care of her. And on the night of the second day, Ultear finally woke up.

Ultear - (where I am, and how cold it feels on my forehead) -

Ultear raised his arm to his forehead and took the wet cloth from his head, watched it for a moment until he remembered what had happened and got up quickly.

Ultear - ... -

I look for a moment at his surroundings and saw a bonfire with a pot warming up in it. After a moment I hear a voice.

Ryu - finally waking up, how are you-

Ultear turned his head and could see the young man he had met after leaving the magical research office. He stared at him for a few seconds, trying to guess who this person was. Ryu still silently waited for an answer from Ultear.

Ultear - who are you and where am I?

Ryu - my name is Ryusei, but you can call me Ryu, right now we did not find on the outer edge of the desert where the magical research office was located-

Ultear - ... -

Ryu - ... and well you did not answer me as you are, you had a fever and I was taking care of you for two days-

Ultear - ... I feel better ... -

Despite what Ryu said, it seemed that Ultear still maintained some caution against him.

Ryu -well, you'd better eat something, before continuing the conversation-

Ryu gave Ultear a bowl of food, she took it and looked at it closely.

Ryu - you do not need to worry you are not poisoned

After saying this Ryu picked up a spoon and took a puff on the food. Ultear after seeing this he began to eat his own food. There was silence for a few seconds until Ultear spoke.

Ultear -and what do you want from me-


Ultear - if you've been taking care of me that means you want something in return it's not like that-

Ryu -well, I did not take care of you for something in return I just thought it was right-

Ultear - do not lie to me, I do not think there is a person who does not want something in exchange for something else-

Ryu was surprised at the attitude of little Ultear. Although he could suspect that this behavior was due to his past experiences.

Ryu - ... well, I do want some of you

Ultear -I knew, the whole world is the same ... -

Ryu - ... it's nothing big ... the truth when I saw you for the first time, when I was walking through this area and by chance I saw the tower of the magical research office and I saw you, I thought you would be indicated for something ... -

Ryu had to lie because he did not know how to tell her that he knew he was in that place and was looking for her is specific.

Ultear - ... and well you want-

Ryu saw Ultear's serious face and could only sigh and tell him clearly what he wanted.

Ryu - I want him to be a member of my guild !!! -

Ultear - ... que-

Ryu - I say I want you to be a member of my guild !!!!

Ultear could only keep his mouth open with surprise at Ryu's statement. This did not help much since he said it loudly and with raised arms.

This was the meeting with the first member of the Ryu guild. Which would change the story completely.