
An NPC Challenges the Dark Lord(LN)

The universe is ruled not by the gods but by one player Yami. Yami is in search for every skill and has embarked on a path to prevent any other player from becoming as powerful as Yami. Yami is the top player of "Endless Probability", currently the #1 RPG Game on Earth. Later on, the gods become fearful of Yami's creativity with the "endless" mechanics of the game and thus plan to destroy Yami as the Dark Lord grows stronger eliminating players considered as a threat. The gods then figured out to hide Yami's hopeful demise through an NPC. The gods' plan is not guaranteed.

Imbster · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Female Rival Summoning

Yami did not like the idea of a returning foe vanquished decades ago. The idea of the Puppet Master returning planted fear in the Dark Lord's Heart. The Lord of Darkness was anxious.

Game God approached the Dark Lord.

"Lord of Wheat let's do the ritual."

"That title really wounded my pride. I have to grow the wheat so we can see some sneaky tricks."

"We won't catch the spirit in time."

"We will."

The Dark Lord closed his eyes and inhaled. After the exhale, a summoning circle appeared on the wheat fields. The circle did not destroy the wheat but hovered over it.

A small black sphere floated around the circle.

"Do we give the same character body type from years ago?"

"The stats, the equipment, the potions, the items and the skills too."

"I don't want to return what I destroyed for the right reasons."

"Then deal with a boring battle."

The Dark Lord was nervous but concentrated afterwards. The black sphere became a shapeless mist of dark essence and then a body formed.

A body with with a flat chest. The feminine body was now covered with hide armor and various fur from beasts around the neck. The tail from every animal and beast in this world were bundled together and served as a "unique" cape. A common tiki mask covered the face. The hairstyle chosen for the body was light brown pigtails.

A faint glow of yellow appeared each time a component was brought forth to form the body.

"You're pretty good at designing a body. It's better than what the gods can do."

"Don't flatter me, this isn't even good. I don't want this body as "too beautiful" but just enough to score 80 out of 100 in Body Score. The Puppet Master is a highly respected warrior not a damsel that men fight for."

The Puppet Master spoke in a brittle voice and tears flowed from her eyes.

"Did you miss me? Oh you've brought a monk to shame me? What will you two do to me? I already smell your disgusting lust!"

Both Game God and Yami did a facepalm.

"You're right Yami let's end her for good..."

"Wait! You didn't summon me to do those...things?"

Yami reacted first and his voice changed to croaky.

"In what year did this game allow a romance update??? Have you seen a leaderboards for marriage? A leaderboards for the number of children popped into existence!? Most wives made happy?"

Game God gave a more open and subtle reply.

"That is true most males here eventually become disinterested in love because of the wide range of activites that can be done instead of what lovers do. Just tell her what you're really thinking."

"Flat chest so N O."

Instead of feeling anger, the Puppet Master's face blushed with red all over.

"This why I hate the summoing ritual for bringing spirits back. They go cuckoo! They say weird s***."

"Bring her level down. You're cuckoo for making her level 100,000. She might as well be the champion already for the next Class Battle! Make it 2,000."

Game God understood the full potential and flexibility of the Dark Lord. Most useful skills belong to the Dark Lord. The Puppet Master's current level was lowered after Yami stretched his palm out and engulfed the lady in ashes.

"I don't wanna do this but."

Yami palmed her forehead and proceeded to lift the body as if ready to squash her head. Yami returned their bitter battles together as memories hoping that some of her replies during their previous battles adds to her current personality.

"Yami!!! I'm coming for the leaderboards! I killed Hearts once and I'll do the same to you! Mwuhahaha."

The Puppet Master felt secretly embarrassed for using her squeaky voice to make out an evil laugh.

"Oh? Check my profile."

The Puppet Master fell on her knees in shock and looked up to the proudly standing Dark Lord.

"No way...we were-"

"Our levels USED to be close even after a few level cap updates. How did one of my greates rivals die at the hands of others weaker than I?"

The monk interrupted the conversation. Yami noticed subtle changes in gestures and concluded Game God knows how she was vanquished.

"We need you to help us make the battle of Necromancers and Summoners interesting. You are the 'unique' summoner System mistakenly created."

"It wasn't a mis-"

"Dark Lord. Are you going to betray your god friend by spreading my secret?"

Before the Puppet Master could ask about the secret, Yami deleted her memory of Game God's question and only remembered 'Dark Lord' and everything she heard before.

"I need you to follow orders Puppet Master. I have not forgiven you for the Fall of Hearts. You'll die anyway after the Class Battle is over. Before you commanded every boss in the game as the master but now I am higher in skill than you."

The legendary level 11,000 boss "Frost Bull" appeared taking the qualities described in most Minotaur stories of Earth literature except for the fact its whole body was frost white instead.

Puppet Master attempted to tame the boss like she has done quickly in the past decades but the Frost Bull listened to the voice of the Dark Lord and swiftly wielded its gigantic stone hammer with both hands to crush the Puppet Master.

"You'll be in the care of the Puppet Master now legendary Myth. Don't do anything funny. We have the same skill now but I have perfect control."

The Frost Bull changed its stance, kneeled down and lowered its head recognizing the Puppet Master as only one of its masters.

"Hey Yami she had two important skills and you only gave back one."

I'm happy though Yami has learned to confront his past from my omniscient view...although I'm right beside him as a monk.