
An Intense Affection

Living in a place she despised the most, Genevieve longed to leave the place and went somewhere she felt like she belong. Since her eighteen birthday, Her mother had been instigating her to marry someone from a better land — someone that could help her escape the myth and its madness. Little did she know that her staying in Wealdhill would last longer than she desired. It began with a dream. A passionate dream that started to constantly visit her at night time, trapping her very soul in place, as a strange man held her heart in his hand. When Genevieve discovered a very dark secret of a person’s existence, she got lost of her track of time. Would she be able to find a way out?

MortalLearner · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


Life had offered nothing but modesty in Wealdhill. It was the people of Wealdhill themselves who believed that being humble was the key to get a peaceful life. Charity was number one thing that people value. They donated as much as they could to the people who needed the most. They spared sometime to feed orphan and the homeless people as best as they could.

To Elbert's family, charity and modesty in Wealdhill were nothing more than a facade to hide their belief in mythical creatures that resided on top of the hill of the mountain. They prayed to the god in church but the one they truly praised was living in the rocky mountain.

"You look sick, Gennie!" Commented Felix who sat across his sister on the table, having their breakfast. "What happened? Are you nervous to meet your future husband?"

"Nonsense!" She retorted. "I'm only feeling weak from having breakfast this late as I had to wait until you and mother returned to dining room."

Her mother rolled her eyes. "I didn't come to the table deliberately. If only that fool didn't come this morning." She sighed dramatically. "We need to find a way to get rid of that hideous man from coming to our house."

"Did that man even come inside?" Asked Genevieve, rolling her eyes at her mother exaggeration.

"He didn't but he could have! We should hire a proper housekeeper. A man, a strong one to guard the front door." Said her mother.

"We also have the back door, Mother. We should hire two men." Felix commented, chuckling. He shook his head at his mother unnecessary agitation.

"I agree with Felix." Genevieve lifted her cup and took a few sips of her tea. She felt slightly better after she ate. Her nausea had gone and she did not feel dizzy anymore.

However, the thought of the man that her mother loathed, clouded her mind. Every time she remembered his poor appearance and the strong smell of dead animal that came from the man, she felt the need to vomit. Her nausea returned and she quickly diminished the thought of the man and quickly sipped another tea from her nearly empty cup.

"Daisy." She called the woman gently. "Will you please get me another tea?"

"Absolutely, Lady Genevieve." Daisy bowed at her and took her empty cup to the kitchen.

"What has gotten into you, Genevieve?" Asked her mother, frowning. She had been watching her daughter since she came to the table. Genevieve, indeed, looked sick, just like what her son had said.

"I'm alright, Mother. I'm just feeling a little bit weak." Genevieve replied. She forced a smile on her face but her mother was giving her a knowing look. "Really, Mother."

"I don't want the man your father bring her to see you pale like that."

"Oh, Mother! Give her a rest!" Spoke Felix, annoyed with her mother nasty behaviour. "Gennie will just get worse if you keep pushing her like that. Have some limit, Mother.

"Who do you think you are, Felix? You've grown up out of sudden and spoken to me like I'm younger than you. Have some respect to me." Complained the woman, shooting a glare at him.

Felix was only sixteen but he acted already like he was the man in the house. He felt proud of being able to stand up for himself and defend his own sister, despite his occasional bickering with his beloved Mother. Felix had been always the one who defied his mother; whereas Genevieve was always the one stayed behind her mother shadow until she felt the necessary to step into her bother's side.

The quarrel between the mother and the son continued. Felix was right, her mother only made her feel worse. Slowly, she got up from the chair and called Daisy to tell her to take her tea to the Balcony.

The balcony of her house was having a good view of the rocky mountain. It looked beautiful when she saw it from there but she still despised whatever the people believed lived in there. In that case, she was always on her mother's side.

She breathed the fresh air and for a second, she relaxed herself, forgetting about everything and just enjoying the view she beheld. A sigh of relief escape her mouth and she slouched back in the chair.

Moment had passed, a sound of horses galloping towards her house was heard loud and clear. It snapped her from the brief moment of her peacefulness. She let out another sigh. This time, it was out of tiredness: tired of being the one who had to go through the life she never wanted. Her mother believed marriage was the only way to escape and she was willing to give it a try.

"Genevieve! They're here!" Announced her mother, yelling out for her from downstairs.

"I know." She murmured to herself. She descended the stairs that lead her to the front door directly.

Her mother and Felix had already stood in front of the door, that was wide opened, ready to welcome her father back and the man who came along with him. Genevieve came to stand next to her mother, on her left hand side.

The woman turned her head to the side, observing her daughter appearance from head to toe. She then leaned closer to her ear and said, "You need to smile, Genevieve. Remember this is your chance to get out of this place."

"Oh, hush, Mother!" Felix scolded her again.

Before their mother could retaliate to Felix annoying remark, the sound of the two man chattering was approaching. It quietened three of them as their attention solely focus on the door, awaiting for their arrival.

"Oh, hello!"Came the excited voice of Genevieve's father as he entered the house. "I have been missing all of you."

Genevieve could not help herself but ran towards her father. Just like him, she had been missing him too. Like a little girl she used to be, Genevieve stepped into her father's embrace who gladly took her in his arm. He laughed at the greeting he received from his daughter and twirled her around in his arms.

"Oh, Papa. I miss you." She giggled as her father released her from his embrace. "It's good to see you back home."

Seeing Genevieve's childish behaviour towards her father had displeased her mother. The moment her husband entered the house, her eyes were set on the man next to her husband — who seemed to be invisible to her daughter. She studied the man's feature immediately and to her surprised, she found the man extremely handsome and his demeanour looked highly well-educated. Exactly the one that her daughter needed and she did not want Genevieve to miss her chance to be with the gentleman.

She cleared her throat to gain Genevieve's and her husband's attention.

"My dear Philip, it is wonderful to have you back home." She spoke gently to her husband and reached her hand out for him.

Philip Elbert shifted his eyes to his wife and gently took her hand, kissing it softly. "I am glad to be back, Matilda."

She smiled. "And who is this gentleman that has come along with you?" Her eyes went back to the handsome young man next to her husband.

"Oh, let me introduce you to my young friend, Cyrus Roberts, the first son of Duke Alexander Roberts." Announced Philip, causing Matilda — his wife — to gasp in surprised.

The Duke's son! She exclaimed excitedly internally.

"Hello Mr. Roberts, it is pleased to meet you. I'm Felix Elbert." Spoke Felix, stepping in between his mother and the young man. He held his hand out for him to shake. "And that is my sister, Genevieve Elbert."

Cyrus shook Felix hand briefly. A smile was on his face as his blue eyes shifted to the young lady beside her father. "It is pleasure to meet Elbert's family. Mr. Elbert had been telling me nothing but how wonderful his family is."

Genevieve wanted to scoff but she held back. She, too, was mesmerised by the fact of how handsome the man was and how masculine his voice was when he spoke. He was oblivious to her until her mother reminded everyone of his presence. Right now, she could not take her eyes off of him.

Cyrus could feel Genevieve's hazel eyes on him. They both were staring at each other, forgetting the others who watched them knowingly. Especially Matilda, who just could not get rid off her satisfaction smirk on of her face.

Her daughter would finally get married and leave Wealdhill for good.