
An Eye For An Eye (N)

Luca and Ezekiel seek to find freedom from their father, who seemed like a monster in their eyes. Everyday was filled with pain and abuse that tormented them for too long, they planned an escape to the outside world. Though they had expected for the worse, reality never fails to surprise them once more.

nellemi · แอคชั่น
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Screams pierced through the whole house, the sound rebounded and deemed everyone deaf. A roar of anger followed after.

Luca zipped the bag rapidly and hurried down the stairs of his shaking house.

It seemed perfect in the interior, with its smooth painted walls and gold-polished antiques placed on the lone pieces of shelf.

However, even the refined items couldn't hide the hideous facade of this 'family'.

Rushing as fast as he could while heavily panting despite not having moved much. He reached the dining room and rushed towards the only thing that concerned him. His brother.

In the midst of grabbing his brother's bleeding palms, he felt a punch land on his face. He licked the insides of his mouth and a bitter metal taste enveloped his tongue.

"How dare you? Have you gotten too proud of yourself, Luca?" The horrible man asked with a smile, the two sides of his mouth peeking up.

"No. I'm sorry. I got ahead of myself, I shall repent-" Before Luca could even finish his sentence, he felt a warm liquid land on his arm. 

Sweating, Luca looked down and his calm expression turned into one full of worry. The skinny frail body of his brother was limp and bruised, his face splattered in blood as he continuously choked on his blood and tears.

"Let your brother go and I'll pretend this didn't happen." 

Luca felt his eyes getting moist, he gulped and held back tears. He dropped his brother's hands and dropped onto his knees with his head on the cold marble floor.

"I'm sorry. Please,please let him go. I'll take all the punishments on his behalf." He said without hesitation, lowering his head down with his gritted teeth.

Getting tired of all the mess, Valentin left the dining room. Not even glancing back at the bloody mess he had made.

Luca lifted his head and immediately carried his brother on his back. He heaved a heavy sigh as he scrambled around the house, his legs shaking due to the weight. 

Catching a maid passing by quickly, Lucy grabbed her by her shoulder. "Can you get me some bandages?"

The maid sneered and ignored Luca. The moment she was about to walk away she could feel the grip tightening on her shoulders. She yelped in pain and glared back at the black-haired child.

"Get it. Do I look like I'm joking?" 

After bandaging the countless wounds on his brother's pale body, Luca sat on the chair with his head relaxed back. 

Thoughts creeped into his mind one by one. Each getting worse by the second. He breathed heavily and looked towards the door. Dreading the time passing by and that silent whistle humming along with creaks.

When Luca saw his brother's body move he immediately sprang up. "Ezekiel." 

Ezekiel looked weakly at his brother. One of his eyes was gray and unconcentrated, harboring a dull feeling. His other eye however, was a beautiful ocean blue.

Looking solemnly at his brother's blind eye, Luca raised his hand and with his thumb, he gently hovered above their curse.

"I'm so sorry. I should've came down earlier…I…" The older brother went dead silent and tears crept down his face.

"No. It's okay. Are you fine? And how are the preparations going?"

Luca looked at the bags he had left out in the open in a hurry just now. "I'm done. We should leave tonight if we're lucky." He whispered, feeling as if someone was watching him. 

The gods had answered his suspicion, the locked wooden door slammed open. Debris and wood chunks exploded into fragments.

"What do you think you're doing? Leaving?" The low voice growled, his tobacco-stained teeth showed itself. The air around him reeked like strong heavy alcohol, as if he had just sprayed perfume.

Clang! A glass shattered and its red wine spilled like blood. 

Luca didn't know whether he was bleeding or it was the color of the wine dripping down his forehead. It blurred his vision and sharpened his senses at the same time.

The furious monster walked over and grabbed his son by his hair. Pulling his arm backwards and letting it free, the boy held in his hands didn't struggle as his head was bashed against the concrete multiple times.

Ezekiel forced himself out of the bed and grabbed the lamp, and threw it at his father. Yelling to let his brother go. 

"You disobedient brats. I gave you a roof to live in and food to fill your bellies. And yet, you dare disobey me?" 

Luca felt around in his pocket for a sharp object and immediately getting his hands on it, he lashed out and stabbed the hands that were holding onto his head. Feeling the grip loosen, he twisted his body round and maneuvered out of harm's way.

Just as he was about to escape death, Luca felt a sharp pressure on his ankle. Without a moment to react, a loud crack was heard. He screamed in agony, his breathing getting more rapid.

What was happening? Why is this happening?

Ezekiel stared at the scene in horror. He acted fast despite the terrible scene replaying in his head, he laughed himself towards the open window and stood there.

"Let Luca go, or I'll jump off. I'll crawl out of his horrid place and tell everyone what hell of a father you are." Ezekiel said, his eyes gleaming a brilliant blue. He seemed like he would do it, with one of his legs hanging off and his body about to fall and shatter against the ground. And yet, it seemed like he would get out alive.

"Hah." Valentin dropped Luca and slowly marched towards Ezekiel. "Did you get this type of courage from your father? I must've taught you well. There is one thing, however, that you lack."

Valentin reached out his hands and a struck of lightning came crashing down. Bearing as much power as a god throwing a boulder on earth.

Smoke and dust exploded, concrete broke away from its place. And slowly, everything came back into its rightful position. 

"Experience and power." Valentin smiled. He knew these two children weren't even worth half of him. He wondered how they were even his blood.

The two defeated children laid on the floor as they heaved and gasped for air. 

"Hey…you bastard, did I ever tell you I'd rather die than live with your sorry ass?" Luca murmured.

Valentin slowly turned his head around. It seemed like everything around him was trembling from his anger. 

Looking down at the floor for the source of that unpleasant insult, the injured boy was no longer laid lifelessly, instead, he was holding a piece of wood that all came crashing into Valentin. 

It impaled through his whole abdomen, bringing forth a long string of pain that concentrated throughout his whole body. It was burning like wildfire.

Luca ran past his father and immediately grabbed Ezekiel's hand. "Land us properly." He whispered as he bravely yanked both of them through the window and smiled as he heard a shrill cry rang behind them.

Struggling with the rope, Ezekiel managed to slowly climb down while supporting Luca who was shaking. He held the rope steady and tapped his shoe against the grass impatiently as he heard footsteps approaching.

As soon as Luca managed to get down the rope that was prepared earlier, he winced in pain as he limped. Hearing the same noises Ezekiel heard, he bit his lips and endured through the pain.

They both ran as fast as they could towards the forest. Hoping they passed the barrier their father had set in order to restrict their movements.

Luca felt his right leg getting heavier as it lacked behind the other, yet his brother in front was still pulling him forward. Not willing to let go of his hand.

Their hearts beat fast. Excitement burst through their blood. The pain that was contained in the body was overthrown by pure joy. They ran like the wind without stopping nor getting tired.

"We made it." They both cheered as they weaved through the forest and made it to a run-down city. 

Creatures that resemble humans rampaged through the streets and shops. Making odd growling sounds, dragging their feet. Eyes white as snow with their mouths open. Their skin was ghostly pale and painted with blood of theirs or their comrades.