
The Great Elven War [Pt 4]

"Rey… it's been a while."

The deep, terrifying voice of the enemy echoed out into the dark world that surrounded them.

Feralia was there to witness it all—how the dark-haired, blue eyed enemy spoke so familiarly with Rey as they both brandished their blades. 

She watched in the distance, her eyes wide open as she stood still.

"Yeah." Rey responded very sharply, clearly uninterested in further conversation.

Still, the malefactor grinned widely, walking around very playfully as if this was all a game to him. He had a confident aura about him—almost as if his victory was already certain.

"Just give up already. Join our side… the winning side."

"No. Never."

"Think about it, Rey. The Dragons are superior to the Elves in every way. Resistance is futile…" As he raised his two hands, the thousands of Dragons that floated high in the sky began to draw close.