
An Extra’s POV

“Otherworlders… we beg you to save our world from ruin.” Rey and his classmates get summoned to another world, and they’re given Skills and Classes based on their limited Karma. Everyone gets multiple Skills and a decent Class in order to survive the new world. However, Rey decides to invest all his Karma on a single Skill, leaving him with the weakest Class. Unknown to everyone, though, he has the potential to be the strongest. ________ Original Character Arts of the characters are in my Discord Server, so please join to have access to them Link: https://discord.gg/5HRA6ZUa7y Join our Subreddit too: https://www.reddit.com/r/Magecrafspellcraft/s/jd6bWa6zsN I hope you all enjoy the story. Thank you!

Magecrafter · แฟนตาซี
774 Chs

Conclusion Of The Duel

'Must be that Divine Sword. Or is that a perk of his Class.'

Rey had many thoughts as he saw the Hero approaching with sheer ferocity and an unstoppable will.

Either way, though, Rey couldn't see the fight going his way.

'He looks so determined. I hate to do this to him, but…' He began to raise his hand.

However, he found himself unable to move.

'What's this? Marionette?' He turned to his side to see that Justin was still slightly conscious, and he was smiling while on the floor.

'Nice one, Justin. But…' Rey easily broke through Marionette.

The moment he did so, a flash of lightning descended from the sky—obviously a Skill from Trisha.

Still, none of the electric currents that burst from the attack really affected him.

'Looks like I slightly underestimated their recovery capabilities.' Rey smiled as he stepped out of the lightning-charged assault.

'I should end this now.'